So, someone I work with knows I plays Magic and he mentioned wanting to play. He asked me what kind of decks I have, and I told him I haven't played constructed in like 15 years and basically only play cube. He looked confused, then told me he mostly plays white and blue. He didn't mention any format, so I'm thinking he's pretty new.
I'd like to play with him, but the age old conundrum of playing casual constructed comes into play: I don't know how to make a deck for it. I have no idea how sophisticated his deckbuilding is, so even if I put together something silly like a Tibalt/Squee deck (that I want to build for giggles), it might turn out that even though it would 0-x in any tournament it is legal in (Legacy or Modern depending), it will roll him because it has a good curve and strong synergy, while he's just making doing with whatever cards he has. On the other hand if I just make a pile from random stuff lying around, he might drop a turn 1 sol ring into something dumb and that isn't very fun. Obviously my ulterior motive is to get him interested in cube, but this classic situation caused by the disparities of the CCG format makes that initial contact. . . awkward.
I'd like to play with him, but the age old conundrum of playing casual constructed comes into play: I don't know how to make a deck for it. I have no idea how sophisticated his deckbuilding is, so even if I put together something silly like a Tibalt/Squee deck (that I want to build for giggles), it might turn out that even though it would 0-x in any tournament it is legal in (Legacy or Modern depending), it will roll him because it has a good curve and strong synergy, while he's just making doing with whatever cards he has. On the other hand if I just make a pile from random stuff lying around, he might drop a turn 1 sol ring into something dumb and that isn't very fun. Obviously my ulterior motive is to get him interested in cube, but this classic situation caused by the disparities of the CCG format makes that initial contact. . . awkward.