The Dark Confidant


Reigning Draft Champion
First post of my new blog. Always looking to improve so any constructive criticism is appreciated whether about the content or the writing itself.

Also let me know if some links are fucked up, I spent longer doing that than I did writing the damn thing.

Finally if anyone knows how to design (backgrounds, layouts, etc.) blogs and has any idea how to make mine not look like amateur hour I would love some wisdom.


Reigning Draft Champion
Damnit, it was supposed to show card images when you scroll the mouse over card names. I give up at the internet.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I like the white text on black, but you'll need to have the card images be a different color. I would go for some kind of red. Change that as soon as you can, it's hard to read right now.
The page background doesn't go with the black. I think if you're going for a dark page you should go for some kind of dark background too. I might be wrong though, someone should correct me or back me up. But whatever you choose, get a higher resolution image. Something like this maybe:
Then I would make the text box a little opaque (not the text though). I just googled "mtg swamp art", but whatever you choose you'll probably need to ask someone for permission.


Reigning Draft Champion
I'm still thinking about background. Maybe something lighter than I suggested, like this:
You gotta decide though, maybe having art in the back is a bit cheesy.

Love both the art's but you might be right about it looking better with no art. Editing the link colors, still trying to get the link shit to work but I think I can fix it.

Eric Chan gave suggested perhaps using wordpress instead of blogger which may end up happening.
Running >60 cards seems suicidal for a deck that so desperately wants to draw one specific card.

It was mostly an idea worth exploring, the deck can still win with Chord and random dudes. Chord for Witness, get back Chord, then Chord for Resto, blink Witness, get back Chord, Chord for Kiki. No land drops necessary if your dudes live.


Reigning Draft Champion
New template up. Chances are that I am going to switch to wordpress, this was me trying to feel this whole thing out, next week I'm moving to Wordpress I think.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Looks better. A new font on the title would go a long way, I think. Look for cool custom fonts online and find something you like, there's lots of good stuff. A lot of sites let you use them as long as your site isn't anything comercial.


Reigning Draft Champion

Second entry is up, last one on blogger so if the background/text/link/colors/etc. is shitty, get over it. Moving to Wordpress next week so I lacked motivation to doctor up the page much more. I just wanted to get in the habit of writing as frequently as I can. If anyone wants to help me make the page when I move over to Wordpress (I'm not the most artistically inclined/I don't know how to make a page look attractive) you will get full credit and become my new best friend along with Eric Chan. Any feedback is appreciated.
Hey Douggggg! Funny, I also have a blog named after a Magic card. I even started on Blogger as well. Here's my old Blogger site:

And here's my new link:

I really like blogger, but I moved away mainly because I wanted more control and I wanted to be able to post separately from the blog (like the top deck averages).

Personally, I think the light/dark contrast is a bit jarring. Also, decrease the width a bit? It's cool you got the autocard working (I like the white background). Also, use more card images embedded in the post. I like alternating left and right aligned and wrapping text around them.

Keep it up! And don't be afraid to make small posts.


Reigning Draft Champion
I'm taking a small break from writing as I'm adjusting to a new roommate, a new job, and in the process of buying a new car. As much as I love writing about magic, if I only have enough time to play a little or write a little, I'm going to use that time to play. When I return to writing it will be on Wordpress since while I may be able to get everything to work on blogger, it takes forever to do even the simplest of tasks.

Thanks for all the support and Feedback.