Card/Deck The Saga of Cubing

So, given that we're getting more Sagas in Kaldheim... does anyone run any Sagas in their cubes? Any pointers on supporting them if you do?
So, given that we're getting more Sagas in Kaldheim... does anyone run any Sagas in their cubes? Any pointers on supporting them if you do?
Yes, I run (or have run) a lot of Sagas:

You don't need to do anything to support them- the best sagas are normally good cards by themselves. Certain Sagas are good to blink, The First Iroan Games is best for this because blinking it at sorcery speed with something like Flickerwisp is easy because the 4th chapter is so negligible that you don't really miss out on anything major by doing so.

They can play well with proliferate effects, or enchantment reanimation. Again, you don't need to do anything to explicitly support sagas since so many of them are just good cards to begin with. They're just fun cards that tell cool stories.
Like TrainmasterGT says, they are great.

What is nice is that they reward synergy, but don't demand it. Something that I try to use more and more in my cubes.

I've also had good experiences with

I wonder if you could make sagas an archetype. There is quite a bit of stuff they synergize with.

It's mostly blink, bounce and recursion, but that's all flexible parts here. Maybe it could be a {G/W} theme that bleeds nicely into the more traditional {W/U} blink deck?

Sadly I don't run any sagas so far.
Do you mean that they help because they are enchantments that send themselves to the graveyard, because they don’t count as a separate type.

I also love sagas, because they tell little stories.

Yes obviously. Normally enchantments don’t end up in graveyards unless opponent decides to do so. And it usually takes time. These ones have a build-in self-destruct button.

On the other axis I lik artifact creatures for delirium because they have two types and easily die but that’s another topic.
I'm glad to see that my dumb idea of "just run all of the Sagas, and build your cube around them" might actually go somewhere decent :p.

Looking at the Sagas we've gotten, I'm not sure that they could be an archetype by themselves. Like, let's look at the Green ones for a second:

I can see running a couple of them in the same deck (Binding and Mending both want to be in a self-mill deck, after all), but I can't see playing all four in one deck in a cohesive way. If we throw in White:

Again, some of those cards go together - I could see the Games and Triumph showing up in the same deck, for one thing. But it'd be an "I want a big fat creature" deck, not a Saga deck.
The only two that have survived long term in my cube are:

Your power level will determine whether the others will work for you, but I can vouch that these two hold up well in a higher powered environment. Benalia is just solid value all around on its own without needing to exploit any synergies while the Antiquities War is a great finisher if you have an artifacts archetype in U/x colors and works great with anything that creates thopters.
I run these:

Testing, but this idea is to improve white's smoothing. It should be good for control, slower builds of the artifact archetype, and maybe lifegain.

This is pretty strong. It's good in any blue tempo deck, and a payoff-enabler in the tappers deck.

Payoff-enabler for the sacrifice deck. Enabler for the tokens deck. Even outside these decks, it's pretty decent because the tokens can hold off attackers until the demon comes, and though it often gets killed you get quite a bit of value and lower the opponent's tempo in the process.

I run it as an occasional. It's an exciting card, but I moved it to occasionals because blue already has plenty of spells payoffs, and this was wordy and a bit repetitive.

Dom Harvey

Sagas are fantastic - the timing of the triggers is a bit awkward but otherwise they are exactly what that kind of multifaceted CA effect should look like. Other than the obvious Blink stuff, effects that can sacrifice them before an unneeded final chapter (Vraska, Golgari Queen or Doom Foretold as recent Standard examples but I like Cavalier of Dawn as a way to 'sac' and also rebuy a Saga later)

These can reset a Saga every turn - T2 Conduit T3 History of Benalia is a formidable curve

A nice offbeat finisher for blue