Turillazzo's Innistrad (?) Cube (252)

The changes you made to the mana are great. And I just noticed that you can loop gravecrawlers with Aluren as well as combing it with Enduring Ideal or bounce creatures. I'm seriously tempted to proxy up whatever cards I don't have so I have a copy of your cube. I think I'm drafting better decks from your cube than I'd probably manage to construct on my own with the whole magic card pool, but it doesn't feel broken or silly.

I don't think it would be unreasonable to call this an aggro-combo deck and it's pretty cool how that comes together since I think that's one of the harder archetypes to support in cube.

quanta413's Sultai Birthing Pod draft of Innistrad! (it's all about Tempo and Graves) on 13/06/2015 from CubeTutor.com

You flatter me quanta ^^ cool deck you built btw, the only addition I would make is more ways to kill yourself - spellskite can do it but only if an opportunity comes, and you can't provide many. Is the Temple Garden in for that reason?

Anyway, cube upgraded to 270 size (how to edit thread title? I'm horrible at this stuff lol) with one more card per guild and better fixing, definitely gonna try it with friends in a month or so since I don't have time now.
The only annoying thing when drafting it on CT is how the fixing isn't quite equally split within the boosters, so I'm probably going to put 1 land per booster.
Hey there, after the first real paper draft I'm patching the whole thing accordingly (some fixes like double flame jab (which is surprisingly a strong card), double shocks etc).
I would like some opinions on

Also, is Steel Overseer a card even if it and ChandraParents are the only support for an artifact thing?
Some decks from yesterday's drafts (a couple more to come). New archetypes start having a voice and the whole cube proves to have aggro, midrange, and control configuration, with the caveat of control still being creature-based, something that I'm fine with since this is limited after all.
I'll talk to some drafters and make up my mind about what changes to make, but there is quite a good number of cards to cut and a lot to add to juice up the thing, hope we get to draft this irl again soon.

Flame Vengeance

Death Delver

Sultai Control
