General [Voting] 30+ Eggs in one Basket Contest

What is your favorite cube resulting from the "30+ eggs in one basket" Contest?


    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Gaslight, Gatekeep, Green

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Work of the Wicked

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Slickshot Gut Shot Showdown

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Old Fogey

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • The Omelette Cube

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • The Hedron Puzzle Box

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Maelstrom Mania

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30 Monoskelion

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • The Cloud of Faeries

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
IMPORTANT! You may only vote for 2 cubes! For further information, see the contest thread

I’ve drafted each cube once without diving deep into the list, and once after having done so. I generally used 5 packs of 9 cards for a 4 player draft, unless the cube curator made a custom draft format. An interesting note is that the behavior of the CubeCobra bots was wildly different depending on the egg. Apparently Black Lotus has a higher ELO than Mister Gutsy...

I structured the feedback by first giving a description from the cube from my point of view. Ech cube got a top (best part of the cube), a tip (point of improvement), and my favorite card (highly subjective). Unfortunately, I didn’t find the time to give feedback to the two late entries, but I did add them to the poll!

NO GUTSY NO GLORY - @MilesOfficial
Mister Gutsy is a potentially very powerful card, and you haven’t held back! It provides a card advantage engine and a finisher for just a little mana. Its colorless cost makes it also very dynamic in terms of color fixing and combinations.

Top: There are so many synergies in this small card! Equipment, aura’s, +1/+1 counters, casting from exile, artifacts, sacrifice, they’re all here! This, combined with the very low mana value of this card, make this a really dynamic eggs for drafting and the strongest synergy egg of the bunch!
Tip: I was left with so many playables! Cutting cards was the biggest part of deckbuilding, and I think you can balance that better by including more nonbasic lands. Those that produce colorless can push players more towards monocolored decks while fixing lands push more towards color soups. I think both could work here!
Favorite card: Flickering Ward is a card I once built a commander deck around. I think it might be very much on the strong side for this cube, but it’s okay to play favorites!

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Green - @LadyMapi
Land Grant very much acts like a fetchland. Shuffling, finding a wide array of possible lands, getting cards in the graveyard. But this egg also enables prowess and storm. You’ve nicely identified a true multitude of smaller and bigger synergies. I could also see a desert cube version of this idea!

Top: Multiple Land Grants really shift the evaluation and power level of every card. And even with all the things you’ve found, I think there’s still so much to explore if you’d even up the card count to 360. This is especially since you’re the only one who chose (only) an instant/sorcery.
Tip: I think the triomes are too strong and make manabases of any color arbitrary, especially since you also put the original duals in the basic land box(?!) I wonder what would happen if you’d replace the triomes with shock- or bicycle lands, since that would enable a wider range of decks.
Favorite card: Spellweaver Helix is a dream I’ve yet to live, and I think your cube is one of the only ones in the world where I could!

Work of the Wicked - @ravnic
Wand of Vertebrae kinda feels like an out-of-left-field pick, but actually enables a really interesting environment. I feel you’ve approached the cube with the assumption that you’ll have the wand in most opening hands (or at least that’s how I drafted it). I also admire that you’ve chosen to make it the only colorless card in the cube!

Top: This is turned into a graveyard cube by the egg, and I think you make an excellent choice crafting archetypes through binning card types. You really expand player agency by engraving graveyard access into the cube itself. Even the second ability of the wand gives you a plethora of options in the lategame.
Tip: I think decks rarely want more than 5 Wand of Vertebrae, which means having 30 in your cube is too much. I think one possible theme you could add to combat this is giving them a really aggressive angle, for example making them able to attack themselves through artifact animation.
Favorite card: Slogurk, the Overslime has always intrigued me, and I think fit this cube like a glove. I’ve always wanted a land-based synergy deck to work in the cubes I try :)

Slickshot Gut Shot Showdown - @TrainmasterGT
Slickshot Showoff and Gut Shot are a nice pair of cards. I do feel Slickshot Showoff has a far bigger impact on the cube (at least it did during drafting and deckbuilding). I did actually manage to draft a monored deck once, which is probably unrealistic during a real draft. I noticed how your eggs are the only (non-hybrid) red cards in the cube which I thought was a nice touch.

Top: Your cube has very much a “protect the queen” vibe, a la the Delver decks of yesteryear. All decks will have very spellslinger-centric gameplay, which gives a big focus on sequencing, tempo, and finding those small edges. I’ve played those chess-like games before and they’re VERY rewarding to win.
Tip: I think you did yourself dirty by having a relatively small variety of cards. There’s even a lot of overlap between the different cards that you did include. Even within the tight tempo shell you have crafted here, there is more opportunity to prevent every match from feeling like a mirror match.
Favorite card: Living Death is in many ways the antithesis of your cube (slower, depends on (only) your creatures dying), but I really dig small plugs like that!

Old Fogey - @TekLazar
Black Lotus as your egg makes this the most expensive cube of the bunch. I was also very amused when finding out that every card in the cube costs either 3, 6 or 9 mana. A nice touch! It was really challenging to balance the amount of lands and amount of lotusses a deck needs. I tried to make a lands-less deck in the second draft, although I think that wouldn’t be possible without bots.

Top: Big mana, big plays! Crazy possibilities in a cube like this. This cube should make every Timmy/Tammy heart relish in delight. It obviously makes the whole thing difficult to evaluate, but that’s the beauty of it!
Tip: With already 50(!) cards in the cube identical, I’m a fan of diversifying the others a little more. I’m not necessarily talking about playing your remaining 130 card singleton, but I’m talking about mana value as well. Unless you expect all players to have only Lotusses as mana production, you’d normally expect to have 4 or 7 mana on turn one with your land drop. Ironically, this’ll lead to a lot of unspent mana in this cube.
Favorite card: "Ach! Hans, Run!" is a unique buildaround that fits really well with the higher mana value part of the cube. It’s this cube’s version of reanimator, and a very potent one at that!

The Omelette Cube - @Nanonox
Chromatic Star is the quintessential egg, so it is a top-notch choice for this contest! The CubeCobra bots took the stars higher than I’d expected which made the decision when to take them myself very interesting. In my second draft I took the stars far higher and probably ended up better for it. I actually think that, if the players would evenly divide the star among themselves, each would have the ideal amount (which is a nice consideration).

Top: Your choice for an egg is rock-solid. I think you’ve recognized a lot of interesting archetypes, cards and interactions. You mention a few archetypes you’ve created, but I think the vast amount of micro-synergies actually make the possibilities far greater than the few you’ve laid out yourself.
Tip: Splashing a third, fourth and probably fifth color is very easy. Normally aggro is a deterrent to color soup decks, but I think your aggro section is not buff enough to deal with value-based decks. I think the cube could benefit from either more mana-intense cards or a denser aggro section.
Favorite card: Chamber Sentry has never found a place in anything I’ve built because the card has so many prerequisites to be useful, but this cube weaves them all into a nice thread that makes me excited to try this one out!

The Hedron Puzzle Box - @Kirblinx
Hedron Alignment is such a bold choice! It’s difficult to construct a cube around a mostly do-nothing enchantment, but you have found quite a few avenues. Deckbuilding is also so much harder, because at least 5 slots are already set aside for the hedrons. I never wanted to have 40-45 cards in my deck as often as here. I’d also be interested how this idea would fare as a battle box.

Top: I’m too curious how this would pan out. I really want to try to build a cube like this myself, because you really pulled off making this one feel like a puzzle!
Tip: Some creatures you’ve added are statted well enough that I’m afraid their clock might outpace aligning the hedrons. This is difficult to say for sure of course, but I would feel incentivized to skip the hedron plan entirely and focus on something proactive. Maybe having more focus on top-of-library stuff would help diversify slower strategies and maybe pull the stinger from aggro.
Favorite card: Aphemia, the Cacophony brings another, truly proactive, angle to a player’s game plan, while also enabling the hedron win. It attacks the opponent from two angles, which I really enjoy.

Maelstrom Mania - @StrionicAdventurer
Invasion of Alara certainly is the egg with the biggest impact once it hits the battlefield. There’s a lot of moving part on this (double-sided) card, and you’re making the most of it! There’s a lot of way to fix your mana to enable casting your egg, and I feel like a lot of the cards are big fat arrows point towards the Invasion of Alara and screaming: “pick this card pick this card!”

Top: I really like that your chosen egg is a two-step quest: First I need to get the invasion on the battlefield, then I need to attack and transform it. You’ve really enabled strategies to do both of these in different ways, which upps the replayability in a very interesting way.
Tip: Casting the battle is very complicated. The second of the two steps mentioned before, the attacking part, has the opposite requirements when compared to the first part: casting a 5 mana rainbow colored spell. One enables fast clocks, while the other needs slow clocks. The card choices that enable me to flip my battle also enable me to kill you before you can even cast yours.
Favorite card: Collector’s Cage, mainly as an example of my favorite way to “cheat out” the battle: hideaway! There’s a lot of fun build-around hideaway card in the cube, but this one is my personal choice.

30 Monoskelion - @Nemo
I unfortunately didn’t have time to review this cube, sorry!

The Cloud of Faeries - @Nagazube
I unfortunately didn’t have time to review this cube, sorry!

@LadyMapi and @Kirblinx are my personal favorites. They both made cubes that really speak to me, for very different reasons. I’m really impressed by the amount of design space Land Grant opened up while still feeling like a familiar effect. I also really enjoy the puzzle Hedron Alignment creates both in drafting and (probably) gameplay. These are the cubes I’m most interested in building myself!

An honorable mention goes to @Nanonox, who created the cube I’d expect to do best with a random group of people. It should also be mentioned that this cube revolves around an actual egg.

The contest yielded amazing results, I hope the participants feel the same way! The amount of diversity is unexpected, as the eggs ranged from fixing to combo pieces, enablers to payoffs, and the odd hedron floating around. Take a minute to look at each list for some inspiration; I know my head is buzzing with it. I believe at least two people mentioned they’d build a list from this contest!

Please feel free to share your own thoughts and celebrate each others’ cubes down below! As mentioned, this poll will close in exactly 7 days, so be sure to have voted by then. :)
I'm glad you liked the cube! And I agree about the Helix - that was one of those cards that I remembered and then got *excited* about.

I feel like I have to defend my decision to use the OG duals in the basic land box and triomes in the cube itself, though. My reasoning is that, in this cube specifically, the following cards:

are effectively

thanks to the general decision to use green mana as if it were colorless mana (and the decision that Land Grant should let you tutor up any land in the cube).

I agree that it's probably a bit too easy to fix your colors - if I was still iterating on this, one possibility would be to replace the triomes with shardlands/wedgelands, though that'd probably swing a little too far in the other direction (since they wouldn't be fetchable). I think the ideal would be a bunch of custom Murmuring Bosk equivalents, but that strays into the FORBIDDEN TERRITORY of using custom cards.

I also agree that I've barely scraped the surface here - I'm pretty sure that Land Grant Cube is a pretty unexplored area of the cubing world :p

I'll have to take some time to inspect the other cubes over the weekend - we definitely got a solid range of entries!
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Staff member
I'm yet to vote and won't vote on my own. Got to mull over the options a bit. Definitely an eclectic mix of entries, was not expecting a 5-colour egg!

I also wanted to give a response to my judgement
Yeah, I know what you mean when you think that the creatures may be a little too over-statted to give people the time to be able to line up the Hedrons. The goal I had in my head was to make it equivalent in power level to the IPA (Invasion block) draft format which is notorious for beating people down with 4 mana 3/3s and 6 mana 4/5's. I started just adding cards that could either help getting cards into the GY or Exile, just so there wasn't an 'aggro' plan and everything could go toward the hedron plan. Turns out that most of these cards were printed recently and therefore part of FIRE design so overstatted. I just didn't have to time to test or change anything but I just wanted to state that I did have a sort of over-arching plan of how I wanted games to look, but just getting the base 180 cards to start with was enough effort.
I assume there's an implicit "don't vote for your own cube, guy" rule in play?
Same assumption. Voting for 2 different cubes.

This random guy's review

I decided to try and draft each cube once or twice blind and judge on how the draft felt. I don't have time to pour over each list in detail. I love getting feedback, so I figured I would give my first impressions.

The Cloud of Faeries - Cloud of Faeries

I am sucker for a cube that lets me play Storm. This one definitely delivers thanks to the Faeries being a mana engine by themselves. What I found after drafting it twice is that because the egg in this cube is Blue, the decks do feel a little similar since they all include a large amount of that color. The themes were clear and melded well together and I liked Echoing Courage as a two-sided Overrun.

30 Monoskelion - Monoskelion

Turns out I am a sucker for an artifact cube too (maybe I just like cubing? Huh!). This one hits the right notes for me with lots of different directions to go. Sacrifice, counters, cheat and so on. Lots of diversity. What I liked less was the limited amount of fixing and that some cards felt a little forced, especially compared to others who did the same job but better (wide power band).

Maelstrom Mania - Invasion of Alara

This egg is a bold choice! The cube does a great job at highlighting what can be done with the Battle though. My gripe is that even in decks that want the egg, you can't afford to run that many! At 5 mana and 5 colors it's tough slot in. There is good fixing to support it though which makes the copies you do run feasible.

The Hedron Puzzle Box - Hedron Alignment

Drafting this was a fun experience. Keeping track of all zones and possible interactions with your opponent is a lot, but the payoff for doing so is great if you can win with the Hedrons. I just don't know if it has enough replayability for my tastes though. Once I did the thing, I'm done. Plus the egg is Blue meaning most decks have a similar base since the fixing is limited. Very original though and a great showcase that cube can be anything you want!

Old Fogey - Black Lotus

The egg selection certainly has my interest! Casting iconic and powerful cards is fun, so I am happy to try this out. Tough to say if what I drafted makes any sense, but it was a fun challenge. What confused me are the rules where every card you draft is twinned. It's easy to forget at times and can mess up some picks. I also feel like it "dilutes" the egg challenge, since you essentially have 100 Black Lotus at your disposal rather than the 30 that was suggested. I expect a few drafts are necessary to get used to the rules, but you'll have fun casting Black Lotus along the way.

Slickshot Gut Shot Showdown - Slickshot Showoff / Gut Shot

This looks like a fast paced, spell velocity environment that is right up my ally! The choice of eggs complement each other well and it seems like the games would play with lots of decision rich points. My gripe is that between the two eggs and the singleton breaks, it felt like I was seeing the same packs regularly which felt repetitive for a 180 card cube. There are some cool archetypes though (like lifegain Storm control?!) which makes the format more replayable.

Work of the Wicked - Wand of Vertebrae

Love artifacts and GYs so excited to draft this one. Unfortunately, the first archetype I drafted was an aggressive RW artifact deck that didn't have time to durdle with the Wand. It just wanted bodies to turn sideways and the cube provided them such that I didn't need to do any real GY stuff. However, for the second draft, a BG sacrifice/GY theme made the Wands look really good. You could tell there are overlapping archetypes and synergies which I value a lot when cubing, so enjoyed the experience!

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Green - Land Grant

Was waiting to see what whacky card LadyMapi would come up with and wasn't disappointed! The cube has tons of ways to make the egg take a central role in your deck and it's a novel way to make a color colorless. The challenge is the complexity of reframing the colors, but other than that, had a lot of fun.

NO GUTSY NO GLORY - Mister Gutsy

I like the choice of egg here as an open-ended build around. There are a ton of aura/equipment payoffs and build arounds so you get a wide range of possible decks even with what at the surface looks like a limited theme. The downside is that most games will be decided by the same modified creature beating your face. I did feel like I would be happy to draft the cube multiple time and explore what more I could do with these two: Crime Novelist and Rose, Cutthroat Raider.


I decided to go with LadyMapi's Land Grant cube for my first vote. It hits the notes of originality, relevance of the egg and replay value.

For the second one, it's a very close one between Mister Gutsy, Wand of the Vertebrae and Monoskelion. I ultimately voted for Nemo's Monoskelion cube because I felt the egg was more open-ended and gave me more freedom to do what I wanted.
You want to know what the really funny thing is? While I was working on my entry, I felt like I had picked a really boring egg.
When I made this contest I was tempted to make a "don't choose a land as your egg" rule (to avoid the like of Terramorphic Expanse becoming the easy choice), but I didn't want to stifle the creativity lands could provide. When you presented your egg, it felt like just a variant on a generic fixing land.

Boy was I wrong!
Yeah I had the same issue, with the doubling up into twins. I had a 90 black lotus cube and that was worse than this, but this is not much better. I think that having a flat 30 black lotuses as a dark ritual replacement would have been a better alternative than this. But I really wanted to go with the unconventional approach because I figured that was closer to Old Fogey's flavor text.

Lemme tell you though, the gameplay is preeeeeeeetty..... bad.

Now I cringe at Old Fogey's flavor text even more, and it's not cuz of the plague rats hahaha
Yeah I had the same issue, with the doubling up into twins. I had a 90 black lotus cube and that was worse than this, but this is not much better. I think that having a flat 30 black lotuses as a dark ritual replacement would have been a better alternative than this. But I really wanted to go with the unconventional approach because I figured that was closer to Old Fogey's flavor text.

Lemme tell you though, the gameplay is preeeeeeeetty..... bad.

Now I cringe at Old Fogey's flavor text even more, and it's not cuz of the plague rats hahaha
Lotus Petal could be interesting. Black Lotus is such a superior pick to anything else in that list that the first 3-6 picks were braindead. I do conceptually enjoy the idea of reading a flavor text and sending it, however.
(to avoid the like of Terramorphic Expanse becoming the easy choice),
This idea would have had no chance of winning for being too obvious, I'd think.
Thanks for you noble sacrifice, that makes things a little easier on my part

@MilesOfficial , do you accept this outcome?

Yes, and wow! Thanks all! I'm happy to share the victory with LadyMapi, I really enjoyed her Cube as well and am honestly touched y'all voted for Mister Gutsy at the level of a LadyMapi build.

I guess this means I've got to come up with the next contest, too, yeah?