Already used
No, it's just a villain with the guts to directly take out blue creatures. You'll be surprised at how many bad guys don't. Take Spineless Thug, for example!What makes a villain spinal anyways? Does that just mean they're lawful evil?
still prevails despite -4/-4.
still prevails despite -4/-4.
nooooooooooooooo! I was going to use Experiment Kraj, abusing the infinite mana!
And we are back to the start...
works also against the friends character.
works also against the friends character.
I just wish we also had cards for Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Ross, and Joey.
Also Marcel.
Wins the race against the left-over hatchlings on the other side of the table!
Crap, japahn beat me. Still a valid play against the one of japahn.
Well, now you assume that I have no ...
Hahahaha! You'll die to your upkeep triggers eventually!
Well, now you assume that I have no ...
Since it has defender I find that I am allowed to ignore the flying and stampede over it with