General What low-power themes would you explore, time permitting?

Maybe reconstructions of the dynamics of older draft formats are easier too pull off when there is no need to met a certain power criteria, and we not building a simulator

Ie if we explored merging some multicolor blocks like lorwyn, alara and ravnica, too see how those retail draft formats would compliment each other.
Devotion is up there.
I think artifacts theme is something that could be done. Between welder, tezz, auriok salvagers, affinity that kinda thing.
eldrazi spawn lol
voltrons, (heroic aura buffs and equipment themes and doublestrike themes)
enchantments and auras (white already sees tonnes of it's most solid removal in these shapes and there is a growing number of ways to put a million of these cards into your hand and the birth of the enchantment creature has done a lot for cube diversity)
Spells matter (try out more token generating instants and sorceries)
Combat tricks, graveyard stuff, madness, suspend.

Could slivers ever work? I remember them being kinda interesting in Time Spiral, but seem pretty poisonous potentially, obv. Maybe you could squadron some...?


Probably a sort of "intro cube" not unlike some of the core set cubes i've seen people post.

A low power ramp format I think would also be a lot of fun. I like the khalani hydra idea.

Tribal interactions and artifact aggro also seem good. I also really like color and counter manipulation interactions.

Recreating RGD would be awesome.
Combat tricks, graveyard stuff, madness, suspend.

Could slivers ever work? I remember them being kinda interesting in Time Spiral, but seem pretty poisonous potentially, obv. Maybe you could squadron some...?
Slivers are working pretty well in my themed cube, since noone can make a five color deck with the fixing that is in it, the slivers usually get split in two, and there is some fighting over the colour in the middle. All in all, I'm pretty happy with how they have worked out.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I like the M15 approach of having low sliver density and high-power individual Slivers. Incidental tribal is best tribal.
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I like the M15 approach of having low sliver density and high-power individual Slivers. Incidental tribal is best tribal.
I tried drafting Slivers last M15 draft and it was a disaster. I actually found them to be fairly weak in their own except for the deathtouch one. The white one seems decent but it's pretty expensive to cast. I wish there was at least one more common sliver in each color.

I was also pretty blazed at the time and somehow prepared myself to draft 5 colors in a core set, and was like "yeah two verdant havens should do the trick." No. It does not. Nor does "comboing" Satyr Wayfinder with Roaring Primadox as you mill yourself to death.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I tried drafting Slivers last M15 draft and it was a disaster. I actually found them to be fairly weak in their own except for the deathtouch one. The white one seems decent but it's pretty expensive to cast. I wish there was at least one more common sliver in each color.

Yeah, I meant the theory more than the particular implementation. The set design notes said they were supposed to be "stronger individually" this time around.