General Why is the national cuisine of the Netherlands fries?


the original burger king was charlemagne, who united basically the same European nations as Adolf H. over a millennium before, set up his capital at the city of Aachen over a millennium before IBM sold its alphabetizing machines to Adolf H. to help everyone in the Holocaust stand up according to their heights, and started the whole thing that was neither Holy nor Roman nor an Empire. anyone ever play civ4? the franchise has long gone to appealing to the lowest common denominator and, last i checked, civ6 wasn't even a "game" in the balanced and competitive sense we spoilt crackers are accustomed to enjoying. here he is there:


some would say that louis phillippe of france was the bourgeois king, thus named because nobody liked him. but only charlemagne founded hamburg castle, and thus, the city of hamburg:


ironically, Charlemagne was king of the Franks.
I've played one full game of Civ6 so far and it was less fun than Civ4. I'm not sure if I was doing something strange or if I just don't understand the flow of the game yet, but everyone hated me diplomatically, and when a nation would go to war with me I would make a few horseback archers and I'd have the "strongest army in the world," which led to tense peace. This cycle went on for thousands of years, advancements in technology notwithstanding.


I've played one full game of Civ6 so far and it was less fun than Civ4. I'm not sure if I was doing something strange or if I just don't understand the flow of the game yet, but everyone hated me diplomatically, and when a nation would go to war with me I would make a few horseback archers and I'd have the "strongest army in the world," which led to tense peace. This cycle went on for thousands of years, advancements in technology notwithstanding.

it's not even a game