Card/Deck Your favourite Gray Ogre / Wind Drake?

Seems like a fun discussion topic. Definition of terms:
gray ogre = 3 mana 2/2, ideally with upside
wind drake = 3 mana 2/2 flier, ideally with upside

Here are mine:

It's probably pushing the definition a little to count Mentor as a Gray Ogre, but good gracious is it ever a fun one.

For the Wind Drake clone, I'm torn between Mulldrifter and Hypnotic Specter. I have fond memories of Skyknight Legionnaire in its draft format but for Cube, and just in general, Hyppie and Mulldrifter stand out to me as the best Wind Drakes available.

Please let me know that I'm wrong and my choices are stupid because your favourite gray ogre and wind drake are the best. TIA.
I'd have a hard time justifying Mulldrifter as a Wind Drake. Lingering Souls comes a little closer to counting, but Hyppie and Chandra's Phoenix are the only real ones that comes to mind, Hyppie being much better.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
3 mana 2/2 with upside? Can't think of any...

Is this guy cheating?

Also, holy crap that's a powerful ability. How did I not know that existed until going through gatherer looking through grey ogres...