Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

Yeah as far as EDH goes, I have 7 different decks that I've built over the last two years. I like having different decks for different power levels. I mostly play with my friends, occasionally at LGS with random people. It's good to gauge the kind of group you're playing with before you jump into a match, but most of the time, you don't run into super hardcore spikes and shit. It's usually chill people who put together a deck based around a creature/theme they actually thought was cool, not just what wins the easiest.

I've only ever once played against one dude that made me frustrated playing. And obviously he was the random LGS jerk playing blue ramp tryharding into Omniscience and countering all the spells at the table. Using Bribery to steal Prophet of Kruphix from someone else. What a dick.
I do like EDH really! I guess it's hard to tell tone but I'm just ragging on it in good fun, I have a bunch of decks myself.


My playgroup here in SD does everything Magic-wise.
This may have come up once before and I've since forgotten but uh... is the SD you live in the same as the SD I live in? (San Diego)

@the rest of the EDH tangent we just went on: my overall feeling that the format sucks is basically predicated on the impossibility of enforcing the social contract (the themes of which have already been described by many of you). If I could ever like the format again, it would have to be the french rules because it feels more "honest" to me-everyone sitting down across from you is on exactly the same page. I do remember a time when I enjoyed the format, and I do still have a couple decks laying around, but I'm never really inclined to play.

Even with friends you get into the same dynamic as described above WRT nerdiness: anybody with a better deck than me is taking it too seriously, anybody with a worse deck than me is a filthy casual. To be fair, this problem exists in "normal" kitchen table/pickup magic as well, thus my preference toward limited in general and towards cube in particular because it requires a smaller time-investment-over-time to stay relevant in terms of skill amongst your playgroup. I find it incredibly elegant that in cube, even after taking a year or so off, a player's combined skills in the areas of drafting, deckbuilding, and gameplay are all tested in a cube draft. Generally speaking, better players win more often and worse players get better by playing.

And yeah, we do rag on EDH a lot here for being a bad format, but we also rag on the powermax guys a lot too. I do agree that the nerd hate isn't the best thing in the world, but I also appreciate having an outlet where I can talk about how much EDH, paying $500+/year to play standard, and powermax suck on occasion :D
This is backtracking a bit, but Sire of Insanity is a fabulous EDH card. So is Havoc Festival. My wife's main deck is a Kaervek the Merciless mass burn/constellation/curse/demon toolbox deck that runs both (and Manabarbs of course!), and when she pulls it out you can just watch the control players shudder and gag.

Re: Wolfir Silverheart and Silverblade Paladin, I've definitely built around that exact combo in a draft before.

Re: The Great Aurora, I'm glad people are starting to talk about it! I hope I'm not the only one who tests it, cuz I only cube like once a month.


I once played a Phyrexian Metamorph into an unbonded Wolfir Silverheart. It wasn't pretty. :D
This is pretty funny, but tbh I honestly can't really think of any other interesting scenarios that Wolfir Silverheart could create. Maybe I'm just a hater, but I ran the cube for a while when I was straight up copying Jason's cube, and it always just played like exactly what it is: a created this is "just" really big. Now granted, I'm no lover of Forests, but I feel like green can do a lot of interesting things, and cards like the silverheart are what make me not want to play green.

To support/explain my point a bit, Titania, Protector of Argoth is a very similar effect, but doesn't feel lame to me in the way silverheart does. aaaaaaand the thread has descended pretty much entirely into just being CBS.


Ecstatic Orb
This is pretty funny, but tbh I honestly can't really think of any other interesting scenarios that Wolfir Silverheart could create. Maybe I'm just a hater, but I ran the cube for a while when I was straight up copying Jason's cube, and it always just played like exactly what it is: a created this is "just" really big. Now granted, I'm no lover of Forests, but I feel like green can do a lot of interesting things, and cards like the silverheart are what make me not want to play green.

To support/explain my point a bit, Titania, Protector of Argoth is a very similar effect, but doesn't feel lame to me in the way silverheart does. aaaaaaand the thread has descended pretty much entirely into just being CBS.
No no, I think you're right! I actually cut Silverheart after that night because I thought that was pretty much the highlight of what Silverheart could achieve in cube.
This is Riptide Lab, thread titles mean nothing.

I cut Wolfir a while back since he really was just a dumb beat who barfs 12 more power onto the board. There was no play to him at all, just dump him, make something huge, and swing. I guess that's fun for certain players, but not for me personally so I just cut it. I'd rather have more interesting options at the 5 slot than just raw power. Titania is a good one that rewards you for jumping through some hoops and creates interesting scenarios. Also a 5/3 is more manageable than some stupid 8/8 that demands a removal spell.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah, put me on the Wolfir Silverheart hater train. He isn't that different from Baneslayer Angel, actually - a pure removal check that pretty much puts a halt to any interesting interactions the game might've had up until that point, and turns everyone's attention to his big butt. I've actually considered Druid's Familiar on multiple occasions as a tamer, more fair version of Silverheart, but 6 power for 4 mana is a far cry from 12 power for 5 mana, at most cubes' power levels.

I can completely understand now why, in Wizards' development cycle, they perceived Silverheart to be a much bigger problem than Thragtusk. In retrospect, Restoration Angel was probably the biggest culprit that made the Junk decks of that era annoying and borderline oppressive; Thragtusk was just an accessory to the crime.
I remember seeing Wolfir spoiled and buying like two playsets cheap.

I said "hey, get a load of this guy!" and such. Everyone doubted he'd be any real good.

They were wrong.

Then I built my first cube a few months later and loved him. Found this site and at first it seemed like people loved him. But we learn and grow and we see things in a new light. Wolfir Silverheart is nothing more than an ex-werewolf-made-furry-fanservice that does more than any fan of the furry lifestyle will do in their entire lives.

I bet Wadds dislikes wolfir just for reminding him he once went to an Anthrocon Smash tourney.
I remember seeing Wolfir spoiled and buying like two playsets cheap.

I said "hey, get a load of this guy!" and such. Everyone doubted he'd be any real good.

They were wrong.

Theb I built my first cube a few months later and loved him. Found this site and at first it seemed like people loved him. But we learn and grow and we see things in a new light. Wolfir Silverheart is nothing more than an ex-werewolf-made-furry-fanservice that does more than any fan of the furry lifestyle will do in their entire lives.

I bet Wadds dislikes wolfir just for reminding him he once went to an Anthrocon Smash tourney.
We found it, the ur-Riptide post
I remember seeing Wolfir spoiled and buying like two playsets cheap.

I said "hey, get a load of this guy!" and such. Everyone doubted he'd be any real good.

They were wrong.

Theb I built my first cube a few months later and loved him. Found this site and at first it seemed like people loved him. But we learn and grow and we see things in a new light. Wolfir Silverheart is nothing more than an ex-werewolf-made-furry-fanservice that does more than any fan of the furry lifestyle will do in their entire lives.

I bet Wadds dislikes wolfir just for reminding him he once went to an Anthrocon Smash tourney.

Am I the only one who feels this forum would be better if it was just a little less smug?

Quoted for relevance:

I don't like edh, but some people definitely do. That doesn't make them dumb or awful. What I hate about nerds (myself included) is we're all convinced we're so much better than everyone else. Less nerdy people are dumber, and smarter people are too nerdy. We should all just have a drink and jump in a lake.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Am I the only one who feels this forum would be better if it was just a little less smug?
I dunno! Maybe a lot of the reason people have tried new things here is rebellion against other ideas they look down on. I don't like totally negative atmospheres, but I do think you need some negativity. It seems to me everything in life is healthiest at a balance. When people start ranting about edh or mtgs, just tell them to shut up.