I thought we had all just kind of silently agreed to not provoke CML rants.
Ah my bad, I love them.
I thought we had all just kind of silently agreed to not provoke CML rants.
http://cubetutor.com/viewcube/1590do we have lists up for C/U and C cubes?! I am greatly interested in this design space, as i want my friends to build these so we have 'other' cubes to play too
Sweet! He does the rare manabase thing too?!?http://cubetutor.com/viewcube/1590
the guy who designed the custom cube w/ me's peasant cube right here. hasnt been bng-ified
You really like going to 3 copies eh? Everyone laughed when I wanted more kitchen finks!
Ponza (Yes, It's Real, and It's Spectacular)