Okay so Saber Ants is in my cube for its versatility and the sheer number of decks that it's okay in. Also it's a bit of a pet card as I've been playing with it for years. Compare to Symbiotic Elf and it's better with and against damage-based sweepers (see also the Crater Hellion in my deck; my cube has Slice and Dice, Wildfire, and so forth) and better against burn spells, but worse against Terror.Miasmir, is Saber Ants any good? Like I see the pyroclaysm in there, but I'm not so sure on my 4 mana 2/3s
Maybe Flanking sans reminder text shouldn't be printed at common.
Twos (7) 1 Arc Trail 1 Doom Blade 1 Talisman of Dominance 1 Soul Reap 1 Miscalculation 1 Mana Leak 1 Baleful Strix Threes (3) 1 Blightning 1 Shadowmage Infiltrator 1 Rolling Earthquake Fours (5) 1 Chandra, Pyromaster 1 Ral Zarek 2 Damnnation 1 Murderous Redcap Fives (3) 1 Shriekmaw 1 Puppeteer Clique 1 Muldrifter Six and Above (4) 1 Cruel Ultimatum 1 Karn Liberated 1 Consecrated Sphinx 1 Frost Titan | Lands (8) 1 Misty Rainforest 1 Blood Crypt 1 Badlands 1 Bloodstained Mire 1 Watery Grave 1 Flooded Strand 1 Shelldock Isle 1 Brass Cave #Pay 1 life terramorphic expanse, enters untapped |
Ones (9) 2 Brainstorm 1 Rancor 1 dryad militant 1 cloudfin raptor 1 goblin guide 1 grim lavamancer 1 experiment one 1 stromkirk noble Twos (8) 1 riddlesmith #but any spell 1 incinerate 1 lotus cobra 1 Sigiled Skink #but can't be blocked by 1 guy, and loots instead of scry 1 Field Researcher #U1 2/1 Draw a card 1 strangleroot geist 1 gore-house chainwalker 1 Ghor Clan Rampager #Might be too good Threes and Above (8) 1 awakening zone #brought in, went down to 15 lands 1 flames of the firebrand 1 courser of kruphix 1 Edric, spymaster of trest 1 Prophetic Flamespeaker 1 Trygon Predator 1 Domri Rade 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor | Lands (7) 1 Steam Vents 1 Stomping Grounds 1 Tropical Island 1 Breeding Pool 1 Arid Mesa 2 Wooded Foothills |