General Fighting Disappointment: Lets fix some cards that were almost sweet


Ecstatic Orb
Doubling up on Bonesplitter is not uncommon :) Then again, I think rewarding the boros player with a good beater is awesome!
If your removal is poor it would feel an awful lot like fighting a good ordeal deck in theros limited. I've lost a lot of games in bad peasant formats to decks full of cards that appreciate buffing like that and cards like bone splitter etc. The protection knights are especially troublesome.
I just feel like double strike + bonus decks are even less fun as a regular element of your cube than monolith decks or vortex decks.



While the idea is good, being in the dreaded 4 mana zone makes this card basically unplayable. Let's make it a smaller mana cost, keeping the text the same but adjusting the base stats. Which of these seems reasonable and do any seem unreasonable?






A seemed reasonable at first, but at second blush it might be overpushed (compare Fire Imp(is Fire Imp even a card worth comparing to?)). B and C both seem perfectly reasonable. E compares to Sparkmage Apprentice providing some long term value to a mariginal card. D is the aggro version that might not work well as the enchantment decks probably don't like that cost.



I found this card while trying to pull the zombie theme together and just wish that this text was on something that wasn't a 4 mana 2/2...

Chris Taylor

I do love the idea of a hard to remove zombie for gravecrawler staying power though

Jason has suggusted the 3/2 flying unearth, I've got my B1 2/1 undying, and at one point I had a zombie piker with "pay 1 life: regen"

He worked reasonably well. Maybe this is a cooler way to do it?
How about this:

Exile a creature card in your graveyard: regenerate ~, then put a +1/+1 counter on ~

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Seems powerful. Maybe annoyingly so. I feel like it should have to pay some amount of life to use that. Who knows.

Chris Taylor

Also Jason while you're here:

Mad science U1
U, sac a creature: draw a card. Play this only as a sorcery

Taking suggestions for flavour text

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I don't know. In general zombies are trying to find ways to win the game via 2/1's in the phase of the game where 2/1's are no longer relevant. Also they tend to skew towards black mana to play Gravecrawler over and over. It might be good. I get stuck on the military intelligence angle of "how many times do I need to activate this before it's better than a card draw spell?".

If anything it's probably best in a deck with a) a ton of threaten effects and b) things like Tuktuk. It'd be more likely to be played in UR than UB.