Sets [FRF] Fate Reforged spoilers

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
i really hate their pretentious names for cup sizes... tall, venti, and whatever else... it makes me irrationally angry

on the other hand, i like their actual coffee. i stocked up on four bags of christmas blend so that'll carry me thru mid-April. speaking of which i should go brew myself a cup right now (what am i even doing posting here when i should be making coffee)


i really hate their pretentious names for cup sizes... tall, venti, and whatever else... it makes me irrationally angry

That is the true evil of starbucks. How did they do it? How do you brainwash millions of otherwise excellent people to use random bits of poorly pronounced Italian to order milkshakes? What is their insidious ends?!?!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
it's the kind of thing that makes me actively avoid starbucks locations whenever there's an alternative nearby

on the other hand i still buy their giant bags of dark roast at costco, so i might be part of the problem

Chris Taylor

i really hate their pretentious names for cup sizes... tall, venti, and whatever else... it makes me irrationally angry

on the other hand, i like their actual coffee. i stocked up on four bags of christmas blend so that'll carry me thru mid-April. speaking of which i should go brew myself a cup right now (what am i even doing posting here when i should be making coffee)

Just sayin, unless you're dealing with a complete asshole, they totally accept "Large"


My impressions after playing some of the cards and how they faired versus my expectations.

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death: Body not as good as expected, ability sometimes lacks targets, ability conflicts with a lot of other themes. Decent card, but I doubt its a long term keeper.
Jeskai Sage: It might have enough play to it, but its slow. No one wants to kill it, but its not so much of a threat that anyone feels compelled to do so.
Mardu Strike Leader: The four mana mode never feels right. Maybe in a cube with asstons of sweepers its worth something. Ok three drop, feels better then Ophiomancer.

Properly Rated
Yasova Dragonclaw: Aggressive stats, useful ability, but doesn't have much synergy and is somewhat deck restrictive. Pretty good card, not a lock for a slot
Warden of the First Tree: Its a one drop mana sink that can beat down. Better then a stupid 2/1. Probably has a long tenure.
Shaman of the Great Hunt: So swingy. Beats down hard, gives +1/+1 support, AND grinds card advantage? Easy to deal with, dies to almost anything. Very playable and interesting card.
Soulflayer: Best I got was Flying/Haste on turn 3. He's a mini tombstalker with a fun mini-game. Solid.
Goblin Heelcutter: It does exactly what it says it does and it does it well. Four mana mode feels wrong, but its fine.
Mardu Shadowspear: Its not great, but it works as a resuable extort trigger/champion trigger. I'm not sure I need the card, but its well costed for the role.

Under Rated
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest: Absolute lock. Interesting ability and incentives unique choices. Explosive power level. Love it.
Citadel Siege: Two very different modes, both are good. Icy Manipulator is underrated. The Bolster mode gets nuts fast. Not essential, but being an enchantment is a huge perk. Solid Roleplayer.
Mardu Woe-Reaper: The upside on this is surprisingly nice. You don't always feel shitty topdecking this like most of its ilk.
I really want to try that dragon actually. Let us know how it goes. I think dash is a great mechanic, and it feels very relevant and scary on this guy in particular.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Alright, I think you guys sold me on Citadel Siege. I have to admit liking that, like planeswalkers, it has 'haste', unlike most of the other Sieges which make you wait until next turn. To the testing pile!

Chris Taylor

FSR: What was your initial ideas about Alesha and Mardu Strike Leader? I've had great success with both, just wondering if overrated means "horrible" or "not making me froth at the mouth"


I thought Alesha was going to be a consistent recursion engine that would be tricky to block. In practice I was finding that having a dude in the graveyard wasn't a given and it conflicted with my delve cards. Further, the body wasn't good enough that I could reasonably expect to even be able to attack profitably. I'm willing to chalk it up to a weak match for my deck and a bad matchup, but it "felt" like it would be good in this deck and it wasn't, so I'm worried the card just won't fit in enough lists to be worth it. She certainly isn't a lynchpin card.

The strike leader is similar. It doesn't need a guy in the graveyard, but the issues in profitably attacking are even bigger as it doesn't have first strike. These cards would be way better in a cube where blocking isn't as common.
Man, I'm disappointed to hear about Alesha. I would have bet a large sum of money that she would be good. 3 power first strike is really solid, and that ability is just great. I have had dreams about using it to bring back Karmic Guide in some kind of RW graveyard themed deck (maybe with Sneak Attack). I have not tested her yet though.

Not surprised about Shu Yun. That card caught my eye right away. It looks wonderful in spells matter and it fits very well into tempo too. So that card is definitely a keeper for me.


Man, I'm disappointed to hear about Alesha. I would have bet a large sum of money that she would be good. 3 power first strike is really solid, and that ability is just great. I have had dreams about using it to bring back Karmic Guide in some kind of RW graveyard themed deck (maybe with Sneak Attack). I have not tested her yet though.

Not surprised about Shu Yun. That card caught my eye right away. It looks wonderful in spells matter and it fits very well into tempo too. So that card is definitely a keeper for me.

I mean, Alesha will certainly have crazy moments with Hornet Queen or whatever, I just think my hopes were too high. Its not like she's any more vunerable then Shu Yun, I just think the decks where Shu Yun owns are going to be beter.

Chris Taylor

I mean, Alesha will certainly have crazy moments with Hornet Queen or whatever, I just think my hopes were too high. Its not like she's any more vunerable then Shu Yun, I just the decks where Shu Yun owns are going to be beter.

Moreso even: shu yun gets bricked by a bear if you flood out :p

Blocking is a thing in my list, but I think she trades favorably with lots of the creatures I run. Also, most of my voltron type cards tend to have lower toughness (Bonesplitter, Rancor) so she also fairs better against the kind of decks that would likely brick her in your list (See Favored Hopplite). I'm also a lot more excited about her just recurring War-Name Aspirant and junk normally, which seems more than fine in my book.

Also fun trivia: Alesha is by all reports Mtg's first trans character. Shame the only reason I know that is because Kotaku popped up on my facebook newsfeed, and not because I slogged through the 4000+ words of uncharted realms on the mothership.
jeskai sage is a good turn two play
after the staples id put it behind riftwing and lighthouse chronologist / ludevics test sub

kolaghan is like a playable version of archwing dragon
anthem is a nice cherry on top

alesha is average in an average deck
needs a critical mass of etb creatures with low power

Jason Waddell

Staff member
i really hate their pretentious names for cup sizes... tall, venti, and whatever else... it makes me irrationally angry

on the other hand, i like their actual coffee. i stocked up on four bags of christmas blend so that'll carry me thru mid-April. speaking of which i should go brew myself a cup right now (what am i even doing posting here when i should be making coffee)

I had avoided actually looking at this thread until today, and this is the first post I saw. Good times RipLab.

Chris Taylor

jeskai sage is a good turn two play
after the staples id put it behind riftwing and lighthouse chronologist / ludevics test sub

kolaghan is like a playable version of archwing dragon
anthem is a nice cherry on top

alesha is average in an average deck
needs a critical mass of etb creatures with low power

Are these hikaus? Are we posting in Hikaus now?