How is Born of the gods to be drafted?

I have the dark suspicion that it will be:
Born, Theros, Theros

I'm sorta underprepared to draft this format because I have had very little experience drafting triple-t.
Would Born, Born, Theros or Theros, Born, Born be more fun?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I don't know if you guys have seen it, but Dan Harmon's new show Rick and Morty is fantastic. Like super fantastic. And really fresh.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
People used to ask me if I was the Facebook guy. I had scruffier hair back then.


there were a couple of really good articles about magic and race a while back, but now that i'm frantically googling to link you to them im completely blankin on the dude's name.
he was pretty hated for them, but they were good and correct

anyway, shouldn't be much of a surprise since the majority of magic players nowadays are reddit/4chan denizens who are extremely repulsive in their words and beliefs, and can't be ask to self examine At All

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
You know, I struggle to think of anyone I know that's black. I can only think of like 5 from uni, and only one of them is really my friend. Yeah it's too bad, I feel like a racist but there just doesn't seem to be any black people in my circles.

Chris Taylor

There's a huge race divide in a lot of society right now, not just mtg.

Weird observation: this dynamic is all but reversed in yu-gi-oh according to most of the local stores I know


i should really stop posting from work, but uuuuuugh this ice covered week has been awful and i just don't care anymore

speaking of work though, i need more podcasts. give me your recomendations peeps


not huge on tolkien stuff, but it's not the worst and i could see listening if it's presented in an interesting fashion. i listen to plenty of stuff i actually hate for various reasons because i have like 10 hours a day to fill with podcasts.

any recommendations with subject matter, tone, and format are welcome

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I must've went on a posting binge over the weekend, because I remember being at 980ish and now I'm now way over 1000, and I have no idea which post was actually the milestone one. SON OF A

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I googled a bit, and it seems like.. it's not easy. Is there any way you could switch to WordPress at this point, or is your blog already established? WordPress offers free hosting, too, and has better plug-in support for both card tooltips and decklists, courtesy of Of course, if you've already planted roots on blogger, it may or may not be worthwhile to uproot your site, depending on how much Magic content you plan to host.

edit: Whoops, saw your other thread just now. Try putting the following somewhere in the <head> of your blogger template?

<script src=""></script>

Chris Taylor

So I went to my LGS's casual games night this Thursday for the first time this semester, and it was depressing.
After arriving, I asked if anyone wanted to get a cube draft going:
"I don't think so man. I never cube at <Name of the Store>, we never get enough time. Wanna play some EDH instead?"

It was 5:00. They kick us out at 9, and people usually lag behind so it's more like 9:30.
Is 3 and a half hours really not enough to get a full cube draft done? Or at least get to the finals?

That sting at the end just bristles me though. I feel like I've got two hobbys right now in my life: WoW and cubing. (Represented in this metaphor by smoking weed and cooking) I can smoke weed whenever I want, it doesn't take that much time, and I've made a few friends doing so. I enjoy it, but it doesn't really add much to my life.
Cooking on the other hand is really nice, I end up spending quality time with some great people, and while I keep looking up recipes and sharpening my knives, whenever I try and cook for anyone, the response is "I dunno man, I'm hungry now. Can't we just grab Taco Bell?"