For the graveyardhatesection I currently play the following guys (note: Multiplayerenviroment), you could also synergy with the opponent's graveyard. Hello
-> Performed well, Lifegain, aggressive, removes creatures only, but is most of the time considered worth to have a slot. Especially with other warriors
-> We hadn´t seen him in play yet. I guess in cubes, in which having zero cards in library left is considered a problem a good role-player. Does have a lot of synergypotential with the own deck
-> Beast. Performed pretty well, removal protection/flyer/instant, synergy with flicker/blink-effects
-> 3/4 flyer for 4 is good. Not an overwhelming card, but punishes graveyardplayers hard. Maybe a bit to good or frustrating
-> I have to admit, that I have an affinity to rats (not in real life). Did always see play, when drafted. Fair cheap card
-> Haven´t seen him much. Is a zombie, enchantment matters guy, triggers more than one time. I guess playable, but not the best of the best
-> Very powerful. An Auto-Include. Hate, counters, lifegain, reactive
-> Versatile card. Most of times used for the own graveyard
-> Very versatile card. Although not a hatecard per se
-> Just a Must-Have
-> Better than the Relic, but also not really good. A can be good card
-> Performed pretty good. If have you have place left for Utilitylands a very good card