I love this set so much. Artifacts were a fledgling theme that were kind of difficult to pull off with cool payoffs but not enough ways to get there, but we've gotten so many interesting cards. That hasty Mailbug is interesting for sure, but I have no idea what the average case would be. I wouldn't really want to have to play with a red up the rest of the game if I've exiled enough relevant cards with it. I'm never underestimating -x/-0 effects on walkers as a plus again, Dovin Baan looks like a strong fair UW walker that really buffs control, I'm just not sure if it's more interesting to play that my current offerings in UW (plus being a walker and all, don't want too many). The Scrounger is pretty sweet, we've gotten so many buffs to black aggro in the last two years. I think I like my current set-up as is, however.