Shards of WBGRU - A Khans style cube

Introduction and inspiration
Hello again. I have been hard at work after making my first cube from scratch

This project (Cubecobra link.) has been going on for much longer. It dates back to my days as a poor student. I came across Grillo Parlantes penny pincher cube (vol. 2) and was immediately on board with the concept. I like giving cool cards that do not quite cut it in constructed a chance to shine. I also hate the idea of these cards gathering dust in people's attics or garages. I have been known to rummage through draft chaff/free cards boxes at LGSes looking for inspiration.

The second source of inspiration was Waddells article on constructing a cube with a rearranged color-pie and constructing different constellations of wedges or shards. I really enjoyed guilds of ravnica and ravnica allegiance and wish I were around for Khans of Tarkir (I started playing when Shadows over Innistrad came out). I also came into posession of a lot of cards from the other ravnica sets and Shards of Alara with some donations from colleagues. The idea of making my own cube based on this has been kicking around for a long time until I one day sat down and decided which guilds and shards to support (and which to discard).

Layered power level - Mono > Bi- > Tri-color
My thinking is that in order to incentivize drafting the shards you have to entice drafters with powerful, flashy and fun gold cards. Mono color cards are the least powerful followed by guild cards. Most powerful are cards that require three different colors of mana. This allowed me to combine low power budget draft chaff with powerful hay-makers. Another upside with low powered cards is that it reduces the density of rules text. One example I found was in choosing between Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion and Keldon Raider. The rules text of the latter is easier to grasp while still being a warrior with 4 power that rummages (as it enters, no less). I suspect that my playgroup will include players who are not so well-versed in magic's mechanics or cube staples. I dislike the idea of an inexperienced player being passed a really powerful card like Sylvan Library only to pass it because of it's convoluted rules text.

Unique and "fun" effects
I have really taken Jasons tip of avoiding power maximization to heart. Sometimes however I find myself straying from the aforementioned thinking. I may have pet cards (Diregraf colossus was the first rare I ever drafted) that are hard to part with. More often though I have been scouring scryfall for a specific effect. I was looking for cards that could sacrifice different permanentes to tie artifacts into Jund. Magmaw was a PERFECT fit - it is an elemental with 4 power for Temur while being able to sac different types of permanents in Jund. I then remembered my old friend Greater Gargodon with its unique sac effect. The card stands out as blatantly more powerful, but it's effect is quite unique. It has been hard to come by outside of the king himself.

Overlapping synergies and archetypes
I strive to have cards be useful in multiple shards and archetypes. A few examples.:
Gutterbones: Its most basic use is a recursive black aggressive dork. It's also OK sacrifice fodder (Grave Crawler would be better). It is at the same time a perfect enabler for Faith of the Devoted with a discard outlet - damaging the opponent and allowing (though only on your turn). Deathless knight also serves this purpose.
Another example is the unassuming Chromatic Sphere (or Chromatic star, were it not for the price). It's an artifact for Esper decks. It fills your yard counts as an artifact for delirium (Abzan). It triggers prowess and draws a card for Jeskai/Izzet. And it has a sacrifice trigger for Jund (in the case of Star it can also be sacrifice fodder)

I have been pushing a heavy tribal theme. Human decks based in white is becoming a staple. Zombies is also a well supported tribe. Outside of those I find it easier to support class tribals (warrior, wizard etc.) rather than races, to use DnD terminology. Changelings and cards like Metallic Mimic and Heirloom blade is the glue that holds it all together. The interaction that lead me down the tribal path was Haakon, Stromgald scourge and Diregraf collossus referencing Knight and Zombie CARDS. Thus allowing you to with [/c] With Haakon or Diregraf Colossus on the field you can mow down their creatures one by one or making a zombie as you exile and downgrade their big threats.

I find that there is a divide between 1: decks that want creatures with spell effects for Spider Spawning, God-Pharaoh's Gift and triggering Bloodbriar or Zulaport Cutthroat.
and 2: decks that want noncreature spells that can also act as creatures. Being enamored with the archetype in retail limited and having played it a bunch I find that only spinning your wheels trying to find your buildarounds is less compelling than also putting a body on the board to protect yourself.
Abzan and jund are examples of the former while jeskai (and temur decks with Kalamax) represent the latter.

{W}{B} Orzhov: This pair has the most changelings to support either humans, zombies or warriors. It cares about artifacts and sacrificing creatures. There are also some reanimation spells
{B}{G}Golgari: Zombies, Warriors (for both abzan and jund), +1/+1 counters.
{R}{G} Gruul: Warriors and elemental tribal. Or you can combine cards from each that care about +1/+1 counters. There is also a minor theme surrounding c=flame jab]discarding lands[/c], number of lands in yard" or buying them back
{U}{R} Izzet.: The classic spellslinger deck. MH1 and ELD also gave the color pair new tools with a "draw 2 matters theme". I like how this interacts with looting, cycling and just plain ol' cantripping. The marquee cards are Improbable Alliance and Gavi
{U}{W}Azorius.: artifacts, blinking evoked elementals, perhaps?). Token creation and augmenting

{W}{B}{G}Abzan - selfmill and graveyard recursion +1/+1 counters and warriors. I have been trying to support delirium as I feel it is an interesting mini-game in the draft to be cognizant of card types. It also ties in with the cantrip artifacts.
{B}{R}{G}Jund - Sacrifice and discard shenanigans, +1/+1 counters and warriors/zombies
{U} {R}{G}Temur - Ramp. Ferocious (> 4 power), elementals
{W}{U}{R} Jeskai - Prowess/spellslinger. I prioritize cards that care about noncreature (as opposed to instants and sorceries). This gives the artifact cantrips a use outside of Esper. Draw 2/Discard/Cycling to support Gavi, Nest Warden
{W}{U}{B}Esper - Artifacts matters. Creating and augmenting tokens. Enchantments is a minor theme to support Zur the enchanter.

Other decks
  • 5 color tribal decks or creature decks. I really want Unclaimed Territory and/or Ancient ziggurat either in the 450 or in a utility land draft. I am just not sure if its feasible in a cube. So far I have put in support for 5C elementals (courtesy of Jason waddell and his eldrazi domain cube). With the help of the territory, ziggurat and similar lands I envision a 5 color humans or warrrior decks coming together. Or a 5 color deck built around Hero of Precinct One triggered by cards like Rakdos Cackler, Slitherhead or Esper Stormblade. Lastly I think there might be a deck built around creatures with +1/+1 counters and proliferate.
  • In order to contest Espers monopoly on artifacts I want to support a true affinity style artifact deck that merely splashes key spells. So far it's mostly based in white with Toolcraft exemplar and All that glitters. I was thinking of including cards like Galvanic Blast and Carapace Forger, but I fear that this will wrongfully signal support for artifacts in those colors.
Themes that were put on hold
  • Cards with multiple hybrid symbols enabling mono color devotion decks. (this might come back). Stillmoon Cavalier (and to some extent Deathless Knight) is a remnant of this thinking.
  • Changelings imitating dragons and powering up Draconic Roar and Silumgar's Scorn. This would include Sarkhan, Fireblood to allow casting Niv-Mizzet Reborn. I would then also be more inclined to include more powerful dragons
  • While looking for playable changelings I came across Cairn Wanderer. I like how it feeds off cycling creatures. The real combo however is with Chromanticore. If I try and make this a reality I guess I should include other key-word soups for the ramp/reanimator decks.
  • I tried and include Verdant Eidolon (Jeskai Ascendancy tech), but it seemed like it would rarely or never be cast, just discarded. It doesn't have the same loop-potential as Deathless Knight with Faith of the Devoted. Thet definitely occupy the same limited space in the cube for such effects.
  • White zombies to make Varina tick.
  • Cards that only care about cycling. I found that this deck did not mesh well with jeskai's "cast noncreature spells" package and thus I had to let it go.
  • "Aggro discard matters" - headlined by Flameblade Adept trying to emulate Hollow one decks in modern I have a lot of cards in the cube that can trigger the adept. I was even prepared to make bloodrush one of gruul's signature mehanic in the set. The problem is that outside of Grisly Survivor and Cunning survivor I can't seem to find other aggressive cards that care about cards being discarded. Does anybody have a good idea for a custom card?
  • Do I need more morphs to make cards like Den Protector and hidden dragonslayer more of a surprise? I replaced Den protector with Jadelight Ranger for the time being. This still leaves Rattleclaw mystic.
  • Striking the right power level while also not making mono colored cards to bland. See the discussion above about Keldon Raider versus Neheb and unique effects on powerful cards.
  • Balancing the shards - you can see that I try and tag each cards with the shardthat I feel it most represents. Some cards are just "perfect fits" for my environment like Magmaw as it hits on many themes at the same time. Magmaw is an elemental with 4 power that can sacrifice many different permanents (for Jund).
  • Finding other good alternatives for Jeskai. I like Mantis Rider for its tribe, but Lightning Angel seems better for most other decks. Warden of the Eye seems a little lackluster.
  • Many of the decks I like to theorize and support skew aggressive. I fear that nearly every color pair or shard lends itself to agression, but that control will suffer from lack of good answers. Should I tone down some of the aggressive esper drops and rather facilitate a more midrange-y or controlling decks in this shard? Thoughts?
As always - drafting the cube and giving feedback is greatly appreciated!

Jason Waddell for much of the theoretical footwork as well as his eldrazi domain for the jund section and elemental support.
Grillo Parlante - penny pincher cube. (Transmute <3 and discard abound)
Onderzebot and his tinkering with Khans of Alara, Wheel of change etc.
Chris Taylor for his custom cards.

My girlfriend for putting up with me spending more time scrolling through scryfall than with her :'(
One of the feelbads in playing limited is when your opponent draws their bomb while you stare down at your bears and grey ogres contemplating scooping. I realized that my layered power may lead to such lopsided games. To remedy this I have been looking for monocolored cards that can work as conditional tutors. That way both players have a better shot at finding and playing the 3-color bomb they drafted their deck around.

Juicy targets and corresponding tutor

Tutor: Flamekin Harbinger

Tutor: Drift of Phantasms (in the cycling deck it also triggers discard if you have your payoff in play)

Tutor: Dimir House Guard

With Abzan having some potent dredgers and self-millers you can either turn on Traverse the ulvenwald or stack your graveyard to rebuy for instance Karador. If you mill both Karador and Genesis you can also rebuy him - reducing the feelbad of seeing your bomb go to the yard.

Zur the enchanter also works the other way around - he hits a lot of cards that are central for many archetypes see for example the three aforementioned enchantments and some good or decent removal

Sample Decks
#1 I am just gonna drop this here
I thought I was drafting a jund deck when in fact I was constructing a perfect combo shell for dread return. I think the most explosive start involves playing a dork on turn 1. Milling Dread Return, Souls and a big boi with Salvage and/or a dredge trigger. Flashback souls. Sac 3 creatures to flashback dread return reanimating angel stone rain them? Is that magical christmas land or is this deck the nuts?
It even has some sideboard tech in Moldervine Reclamation, [c9Deathless Knight[/c] and Karador for a real grind fest.
The color-shifted Chief of The Edge
New addition to the Alara Blade Cycle - Temur Searblade*

As I have mentioned earlier - I want to give jeskai more spell like effects that can also act as creature to trigger prowess as you are curving out. This can be discarded. It also makes multicolored elementals at instant speed. Kalamax likes this as it gives you 2 chances to copy the instant. Alternatively it could be a Raise the alarm making elementals.
This caught my eye from the custom card thread : Under Arrest
This might also suffice as a a Fiend Hunter-esque effect that tangentially makes you care about soldier tribal. Super neat. (I will leave the final wording in the rules text to the experts ;))

Tin collector is a little tongue in cheek (I like puns). With the name change I had no choice but to change the Duress effect to a Divest. The idea is to give esper critical mass of artifacts, if need be. I was dissatisfied with orzhov's suite of artifact creatures from Alara Block.

*Note that with the arranged color pie I can't just include Jund Hackblade and Esper Stormblade. Their mana cost needs to change to {B/R}{G} and {U/B}{W} respectively in order to fit in the supported allied pairs. I then feel, as with Ersthwile avenger, that their keyword needs to change as their color arrangement changes. Stormblade could get First strike (see Bant Sureblade and Hackblade could get trample or deathtouch (a green and black ability)


Ecstatic Orb
Under Arrest really needs some work. It's all one trigger, which means your opponent doesn't get to react in between the creation of and the check for Soldier tokens. Also, as far as I can tell, it's attributed to the wrong artist! I couldn't find the art on Bryan Sola's personal ArtStation page, but he's been credited for the art on at least two different websites, and Pawel's name doesn't crop up anywhere. &
also, here's a decent resolution link:

Anyway, there's basically two ways you could take this design, as I see it. The first sticks close to the original design, keeping it an aura, but creates the tokens as it enters the battlefield (so you can play it with no creatures on the battlefield), and has you sacrifice the card when you control none. The other is a redesign that turns it into a much cleaner card, in my opinion, that basically does the same thing in most games, though Pacifisms and O-Rings obviously interact in different ways with bounce spells and etb creatures, to name a few differences.

Under Arrest.jpg Under Arrest2.jpg
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Anyway, there's basically two ways you could take this design, as I see it. The first sticks close to the original design, keeping it an aura, but creates the tokens as it enters the battlefield (so you can play it with no creatures on the battlefield), and has you sacrifice the card when you control none. The other is a redesign that turns it into a much cleaner card, in my opinion, that basically does the same thing in most games, though Pacifisms and O-Rings obviously interact in different ways with bounce spells and etb creatures, to name a few differences.

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I agree that removing the aura part makes it much cleaner and easier to grasp. Sadly it is no longer an homage to the original. I didn't realize at first that it also gives some support to the azorious' themes of blinking augmenting creature tokens. I am inclined to slot it right in.

Do you mind sharing your custom card creation site? I used but it keeps bugging on me...

While we're on the topic of wording.

Mr Håkon has never seen a reprint, but the rules text has been updated. Can someone explain why it still states explicitly "while ~ is on the battlefield". I would think it is implied in all rules text on permanents. I guess reminder text can be useful when the card is played from the yard - but not when the card already has 3 paragraphs. Secondly - could one rewrite it to "you may only cast ~ from your graveyard" Full stop. Or am I missing something? Since the old card is very expensive I reckon I can proxy it with more legible rules text. :)

It would then read something like:

"You may only cast Haakon, Stromgald Scourge from your graveyard.

You may cast Knight spells from your graveyard.

When Haakon dies, you lose 2 life."

Chris Taylor

Thanks for the shoutout!

I've been using Magic Set Editor. It's old and kludge technology, but it still works on modern operating systems.

MSE Templates are where you get Cajun's "Mainframe" templates, which are invaluable. instead of downloading a different card frame for legendary vehicles, Artifact enchantments, etc etc etc, this gives you a few simple frames which auto react to the card and fit on the bits they need to be.

In terms of sourcing art, deviant art works in a pinch, as does artstation, especially if you've got a specific artist in mind, but I'm usually working concept --> art, not the other way around, so I tend to use The Imaginary Network
which is essentially a giant repository of images all sorted around concept: assassins, knights, nobility, beasts, cityscapes, angels, aetherpunk, and a whole bunch of others. Great for "I need a white aligned medium size creature"
I've been reflecting on some constraints I, inadvertently or otherwise, have put on myself.

  • Not including cards or mechanics that are associated with guilds not represented in the cube. Card in question - Cloudfin Raptor. In the same vein I have been of two minds about Benthic Biomancer. I may have been thinking too narrowly on what decks from the different shards are trying to achieve. First of all the Raptor is just generically good and pushes blue out of its controlling role and into the aggresive. The card (as showcased in E Domain) also interacts well with Evoke creatures and in my environment the temur 4 power matters theme. As for the Biomancer - it has stayed in as I found that it also bridges the gap between different styles of decks despite having the simic watermark.
  • A related card is maverick thopterist. In including this card I fear it may give the false impression that Izzet is one of the "artifact" pairs, when in fact this is solidly in the domain of the Esper colors. Again, this may be to narrow as I have built in some overlap between Esper and Jeskai with the latter caring about cheap or cantripping artifacts. I am increasingly convinced that pushing the envelope makes for more dynamic drafting. When most other Izzet cards are "spellslinger" type cards the drafters are still guided into the archetype, but maybe once in a while they venture into artifacts. On the flipside, I have been a little worried that Esper is too siloed in, being the shard that cares the most about artifacts.
  • Being too focused on novel/budget-friendly cards and overlooking cube staples that are actually good fits for my environment. For the longest time I was looking for cards that could sac different permantens (again, to bridge the gap between Esper's artifact/enchantment focus and Jund). I was scouring scryfall with the searchwords "sacrifice permanent" and being dissatisfied with the results. I am basically looking for this kind of effect.
    One day while flipping through my cards I found Greater Gargodon. In my head I had written it off as too powerful for my monocolored section. I associated it with balance combos in power maximizing (often vintage or legacy cubes). It was the exact type of card I had been looking for (save for the enchantment part). On the same note I had been dismissing staple counterspells for various reasons. I did not want the mono-colored counterspells to be too good. The other day I changed my mind when I realized Remand actually plays into the draw-2 theme. I can also test other similar effects.
  • I find myself shying away from cards like Counterspell. With the three color theme my assumption is that cards with only one color-pip is a better fit for the environment. It might be an idea to lean into cards with heavier mana requirements to also give incentive to draft one or two color decks with good fixing. Crackling Drake is an example of this.
Linking to a thread I started on the companion mechanic. The rules change of june 1 warrants revisiting the following companions. The rules change makes it more of a decision whether to fulfill the condition or just play them normally.

All of them play into the theme I have been trying to push of hybrid mana letting you play these cards in one or two colored decks while counting towards devotion and meshing with cards that care about multicolor cards. They are in their own right cool build-arounds.

{W/B}{W/B} Players' view of this card must have been tainted by its reign of terror in older formats. Take a moment, take a step back and reasses. I like what this card does with the draft experience. It

Jegantha's requirement also seems trivially easy to fulfill and promotes 3-5 color "piles"

{R/G} I may have been too quick to dismiss Jegantha when writing about it for my Historic cube. It hits on multiple themes. A hybrid Gruul elemental (and most importantly an Elk for the LR fans) with > 4 power. Funnily enough I am trying to promote multicolor decks (not piles) trying to build around a tribe or a mechanic (like +1/+1 counters or "the Hero deck. The requirement may be easy to accomodate. In doing so you are however foregoing some of the most powerful cards.

To put Lutri in your cube is uninspired for the same reasons it got banned in commander from the get go; it's just an auto-include in all decks that can cast it.

{U/R}{U/R} This is still true and poses an issue in including a companion for all of my supported guilds. I do not break singleton in blue or red as far as I can remember. I don't want to do so either just to introduce some tension into the drafting environment with Lutri.

{W/U}{W/U} Yorion provides a unique effect I have been looking for. The Esper colors care about artifacts, creatures and enchantments and being able to blink these is one way to abuse them. Outside of Brago, King Eternal I have not found any effects that blinks any nonland permanent. Ghostly Flicker comes close, but eschews enchantments.

[Enabling] Umori seems a bit too narrow for cube unless it has a high density of creatures with spell-like effects. Nekrataal being the go-to example. I may be wrong about this though. The effect is powerful but it does not push in any direction synergistically other than "draft creatures, dump your hand/ramp".

{B/G}{B/G} I believe you only ever enable this with an all-creature deck unless you are doing something really janky with Dovin's Acuity. Derp - a deck with an enchantment, Umori and all instants does not fulfill the companion requirement. It is still just a generically good ramping ability even if you can't companion it.

Yorion is almost decidedly being included. Maybe I try the others out as one or two flex spots alongside some other multicolor cards that do not fit the supported guilds (may elaborate on this later).
After an Abzan/Golgari draft I did on Cubecobra I was left with a feeling that Delirium was a trap. You could fill your yard no problem - it was a matter of getting enough of different card types.

Payoffs in the cube

My problem during drafting was finding enough enchantments. Besides Grim Flayer I didn't get many other payoffs. Because of the spider-spawning theme and spell effects on a stick to trigger other cards the deck was full of creatures. It had some cycling lands, fetches etc, instants, sorceries and the odd artifact. I remember being offered one enchantment during the draft - unbridled growth which seemed a little lackluster to me.

This experience made me look through my cube to increase the number of card types for delirium.

Sagas are wonky, but they support many different themes. For deliriums purposes it is an enchantment that naturally ends up in the yard. Other enchantments/artifacts like this: Executioner's Capsule, Seal of Doom, Mire's Grasp. Other than that some cards on the list have multiple card types. Jiang Yanggu is a great find IMO. He naturally ends up in the yard or you can proliferate to keep him going. I appreciate how he gives green +1/+1 an identity outside of growing creatures to big monsters. His contender for the slot as a creature is Rishkar or (Fertilid which he superseded). The former does not, however grant multicolor fixing. Fertilid seems very slow, but jives with domain (if it ever comes back).

Reinforcing the theme with possible new additions:
Hallowed Burial >> Descend upon the Sinful*
Emrakul, the promised end and Tarmogoyf. These two have very delirium-adjacent text. Tarmogoyf, I fear, is too powerful for my environment. I might consider
Inexorable Blob

* Seriously contemplating getting the french misprint which reads Descend upon the fishermen.

In other news I reassessed my artifact and Izzet section after reading Dbs' instant classic. In doing so I wanted to make Red the 4th honorary artifact color in the cube. Green/Golgari decks already have a tie-in with a +1/+1 theme (see also TGT's featured article).^
I immediatly made the swap from Crystal Shard to Erratic Portal. I also put in a copy of Voyager Staff. I already had some "vegetables" in the cube.

Next I looked to seed some support for artifacts into the Izzet [guild and red: Galvanic Blast, Goblin Barrage.
^ This could probably be reinforced further. The trouble is finding the right power level.

Impromptu single card spotlights:

Do I need to break up with George? * He does pass the doom blade test, leaving behind a 4/4. He is an elemental with 7 power making him a beast with Sarhkan's Unsealing and otherwise a pretty good play with the other 4 power matters cards as well as these guys. Rampaging Baloth is a more powerful replacement that also does the trick with Unsealing. Avenger of Zendikar is an elemental - but it seems like a false synergy to me. I should find one or more cards in {R/G} with 7 power to super power the unsealing.
On the same note. Is Vexing Devil cubable in my environment? I see there is a modern deck built around its interaction with Pelt Collector which it triggers coming and going.

Has anyone been testing?
This has stayed in the cube as it's point of departure was my Historic cube. I am looking at it critically now. As it sits in the Golgari section I want it to be atleast on par with other reanimation effects - maybe better. It is less explosive than most other reanimation effects. Like Makeshift Mannequin it has the added utility of being instant speed as well as being an inherent two-for-one. My gut feeling is it has to go.

* Walker Bush...
I have come to think that I have been too prescriptive in my approach when trying to support themes and signposting these to the drafters.


They are both warriors and care about +1/+1 counters. Pelt Collector is reminiscent of Experiment one. It forgoes the regeneration clause, but critically it triggers both when evoke creatures etb and die. I put the wrangler in because it signals that you need to be on the lookout for creatures with 4 or more power. Maybe I should not be too concerned about newer players - but rather let them explore and figure out these interactions for themselves?

This dilemma has also come up with some of the tribal decks I am trying to push. As you can gather from looking through my list there are a lot of warriors. I laid out a list of all the warrior payoff cards from BBD in another thread - the verdict is that they are too lackluster or too parasitic. Again I would like for the cards that could push drafters into a warrior theme to signpost exactly this.

Signpost payoffs:

I have also seeded the artifact section with cards that support unspecified tribal decks.

The tribal decks playing multiple colors can also leverage good fixing in the utility land section. The red manland of choice is also a warrior creature when animated

Customs I am considering
In original Khans warriors were based in W/B - enabling W/B warrior decks or warrior decks in the two wedges: Abzan and Mardu. My cube doesnt feature the Mardu "shard", jund takes up this space. Abzan and Jund's common two-color "guild" is Golgari. I initially made a 2 CMC warrior drain effect, but the 2 CMC slot in golgari got clogged so I disarded it. I will either push the effect up to 3 CMC or model the card after the blade-cycle from Shards of alara with a mana cost of either {B/R}{G} or {G/W}{B}. To really get the multicolored warrior theme in Abzan and Jund across I could make a card with the mana cost {R/W}{B}{G}

I also wanted an anthem or inspired charge effect modeled after Etchings of the chosen. This is my sketch

**Axe of Shifting Allegiances {1}{W/B}{W/B}
Tribal Artifact - Shapeshifter Equipment

As Axe of Shifting Allegiances enters the battlefield choose a creature type. Creatures you control of the chosen creature type gain +2/+1 until end of turn.

Equipped creature gets +2/+1 and becomes the chosen creature type

Equip {1}{W/B} **

Art Amorphous Axe from MH1

Some tribes like humans, zombies and goblins are all or nothing where you need a critical mass of tribal creatures and lord type cards. In my cube the warrior and elemental archetype is another such tribe. Other tribes, I have found need a lighter touch in order to work. Examples of cards I want to enable.

This is where the changelings are invaluable as they bridge the gaps between the tribes and makes it easier to enable cards that care about differen tribes without demaning too many slots in the cube. I fear however that some of the interractions with changelings are a bit hard to grasp for newer players. Including too many changelings also cheapens the experience. I dont want the drafter who loves zombies to have a zombie deck only comprised of changelings. I also try hard to find creatures that have more than one relevant tribe - e.g Human Warrior, Zombie Wizard