Sigh, a Cube

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Well put! I think the lack of focus may have more to do with me deckbuilding at maximum speed, and less with the potential for focus. Looking back at the CT list, which I can't link from mobile :(, I can switch Golgari Thug in for Bloodghast, and the Scourge in for something else, as I mentioned earlier. Additional discard outlet could be gotten from Rotting Rats. So, the deck could be even better than what I threw together! That only makes me realize more that I need to focus a little on Jeskai and getting some toys and counterparts for those decks. Thanks for all the analysis! It's a huge help :D

Golgari Thug.. thoughts? Is it good?
No problem. Additionally drafters may be pushed towards golgari because you have quite a few cards in it. Whilst you only have three in your cubetutor classification you also have

That is a good point! This could be a potential place I can work out some othe solution. Deathcap Cultivator, for instance, could become Sylvan Caryatid or Were bear or maybe even Lotus Cobra. This is one of the dangers of tossing off color activations/flashback/etc into the single color sections. I probably should take a quantitative look at how much each color has.

Golgari Thug.. thoughts? Is it good?
Ive liked it, my drafters have liked it. My favorite part is that it can generate value both from starting on the battlefield and in the graveyard. It's a valuable mono-B self mill tool, and I have no idea what I'd use in its place or what that slot could be used for otherwise ;)
Four Man Draft - 08/13/16
Pulled together a nice little four man today! Drafted with 10 packs each of Tenchester-style packs. It's a style I really, really like for 4 man, as it show off the whole cube. Think it can still work great for 5-man too. In any case, today was quite the day for this cube :). Had a bunch of cool things happen:
  • New drafter, can easily see as a new regular. New drafters are always appreciated :D.
  • NO green decks!? It was inevitable, but almost.... unnerving. Glad to see some other decks taking up the spotlight for at least a day.
  • Gisa and Geralf got a test run! and weas a smash hit! Couldn't recommend them more highly. The deck didn't even have the Fleshbag Marauder wombo combo, but it still put it sold work recurring the like of Skinrender and Sidisi, Undead Vizier.
  • Got to test some new spells matter stuff. Unsubstantiate is very good, and the spells matter deck came together really and truly for the first time today. Was very pleased about that :)
  • Blue not only showed up in a deck, it was basically the dominant color! I was/am over the moon about this, because usually it under-performs/doesn't show up at all.
Not too much else to say about the general state of things. I'm still missing some upgrades, so there's some unexistent info there, but that's ok. Blue might still have a little bit too much card draw, or at least too efficient of card draw. One possible switch I'm thinking of is Thirst for knowledge -> Frantic Search. I still am pushing very hard on Green being a valid control color/slow-game color, so I need to watch this closely. Izzet Charm was an All-Star today, definitely gald to have that card in my UR section. Also happy with theSpear of Heliod -> Rally the Peasants switch I recently made. At least two different times I discarded it to stuff like Kolaghan's Command, still having that flashback available, or even making it castable with a landbase missing my white splash. This is the sort of cool and natural GY interactions I'm really working towards, and it seems to be working! :D. Additionally validated Force Spike as being super awesome, and saw super good use out of Curse of Chains! That card is very solid, and I think the ease of casting (hybrid) definitely pushes it up into satisfactory removal territory.

And then in the same conclusion Jason came to with his relatively creature light deck, Skaab Ruinator just... works, even with fewer than normal creatures. Had it cast two times against me, leading to a loss for me (by decking, of all things).

Gameplay was very lolzy and weird, because we ended up, somehow, with two sets of two similar decks. This is probably due to how Tenchester works, potentially one of it's downsides, so eh. First games were all mirror matches :confused:. Anyways, here are the decks:

UW Control-tempo

This deck was a bear to play against. It was my first opponent, and the match went on a looong time. Had a very two-part plan, and could easy interchange between controlling the field and beating down. Ending up losing my match against this deck for basically this reason. Was also veryu excited to see this drafter playing something other than GW midrange.

Jeskai Spells - Sigh's Deck

This was a very fun deck to play, and one of the first true spells-matter decks to work out. Deck was lacking a little late game, which I supplemented with Sphinx of Uthuun when needed, but it still worked great. Jori En got a bunch of testing in, and I'm very happy with her. Devil's Play is a very, very good card. It won me a lot of games.

RB Midrange

This was a rather... unfocused draft for this particular drafter. It really showed with the curve, which was jammed up in the fours/fives. Almost glad that decks with unfocused curves are punished. I want the kinda ultra-midrange decks to be less viable than ones with clearer plans. That being said, it was a pretty neat deck, and some cool interactions, namely Drana + Hordeling Outburst. The splash into white was maybe a little greedy, but it worked out decently I guess. This deck had the new Olivia in it, and she really proved herself. Killed me from 13 with a bunch of hastey stuff.

Bu GY Attrition/Grind

This deck weas definitely a more focused B deck. In fact, I think this is the closest my cubes gotten to a Mono-colored deck ever, with only the splash later on in the draft, and partially to test G+G for me. Turns out that the card is just very good, and even with only minor suport, is a decent beater that can do crazy stuff like recurring incidental Skinrenders over and over. I didn't get to face this deck, but it seemed like a very resilient and grindy deck that was our 3-0 for the night (2-0 + 2HG victory).
All in all, I'm super happy! This draft was very different, very cool, and everyone had a blast. I think the cube environment is shaping up very well, and is keeping balance well too. I think balance is the hardest part, and probably slowly becoming the biggest part as the format goals start settling down. Anyway, it was a good cube drafting day! :D

Basic Lands in the end:
{W}: 10
{U}: 14 (yaaaay)
{B}: 16 (probably my strongest overall color, and my focus for future balancing concerns)
{R}: 9
{G}: 0 (wowzers... guess there's a first for everything.... two different ways!)

If anything, this draft simply validating that things are going well. Looking forward to testing again. Gotta make sure that Green isn't somehow now the worst color, and still have some additions yet. All in all, though, so much progress!

As always, thanks a ton for reading! It means a lot :)
Been pondering a little on how to further improve my {G}{R}, my subtle graveyard synergies, and tweak power level here and there. The first place I've gone to is to my red burn section. There is abundant opportunity here for interacting with the graveyard, the only question is any of it good enough? The two I'm tossing around in my head right now are:

Unfortunately I think both are a little bit too slow/expensive? The major slot I'm seeing for flexibility is with exquisite firecraft. Firecraft is a nice, efficient spell, and it does technically interact with the graveyard some. I'm also not entirely sure dropping the 4 damage to 3 would be a great idea. Still an attractive idea that I'm keeping open.

Another angle I'm probably going to at least test is in the R 2-drops
The biggest upside I can see with Ashling the Pilgrim is another way to build a good blocker that can turn into a boardwipe. That seems pretty neat. And the wardriver is... meh at best.

Still need to decide on conspiracy 2 updates as well, and the ones I can see are both tough...
Both of these are really though decisions for me! Sylvan Ranger is so simple and clean.... but it is just a 1/1. I don't know if the better stats on the Explorer give it enough of an edge, considering it requires a discard and does help your opponent as well. If it was a 1/3 I'd probably be all over it, because it'd be "shaped right" for the type of deck I want. I'll need to hear some reports of testing on this one before I make any moves. As for the Bishop, it's a great card advantage engine, but it's a tad slow, and can't really be used as well in a spells-matter deck. Recruiter has a much more abysmal body, but a much stronger and faster effect. I'm leaning towards the Recruiter because it's a sweet type of effect, and it can lead to some sweet stuff, like:
flametongue kavu
pia and kiran nalaar
whirler rogue
karmic guide
monastery mentor
reclamation sage
kiki-jiki, mirror breaker
And so on. Liking Kiki-Jiki as a combo, that seems like gas in the right list, if you can use the Recruiters ability a couple more times to develop a nasty board.

I'm not sure this card deserves a spot anymore. Firstly I've upgraded to both Force Spike and Mana Tithe. I think these spells handily deal with the slot. Definitely not sure what to slot in here, though... A few thoughts have been:

Or to upgrade it to a 2 mana creature slot. I kinda have a lot there already, though... ugh. A tough decision again. There really don't seem like a decent range of 1-drops in blue that are used widely. Hedron Crab is cute, but I don't think people would realize that you want to use it on yourself? Dunno. I've run Hypnotic Siren before, so I could see that.

Topplegiest is probably not worth it... A little sad to say it, but yeah...
I think I''ve now gotta decide between:
Lawkeeper seems a lot cleaner and that might be winning the day over a white card that interacts with the grave.

anyways... lots to think about, and Kaladesh will surely incite me to blabbering on more in a later post. Thanks for reading! :)
Decided to take the Sigh cube for a spin. Was jonesing to draft a control deck so I took Languish P1P1 and followed up with FoF. I had an interesting decision point towards the end of pack 1 and decided to grab a couple of white lands to see where that led. Pack 2 started out pretty rough and I ended up just taking Finkel over Soul of Innistrad. Late in the pack I snapped up a Decree of Justice to bulk up the white splash a bit more. Opened up pack 3 with a Monastery Mentor, looking to move into a more tempo-oriented deck, and Preordain made a flawless followup.

universe34's draft of Sigh, A Cube on 11/09/2016 from

It was an interesting draft to say the least, and I had trouble finding my lane either in the control deck or in the tempo plan. I wanted to draft the cube blind, so I wasn't prepared for so little cheap removal and was somewhat caught off guard by the need to use creatures to fill in the early interaction slots. Perhaps you could consider "signposting" this better with more obviously defensive early creatures (looking at the list now, Gnarlwood Dryad and Wall of Omens strike me as the kind of thing you could use more of).

If anyone's interested I'd like to see what they think of my cube:
Hey thanks for the draft! And great insight into what you did/didn't find on your way through the drafting! :D I ended up gushing all about this below, but definitely follow up if I'm not on the right track about where I can make improvements :)

My first instinct when I heard about some interesting distribution of cards is that the 360 card pile you were working with might have been wonky? That can def happen because I'm running a 405 list. But far be it for me to just write everything off as that. I'm looking at my list, first stop white two drops, and I think you have a point about signposting....

My white two drops as I have them now:

It becomes apparent to me, once all laid out as images, that my support for things may be a little bit skewed. If the themes are kinda laid out, I think it breaks down like so number-wise (very roughly, and I'm applying some cards to multiple because they fit in multiple):
  • Aggro: 4-6 options depending on the build and matchup
  • Tempo: 5-6 options
  • Midrange: 3-4 options
  • Control: 2-5 options... more like 2-3 if the deck is pure control
I think the big culprit here is the second card, lone missionary. It can and does get taken by midrange and tempo decks because it is a 2 power creature that can help bolster the aggro matchup. The switch would be an easy one, to a card that is "shaped right" for control (right now only WoO has higher toughness than power... wow).

The next logical color to look at would be blue. I think I'm better positioned for my early control interactions in blue? Not sure. I recently lowere dthe removal curve a little with Curse of Chains in Blue (and White), and I've got Thing in the Ice and Omenspeaker, as well as Jace, though hesorta doesn't actually block well. I could see arguments for putting in something like Sidisi's Faithful to get this curve of defensive creatures started right away.

The comment about lack of early removal is an interesting one. Again I focused on white, because that's where a good portion of MTG's 'hard' early interaction will come from. Again, an interesting outcome in that my spot removal ends up curving out like so:
With a total of 9 (not counting board wipes). Now... that seems a little low? I'm really not sure. I'm not super good with as-fans so I'm not sure how much any one color is "supposed" to have. This is just kinda how it's fallen, and what felt right. Looking at a couple similarly sized cubes, I think I'm pretty close in numbers. The plot twist to the story is what the 2-CMC removal is:

Declaration is solid removal, but bonds of faith? That ones a little bit loose. And Valorous Stance is good, great even, but isn't cheap removal that can interact early. Point is, it's all conditional except the Declo. Maybe I'm trying a little too hard to be cute, especially with Bonds of Faith. Some options for switches:

I think one of the first two are the most attractive to me at the moment. They both lower the curve a little (mostly), and are more straightforward removal spells. That makes me a little sad, because I do like Bonds of Faith as a pump as well.... hmm. I might just let it go.

All this does bring up an interesting little side note, based on me looking at a card in my cube while poring over my list:

I'm really not sure how useful this card is, or how desirable it is either. I see it as a strong tool in aggro or tempo against board wipes, and is combolicious with an aristocrat, but is the card really needed? The obvious choice for replacement would be:

But I've recently been looking at, been tempted by, and pondered over something much simpler (and with awesome art, which matters a lot to me):

Like, this is so plain and simple, yet interacts very well with what my cube is trying to do! It'd help make something like Esper or UW or GW reanimator be a thing along with the Karmic Guide in my list already. Thoughts? Just go with the 'Lark for tried and true value?

Anyways, super great draft, evidently sparked a lot of internal discussion and introspection. Sweet! Definitely forever glad Kirblinx started the Draft Exchange thread, it's been awesome. Thanks for reading as always! Feedback would definitely be appreciated. Help poor old me work through my white sections rusty spots :D
I've been on double seeker for a while now, and other than the insane T3 dromoka's command, he's a solid guy who is fine for both control and aggro
If I wasn't so crotchety and set in my ways, Seeker would definitely be up for breaking singleton. But I haven't made it to that level yet, my major decisions all happen on a very long time scale :p

It is a great suggestion though! Just without the proper mindset to listen to it yet.

BW Disruption Aggro from

Got some sweet white cards in the beginning, and didnt feel like drafting a blue white tempo deck. Saw a Tidehollow sculler, so tried to go for a slightly more "exotic" disurption aggro deck. Added avacyn and confluence as some ways to still be active in the midgame.

Seems like the cube has a mixture of both some lower power "funsies" and higher power cut-throat stuff like a lot of planeswalkers and powerful creatures. Is there enough breathing room for a card like spider spawning?

BW Disruption Aggro from

Got some sweet white cards in the beginning, and didnt feel like drafting a blue white tempo deck. Saw a Tidehollow sculler, so tried to go for a slightly more "exotic" disurption aggro deck. Added avacyn and confluence as some ways to still be active in the midgame.

Seems like the cube has a mixture of both some lower power "funsies" and higher power cut-throat stuff like a lot of planeswalkers and powerful creatures. Is there enough breathing room for a card like spider spawning?
Thanks for the draft! I am at work so I can't break anything down in detail, hopefully tonight. Do you have any immediate examples of what you are seeing of each extreme? I'm guessing SS is on that funzies side. I dunno, safra ran/runs it so that's gotta mean something?
I kinda feel like the cards need to justify themselves in the decks we build. There's a danger I think of adding sweet cards in a cube while also putting in cards that are really strong on their own, because, they sort of push out the sweet cards out of a viable build. If people building the more synergy based decks end up getting robbed of some sweet victory stories because villain drafted the good cards, theyre not gonna explore as much.

It might be exaggeration, but there are some cards that vary in power level. Might play out better than it looks to me who's just skimming through the cube. I 'd love to try to eek out value out of a rotting rats, but if I can just jam some beefy cards into ob nixis maybe that is just too much for the other deck.

The best way to check I think is to try and build a really really good version of the deck with the cards you want to keep, and try to see if it can beat a similarly idealistically built villain deck that just plays boring midrange. With two decks like that it might be easier to tune the cards, because I can sympathize and agree with the idea of having some cards stick out in power level.
I kinda feel like the cards need to justify themselves in the decks we build. There's a danger I think of adding sweet cards in a cube while also putting in cards that are really strong on their own, because, they sort of push out the sweet cards out of a viable build. If people building the more synergy based decks end up getting robbed of some sweet victory stories because villain drafted the good cards, theyre not gonna explore as much.

It might be exaggeration, but there are some cards that vary in power level. Might play out better than it looks to me who's just skimming through the cube. I 'd love to try to eek out value out of a rotting rats, but if I can just jam some beefy cards into ob nixilis maybe that is just too much for the other deck.

The best way to check I think is to try and build a really really good version of the deck with the cards you want to keep, and try to see if it can beat a similarly idealistically built villain deck that just plays boring midrange. With two decks like that it might be easier to tune the cards, because I can sympathize and agree with the idea of having some cards stick out in power level.
I don't have a lot of time to test, so I probably end up using the crutch of theory more than some. Not ideal, but it is what it is. Part of the problem of testing in the way described is that I'd have to know what I want to keep! I want all of it! It's more like what does the format need to keep and have be successful, that work towards my goals. Well, what are my goals? What is the platonic ideal setup to achieve the goals? What cards are above the power level of my cube? What is the power level of my cube. It's more difficult than easy, is what I'm getting at. I've been running for a long time on the premise of "close enough" and jumping that barrier would take enormous effort.

All that aside, in general I do think that narrowing the power band to a degree is a great concept for broadening the diversity level of decks. I also think that it shouldn't be made too narrow, and risk a dull, samey environment. Basically, it's thrilling to have to find a way to beat the threat/it's thrilling to have the powerful swingy play, but only in moderation. I think if I can keep this sort of this to a good density, that'd be ideal. That good density being where the format still has plenty of exciting plays, but there aren't enough cards simply above the power level to ride a deck to victory on (without being all five colors). Maybe with the secondary condition that powerful cards specifically help out some of the synergy themes, so taking them as a lump might just be... awkward. Good example of this is one of my drafters GB decks from a while back. Definitely power maxing, as it were, but still dove into the card pool to enact a plan to make the deck run on 100 octane. Cards like Evolutionary Leap and Golgari Thug helped develop a GY axis, which could then be capitalized on with cards like Soul of Innistrad and Wretched Confluence. Honestly, if my midrange decks are buying into my cube themes, I'm happy. More recently had the UB deck that tried out the Gisa and Geralf + Zombies plan as an engine built directly into their good spells and creatures and whatnot (including Ob Nixilis). Maybe this is more of my goal anyway? Maybe I should brainstorm some concrete goals? How much more fun can I extract out of the environment, and have it be worth the opportunity cost? So many questions.

So not to completely derail the suggested course of action I tried looking at some possible offenders on account of power level infringement. Turns out this is really hard, and having more than one pair of eyes becomes almost imperative. Designers get locked into certain paradigms, they ignore "minor" flaws, etc etc. And I am certainly just like that. Still saw what I could see, and found the likes of:

This was just a quick 2 minute brainstorm, and only a couple from each section. I'm sure with a concerted analytical session, a weekend of testing, etc. I could get a more complete picture, but that's largely impractical for my situation. Each color definitely had at least one card that seemed to stand out from the others. And before I get into talking about them, the first thing that came into my head was "well, what's the proper course of action here? Lower the power level of high power cards, or increase the power level of low power cards? I guess I'm going with the former, because I am interested in mot choking out cool stuff.

Citadel Siege - Yeah, this card is pretty insane. Not sure exactly why I've been so damn attached to it? Could easily see it become something along the lines of Griffin Guide
Angel of Serenity - This is a massive effect, but on a high cost body. Not sure about this one, that it even belongs in this list. Was the headliner of the Junk Rites deck, which was about as midrangey as you get, but it did have that cool plan built in, so ???. Not sure what It'd become...
silverblade paladin - definitely an offender on enabling power plans to go over the top with beaters. Could become fabled hero or some other angle entirely, like Vryn Wingmare
Fact or Fiction - Don't think I need to say much. Two top contenders for the slot are Careful Consideration and Fortune's Favor
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy - Ehh. Card's good. Card's also very cool, and very incremental. I'm inclined to keep this as a gemstone of sorts.
Glen elendra archmage - This card is too good. Haven't figured out what I want to do with this slot yet, maybe something like silumgar sorcerer or maybe even laboratory maniac???
Ob Nixilis Reignited - generic value through and through. Also inclined to keep this card simply for the fact that it goes in almost any black deck, even bigger aggro decks (around here at least).
Tasigur, the Golden Fang - Also fairly generic value. Really like delve, but not sure I need it to be attached to Tasigur? Or maybe I keep him and eject the Tombstalker, making way for something dorkier and more utility.
Drana, liberator of Malakir - a beast from the east when it comes to aggro. No idea if she's too good, or just a good anchor? Also no idea what I'd do with the slot.
Flametongue Kavu - Posterchild fire and forget value. But I love it so much :confused:. So... simple. So... clean cut. I'd need convincing on the Kavu.
Sarkhan, the dragonspeaker - I've actually been looking for a replacement for this. So far, come up blank beyond something else generic like Siege-Gang commander. Need more time to develop a slot here. Also want to try to keep the 5 cost, because my red curve is already lower than all the rest. Don't think I want to make that worse. Could see bending a little and going with Mizzix's Mastery
Nissa, Worldwaker - This is turning into Nissa, Vital Force, who is much more geared for a grindy game, but can bring the beats if needed. Basically, still a little generic, but more aligned with my vision for green, and a little less explosive.
Vengevine - Haste and recursion and buff stats. An obvious grandslam for almost any green deck. Don't see myself cutting this though, it's so iconic and integral to GY shenanigans :oops:.
kolaghan, the storm's fury - finishes the game, and quickly. I've been implored to keep this in, so for now it stays. But that slot is itching for something just right.
myr battlesphere - yeah, the battleball is plain and simple value. Not sure, I'll be potentially switching it out for the new Metalwork Colossus.

Whew. And that's not even getting into what might be below the power level desired. That one is much harder for me, because every card had to have had some merit for me to include it, right?

All in all, balancing and tuning is many times harder than finding a vision and direction, at least for me. Mainly because you need to balance and keep that vision and direction alive. Or start over with a new vision. Once I get my goal in mind, I grapple onto it with a steely grip. #shrug. Here's to the long road up, up and away towards reaching some sort of destination. Enjoying the journey while it lasts :)
Definitely power maxing, as it were, but still dove into the card pool to enact a plan to make the deck run on 100 octane. Cards like Evolutionary Leap and Golgari Thug helped develop a GY axis, which could then be capitalized on with cards like Soul of Innistrad and Wretched Confluence. Honestly, if my midrange decks are buying into my cube themes, I'm happy. More recently had the UB deck that tried out the Gisa and Geralf + Zombies plan as an engine built directly into their good spells and creatures and whatnot (including Ob Nixilis). Maybe this is more of my goal anyway? Maybe I should brainstorm some concrete goals? How much more fun can I extract out of the environment, and have it be worth the opportunity cost? So many questions.

This seems like a pretty good point. Disregarding the power level in general of the cube, if you can find a way for the powerful cards to naturally weave into the deck you want, the power level of the different drafted decks in relation to each other should be pretty even, right?

I'm thinking, it shouldn't be as much of an issue of having fluctuating power level internally in a deck (as in retail draft where you'll have some uncommons and rares that stick out as especially efficient or swingy) as having it fluctuate between different decks.

So coming back to my idea of starting out with the decks first rather than themes or the cube, you could maybe try to have some "decks" in mind and see how different cards can fit into those decks? Like your UB Gisa and Geralf deck. That way you can be sure that the splashy cards you want to keep actually have at least the intention of a specific, well defined home.

I know that the cube I currently have up on my cubetutor has the unfortunate quality of having a bunch of well intended ideas for themes and decks, but ultimately its just a pile of cards. It sounds from you're drafts that you're getting some of those sweet decks with the power cards and if that's how the cube currently operates then just keep doing it like that.

But if you're considering some cuts later down the line, then maybe try to picture what decks a particular offensive card helps and what it shuts down? Not just a broad idea of "this helps the control decks" but more specifically stuff like "this helps the UG flicker+eternall witness recurr combo control" or "BR Flametongue kavu + Skinrender midrange removal deck".
Fall Updates - 10/08/16
With Kaladesh out, it was only a matter of time until I got around to working some new stuff into my cube.My favorite thing about this round of updating is that I didn't really find many cards directly from the set to include, but I found a treasure trove of inspiration. I think, in a lot of ways, that's far more valuable than actually having a lot of cards from the set to include. Further inspiration for this update was received from talkin' with people, some of which you can see directly above. Having a second, third, etc. set of eyes is always extremely helpful (and appreciated :D).
This update I tried to focus on two things, continuing to focus in a little better on my themes, and furthering balance tweaks. While my theme is trying to track towards being graveyard based, I also have the lofty goal of trying to naturally weave it into the environment. I think I've added a couple of cards that further that goal, but the journey is far from over.

To start, here's the Kaladesh changes I've made:
Bottle Gnomes was right up the alley of what I was looking for, but wasn't quite the power level needed. The familiar is just what I was looking for here, and I'm happy to have the little pup on board.
Nobody was biting on the Obelisk, so I'll try out the (much) cheaper artifact that can filter and progress a damage race. Nice.
People also weren't really biting on the Sunblast Angel, and this Gearhulk is exactly what I'm looking for in this slot. It really clears up board stalls, and gives you a great edge.
Not sure this is the slot that wants changing, but I really want to try out the Cranes. This is on the back of some other changes, trying to amp up the artifact count so that cards like this can stand out more.
Didn't erally want to see Crush go, but the Gearhulk is both an artifact and interacts with the graveyard in a cool and powerful way.
Another very contested switch for me. I could easily see swapping around the rest of 2-drop slot in the future, but I foresee this little guy being a part of it for awhile.
Love the Stalker. Such a clean, powerful red beater, works exactly on the same tune as the Shivan Dragon, but at a price point that I can swallow
Swapping out the super swingy Nissa for the super grindy one, which is very in line with what I want my green section to be doing.

As I said, fewer than I might've expected, compared to, say, SOI block, but that's ok. Some of my ideas didn't need cards from the current set. First up I'm trying to get a few more artifacts in my environment to better support the "Daretti" deck. And maybe trying to find some secondary support for the deck beyond him.
Crucible of Worlds is a card that has probably wanted to be in my deck for a while. In the absence of Life from the Loam, it recoups value for a deck that's tossing lands in the bin for some gain or other. Bring to Light was only ever used by me, because I was ballsy enough to play 5-color. Candles of Leng is coming in for now, testing may push it out for something else. The Drownyard was never played in my group, so it was an easy substitution. Only two switches, but I'm angling to make more in the future.

Didn't stop there, though. Made some other switches that I've either been waffling on or being stubborn about.
Excited to try (or retry) all of these switches out, probably mostly about Soul Swallower and Goblin Trenches. Trying to push delirium, and the Soul Swallower is a great anchor if you can reliably get the ability active. Trenches can help bring Delirium online, but also works with the Land Engine deck. Hoping it isn't too repetitively good, but testing will tell me that.

Still on the lookout for Black being too good in the environment, and looking to balance as always. But that's enough rambling for now. I hope to get a test of the update in soon, get a new feel for where things lie. Thanks for reading! :)
I like your kaladesh swaps a lot apart from the crane and crush. I'm not sure about crane but am interested to see how they work out. Surely you can swap out a generic value card to keep the fun that crush is?

Candles - cheap to cast is one thing but it's expensive to activate. Is it your best colourless card draw option? Minds eye? Staff of nin? Temporal aperture?

I'm unconvinced re soul swaller, are you not playing ishkana if you're looking for delirium?

Overall, like the changes.
I like your kaladesh swaps a lot apart from the crane and crush. I'm not sure about crane but am interested to see how they work out. Surely you can swap out a generic value card to keep the fun that crush is?

Candles - cheap to cast is one thing but it's expensive to activate. Is it your best colourless card draw option? Minds eye? Staff of nin? Temporal aperture?

I'm unconvinced re soul swaller, are you not playing ishkana if you're looking for delirium?

Overall, like the changes.
Hey, thanks for the thoughts! :) Both blue swaps were a little tricky. The Crane is definitely under review right now, and could easily go back out. I really do want crush, but haven't quite figured out what I want my {U} top end to all be yet.

Candles could be something else. First alternative would probably be scroll rack.

Soul Swallower is getting a test run as well. I currently run Spider Spawning, so the overlap of costs with Ishkanah is a little jarring, especially with how good my GB has been recently. Could see some sorta swap in that regard though.

Also, forgot to put up a swap! Traded for one recently, so made the following:
Excited to see how the recruiter works out, and hoping to see some cool toolbox stuff happen :)
Decided to give your updated cube a try!

First picked a Gitrog Monster because I was feelin' it, and wound up really happy with how the deck came out.

G/B Gitrog Grindfest Machine from

Sweet deck! I don't think I've updated my CT yet to reflect my IRL cube >_>. But sweet deck nonetheless! :D

Love the Titania interactions built into the deck, especially the cool "hidden" land sac in edge of autumn. One more discard outlet would have been super gas, but it's still a shining example of what I want my GB to do :).

I'll try and update my CT soon, just been swamped.
Sweet deck! I don't think I've updated my CT yet to reflect my IRL cube >_>. But sweet deck nonetheless! :D

Love the Titania interactions built into the deck, especially the cool "hidden" land sac in edge of autumn. One more discard outlet would have been super gas, but it's still a shining example of what I want my GB to do :).

I'll try and update my CT soon, just been swamped.

Haha, I had fun anyway :p

I actually misclicked when deckbuilding. The blood artist should be a raven's crime.
Haha, I had fun anyway :p

I actually misclicked when deckbuilding. The blood artist should be a raven's crime.
Aw shucks, hate when misclicks happen. Raven's Crime would have been a strong card for the deck. One of the not-yet-implemented upgrades would have been even better, in the form of Collective Brutality.

I did implement the upgrades on CT just now, so feel free to try for a shiny new take 2 :).

Here's a deck I tossed together myself while getting a little AI training in. Probably one of those decks that looks awesome, but is about 10% too janky to do much? Not sure.

RW Daretti Mentor from

So, I tried a hand at your updated cube. I tried to do something different than my last deck, but I did not succeed. Deck has white in it now, though, so that's nice. Looks miserably fun, and I mean that in every way possible :D

Abzan Grind-machine from

Thanks for the draft, and it looks like a super sweet deck, just like last one! :D

I do worry slightly about if its a little too easy still for the Bx decks to come together... I think the BG deck, in particular, is very efficient both in construction and play. Moving forward, the brunt of my task comes down to balancing things further.

But that's the fun in the journey! And there's a heck of a long way to go :).

My favorite thing from this deck, I think, is the value Dread Return lines available. There's no real monstrous bomb to reanimate, but there are still very efficient recursion plays to make, which I like much more. I also like the Seasons Past engine :p

Orzhov aggro from

Another sweet deck from Alfonzo :). I know somewhere, not sure where, there's been some talk about {W}{B} aggro, and I feel like this is my cube's landmark goal for what I think WB aggro should be. In my mind, as opposed to the faster burn-based RB aggro, white black aggro needs to take a more cautious approach. I still really like the parallels drawn to legacy Death and Taxes. D&T is commonly misnomer ed as "white-weeny", which it does have on a nominal level, but it's more about unbalanced resource allocation and a steadily growing advantage/board. Some components that I'm really happy to see coming together:


The taxes side of things, I think the most unique side of WB imo. Just makes your opponent's game more difficult, invalidates important pieces of their deck, protects against wraths, and so on. An important angle focused on giving you the 1-2 turns to get there.

Tools for overwhelming removal:

Also an important part of any Bx aggro, white brings token generation tools. It also brings Griff's Boon, which I've found is perfect for this style of aggression, both in standard and cube. Living the dream of recurring Scrapheap and then strapping it up with a Boon seems great.

Powerful wincons:

And some of the others above. Pretty self-explanatory, I think. Not really a feature of just this deck, but nice to see that the deck can utilize the powerful W and B finishers.

The deck also utilizes the more powerful removal White has to offer, which is better at clearing the way than what Red can provide. This shifts the focus a little onto your team, and a little off of saving up for getting there with burn.

All in all, I'd be very happy to draft this deck! I have drafted a similar deck IRL at least once, but I think this is a much cleaner example of what the deck wants to be. :D
Thanks, always nice to have an appreciated draft :)

I think I was drafting a bunch of cubes at the time trying to find what I liked about aggro and didn't and this is certainly a good draft deck. Other things that were strong about that deck that you didn't mention were

The disruption and overwhelming aspects are the things to be aiming for, you're right. However, it feels to me that the thing that makes aggro stick, are the powerful cards like Gideon and siege. I'm trying to avoid having those super good stuff type cards but makes aggro difficult to get there. I don't know, something I'm working to I guess.
Totally did forget those cards! Westvale Abbey is a sweet card for this deck, and Siege is just bonkers as usual. I think Siege might even be on the chopping block for being too easy of a power pull in white. Not sure yet.

I think it is important to have some punishing finishers for aggro. Control gets them, why keep the fun away from faster decks?