General The Constructed thread

Grim Haruspex isn't good enough for Legacy, I fear. A couple people in the Source Zombardment thread were running them so it's worth testing though! Fleshbag Marauder and prob. Mesmeric Fiend aren't playable either, but Fulminator Mage seems like a fit in the deck. Bringing it back with lili? now that's spicy

If you want a quasi-tuned sideboard, try something like this?
1 Nether Void
3 Thorn of Amethyst
1 Yixlid Jailer
2 Surgical Extraction / Leyline of the Void
2 Perish
1 Massacre
2 Engineered Plague
1 Darkblast
2 Pithing Needle / Phyrexian Revoker


I'm going to start with the Grim Haruspex version because its cheaper and work from there. I have no illusions about jumping into the format and being awesome, I'm more interested in messing with the ideas, doing my thing with a deck of my own creation, and playing some games. If it turns out to not be good enough I can always move up and decide if which direction I want to go in (Pox, Zombardment, Gate or keep brewing this mashup). Smallpox just might not be compatible with this shell, but I plan on having fun trying!

Thorn is a nuts hate card in this list, I like it. While Leyline is really good against some decks, it does slow my deck down a lot, so Extraction seems better.
Leyline only hits your opponents, it doesn't slow you down unless you're worried about having to cast it at four mana (by which point it may or may not matter anymore so i'd run at least 2). I used to play it in my Pox sideboard, too. Try the Haruspex, it can't be that bad, and might actually be great! The list already looks very capable of winning games, even against knowledgeable opponents. There's something to be said for the power of an unexpected deck, too.


Yeah, the green behind my ears is showing, I've never actually played a game with Leyline of the Void in play, I forgot it was asymmetrical.

I'm putting together my buy list for this pile, I'd just like one more opinion before I pull the trigger.

Does this list want Jitte in the 75? It has more then enough bodies for it. It can help it win creature matchups that might be troublesome. However it would be removal bait (there isn't much else in the deck worth removing) so sticking with removal spells in the sideboard might be better?
I have trouble imagining that a deck with 4x Innocent Blood and 4x Smallpox has trouble with many creature decks. I sincerely doubt Jitte is necessary.

Also I would consider running a Raven's Crime.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I was researching some cards today and now my mind is stuck on making a Modern deck around this core of cards:

I know there were Kavu Justice decks around back in the day, but they seem to largely have been forgotten (likely for a reason). Flagstones / Boom // Bust / Edge of Autumn / Fetchlands fuel landfall, which fuels Knight of the Reliquary. I guess Predator Kavu and Fiery Justice are just kind of there, somewhat disconnected from the rest of the deck.


Is punishing fire good in modern? I don't know anything about modern, but its good in legacy. It seems like a natural fit for this deck, but if the format is all burn/combo/tron then I guess its not useful.

Dom Harvey

Retreat is only better if you get to untap with Knight, which is a tall order in Modern. Scapeshift is often a OHKO with any landfall creature, and can kill them by itself if you get to 7 lands in a long game.
Hey guys, I want to get into a Constructed format on MODO without spending that much money (<50 USD optimally). I'm thinking about Pauper.
I know Grillo and some others here play the format, so what's a good starting point? And what decks do you recommend me play? For context, I play UR Twin in Modern but am open to trying some new things as well.


As it so happens Alex Ullman recently wrote an intro article to the format. Here is the mtgo goldfish to the decks getting played, which can give you an idea of prices.

The really expensive card is daze, which goes for $20ish online, so you will want to avoid delver variants that run it. Pyro/hydro blasts, gorilla shaman, and cuombajj witches are also all expensive (for pauper).

Some of the mtgo prices honestly are getting unbelievable compared to when I started not too long ago. Ninja of the deep hours is now almost 3 bucks per? Hydro blast is $13? Snap is $5.55? What is going on here.

Anyways, the best decks are mono blue delver, and familiar combo. i.m.o familiar combo is the actual best deck, but it doesn't always put up the meta %. Mono black control is a tier 1 deck, but I feel the two blue decks are better. Mono green stompy, the various strains of izzet blitz, tron, and affinity are usually bouncing around as meta game tier 2 options. Don't play white decks.

If you are looking to stick at circa $50, maybe go RUG tron + stompy; or one of those decks and UB teachings? You could also stay away from some of the more expensive SB cards: affinity is dirt cheap if you exclude hydro and pyro blasts.

If you do, you can friend me on MTGO: Grillo_Parlante, and we can play some matches. I kind of got burned out, and haven't been online lately, but its always more fun to play with people you know.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I will warn, I got into Pauper and had a few of the T1 decks (Delver, Post when it was legal, MBC) and got bored of it rather quickly. The most fun I had with the format involved some awful brews. Here's one:


It basically revolved around dumping guys into the yard, bringing them back via Unearth abilities and strapping Rancors on them over and over, basically dredging your deck for Ball Lightnings. Maybe it needs a Commune with the Gods, as the deck functions much better with Rancors and there was generally no way to dig for them.
Just 3-0/6-0'd and double-split into top eight of my local modern tournament with skred. First round of top 8 I got my teeth kicked in by burn as he played two goblin guides across all three games and just burned me out otherwise- I was woefully unprepared for just spell-based burn and now I really don't like my sideboard options. Dragon's claw?? Gross, but it looks like my best chance, being mono-red myself...

My meta looks fun, though. Someone was playing freakin' DORAN.DEC and barely missed top eight. Also witnessed the "Eminent Domain" archetype, which I guess has been long-dead/forgotten, wildfiring its way through the brackets- missed top 8 on breakers, though. Amazingly his list was only very slightly different than this mothership list- he had a tamiyo and played temples to scry with, but otherwise just diddled his opponents' lands and slammed titans they couldn't pay to kill. Talked to him a lot about it, and the sideboard was pretty grim. He had just slammed it together with no testing so I'm actually kinda excited about his tuning, the guy always comes up with zany decks but has been out of the game for 2+ years.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Just 3-0/6-0'd and double-split into top eight of my local modern tournament with skred. First round of top 8 I got my teeth kicked in by burn as he played two goblin guides across all three games and just burned me out otherwise- I was woefully unprepared for just spell-based burn and now I really don't like my sideboard options. Dragon's claw?? Gross, but it looks like my best chance, being mono-red myself...

My meta looks fun, though. Someone was playing freakin' DORAN.DEC and barely missed top eight. Also witnessed the "Eminent Domain" archetype, which I guess has been long-dead/forgotten, wildfiring its way through the brackets- missed top 8 on breakers, though. Amazingly his list was only very slightly different than this mothership list- he had a tamiyo and played temples to scry with, but otherwise just diddled his opponents' lands and slammed titans they couldn't pay to kill. Talked to him a lot about it, and the sideboard was pretty grim. He had just slammed it together with no testing so I'm actually kinda excited about his tuning, the guy always comes up with zany decks but has been out of the game for 2+ years.


Pretty stock, nothing crazy.

Skred Red (Modern)

Creatures (8)
Boros Reckoner
Stormbreath Dragon
Wurmcoil Engine

Planeswalkers (5)
Koth of the Hammer
Chandra, Pyromaster

Artifacts (7)
Relic of Progenitus
Mind Stone

Other Spells (17)
Lightning Bolt
Blood Moon
Volcanic Fallout
Anger of the Gods

Lands (23)
21 Snow-covered Mountain
Scrying Sheets

Sideboard (14)
Rending Volley
Pithing Needle
Sowing Salt
Boiling Seas
Anger of the Gods
Volcanic Fallout

Mad ups of skred:
Blood moon and relic shenanigans steal games out from under so many decks/spells
Weird threats feel better than they should in the modern meta
Confuse players who haven't been playing very long
Every card in this deck is freakin' sweet

Mad downs of skred:
It's still relatively linear, so while there are a couple tricks you don't have a lot of branching play paths.
You might feel like a jerk casting blood moon
You'll probably have to buy the entire mana base ;)

I started playing this in a very delver/faeries heavy meta, so I'm pretty high on volcanic fallout. I always feel like I play too many 'wraths' but being unable to lose to black/white tokens or similar attacking decks feels great. I don't actually own any outpost siege or it'd probably replace Chandra. If I owned a fourth moon it'd be in the board.

After that tournament I'm making these changes to the board:
-1 Volcanic Fallout
-2 Sowing Salt

+3 Dragon's Claw

P.S. Boil/boiling seas split in the board because Boiling Seas can't be dispeled. Or something, I dunno.