General [WAR] War of the Spark

This is kind of really just a straight upgrade right? How often do you really need to tap down 1-mana creatures? Granted, it can't tap down a big token but you hopefully have more removal in the deck.

There's a handful of fringe scenarios when tapping down a 1cmc creature with a tap ability is useful for forcing an action:

etc...but if you are running Gideon's Lawkeeper, you're probably not running many of those culprits.

Other good targets to tap down with lawkeeper:

But most likely, it's ability to block 1/1s or not die to other sources of 1 damage far outweighs it's slight disadvantages.


Ecstatic Orb
Also, I was thinking of the colorless activation cost, which makes it easier to cast other white drops in multicolor decks (which my cube tends to produce). I also kinda like it that it doesn't tap quite everything :)

Chris Taylor


These are pretty good! Greeting seems like an interesting alternative to magma jet, and there's a nonzero that chandra's triumph deals 5, given the ubiquity of chandra
I don't play vintage, but that new Karn looks like it could be pretty powerful there. 1-sided null rod, kills moxen on the uptick, and repeatable artifact tutoring. Sounds sick to me.
Me last night: "Man, my Red/Green gold section does not really scream 'Lands Matter'. I wish Wizards would add a Gruul card that helps with the Wildfire archetype..."


Man,.... I don't know what even to think yet...

It's really on the nose. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm a little put-off with how many boxes it checks tbh. I'll test it, but it might end up on the sidelines much like Titania, Protector of Argoth.
It's really on the nose. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm a little put-off with how many boxes it checks tbh. I'll test it, but it might end up on the sidelines much like Titania, Protector of Argoth.
I like it. I was also looking for a lower-CMC Gruul anchor for lands matter that isn't stormbind. I don't see this being nearly as good as Titania, and it's such a good signal. Don't want to make everything subtle.
Me last night: "Man, my Red/Green gold section does not really scream 'Lands Matter'. I wish Wizards would add a Gruul card that helps with the Wildfire archetype..."


Man,.... I don't know what even to think yet...

It's really on the nose. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm a little put-off with how many boxes it checks tbh. I'll test it, but it might end up on the sidelines much like Titania, Protector of Argoth.

You know, I was just about to add a life from the loam/molten vortex sub-archetype to my list in R/G, as an alternative to the G/R beats plant. I might test this, but I'm not sure how I feel about it, especially since I really like all of the Gruul cards that will be in my next cube.

That's one hell of a butt of anything! That seems really useful? Really want to try it. Survives wildfire to boot as well!


Holey Moley!? That's really good
I was wondering what they were going to do for the Red God in this set to complement the WUBG "God-Eternals." I guess this settles it. Cool to think that the God-Eternals will probably have the Zombie creature type now!

I hate this design. Let me put that in a different way... I'll test that monstrously hard to remove undercosted pile of stats with a self-sustaining sneak attack when hell freezes over.

Yeah this card seems ludicriously over the top

You have to admit though...
...It's type line is amazing!
Pig is incredibly pushed. I will never play it in Cube, but I will laugh maniacally in EDH.

Yeah, I'm starting to agree with all of those 90's kids who have been complaining about power creep these last few years. Sure, we'll never have another Black Lotus, but the bar for "on curve creature" is certainly creeping to a horrific extent.

The sad part is: Ilharg might not even be competitively viable in most (if any) formats, save for EDH. It fails the Vindicate test pretty hard, despite it's ability to tuck itself back into your deck.

Turns out that Doom Whisperer is not part of the cycle

This card is actually fair though. It gives you nothing for free, and essentially just gives you a 5/6 menace for 5 which is really only OK as far as mid-powered environments are concerned. Yeah, it doesn't actually go away ever, but it still eats a removal spell every time it gets played.

I think this one could actually make it in to my cube. It has:
-Relevant creature types
-Aristocrats support without hitting you over the head with it.
-Card filtering
-A big butt

Also, the fact that it says "permanents" instead of "creatures" is nice. It lets you convert lands and Chromatic Stars into more cards for use.

I would say this is similar in power to something like Polukranos, World Eater.
This card is actually fair though. It gives you nothing for free, and essentially just gives you a 5/6 menace for 5 which is really only OK as far as mid-powered environments are concerned. Yeah, it doesn't actually go away ever, but it still eats a removal spell every time it gets played.

I think this one could actually make it in to my cube. It has:
-Relevant creature types
-Aristocrats support without hitting you over the head with it.
-Card filtering
-A big butt

Also, the fact that it says "permanents" instead of "creatures" is nice. It lets you convert lands and Chromatic Stars into more cards for use.

I would say this is similar in power to something like Polukranos, World Eater.
Yeah I agree, I've been looking for some beat sticks that help push archetypes. I'm not wanting the power level of the higher end M11 Titans, but outside of multicolor options everything is either Sheoldred, Whispering One or Soul of Innistrad. Pig Daddy is pretty pushed, but I love the idea of a slower but meatier Sneak Attack that players can interact with easily