Green bond: I'd rather run Grapple or Impulse. It's possible I use the card at some point, for sure, but I'm not in love.
Blue bond: I am in love. I love
Pull from the Deep and this is better.
I'll repost my Reddit comment about the Finales:
White: reasonable token maker. 4 power at 4 mana. Probably doesn't cut in higher power builds, but this has serious applications.
Blue: no one is looking for this effect, and the 10+ payoff isn't terribly appealing.
Black: this thing could be a bit of a monster. At cmc 5, a very normal wrath CMC, it will usually smack 3 of your opponent's dudes. Makes it relevant in both midrange and control. If anything, it could hose aggro too hard.
Red: not sure who runs a deck that wants this. Looks like a hell of an EDH card and I'm sure someone will cube it. It is interesting, I'm just not sure what deck has that amount of mana and that density of spells.
Green: almost GSZ. The one mana difference is a lot, but this will find a home in a variety of cubes.