General Fight Club

Edit: Ugh. Why is there no version of Grizzly Fate that explains what threshold means?
There is one... but you'll need to proxy it, because it's the Vintage Masters version that only ever got "printed" on MODO. :(
I can add one to my MPC order in June if you want to come to Seattle to pick it up.

If you have threshold at turn five then it is quite strong 5 mana 8 power is even these days still quite strong.
What about for 6 mana?
Roar of the Wurm is probably in my top 10 favorite magic cards of all time. It's just perfect. A simple design with a lot of depth. I mean, an aggressive madness deck, a grindy dredge deck and a mono green ramp deck all want to have it, yet they all maximize it in a different way.
I would vote for Beast Attack but with a twist: you swap your Nature’s Chant with Sundering Growth. This gives you a novel interaction your players can chase.
Why the beast? It’s a surprise blocker making combat dynamic. It can slot into decks that don’t care about the GY (Green ramp).

What I don’t love is that the beast is a worst version of Call of the Herd or Honored Hydra in a generic deck and a worse Roar of the Wurm in self-mill decks and you run them all.

However, you have plenty of beaters and token makers that play to the GY in Green. What you don’t have is a recursion engine for your selfmill decks. I like Rusje’s suggestion of Genesis or maybe even Timeless Witness. I know you aren’t big on ETBs, but having a generic value card for the GY could maybe open some GW blink/GY/value deck that wasn’t there before.

Tough fight!
Love your thoughtful analysis here.

The reason why I shy away from Genesis is that some people say, it would always either be too slow or feel unbeatable. That being said, I know that some people run and love it, isn't that true @Onderzeeboot ?
Could you say anything to maybe reduce my concerns? Where is the sweet spot where it is neither unbeatable nor too slow?


Ecstatic Orb
Could you say anything to maybe reduce my concerns? Where is the sweet spot where it is neither unbeatable nor too slow?
Oh, that’s a tough question to answer. I think the only way this can feel unbeatable is when your format is slow as molasses. On the other hand, if your format doesn’t offer any stabilizing tools to green (or colors that it would pair with in a Genesis shell), that is ways to prolong the game, it will definitely feel too slow. My cube has fast Aggro decks to punish durdling, but at the same time it does offer ways to stymie those strategies, and it feels very satisfying when you pull that off!
You know what, I'll get a copy of Genesis and try it. If it doesn't work, I can still throw in Grizzly Fate or Beast Attack as I have copies of those in my collection. But I've thought about Genesis more often than the people who wrote the bible.

I will report back. In my CCC thread. In a few month or so. Stay tuned lol.
I'm doing to recommend an unusual pick. There are only two green graveyard cards I've been happy about. One is Life from the Loam, the other is this:

It requires some finesse to run, but it's a synergy piece so it's unlikely to be overpowered. The key is that it's 4/3 haste, which is juust big enough to compensate jumping through hoops. If it were smaller, it would be terrible. But you will be happy to play it as is, as a big beater and then bring it back a couple turns later. Unlike in constructed, you only bring one back so it's not oppresive.

The fact that it's better if you play green, but doesn't strictly need it helps.


Genesis is heavily limited by the fact that adding 2G to any cards makes it substantially worse. Sure, you can recur Bone Shredder with it, but at 6 mana, you are unlikely to win that way.
It is very strong, but if the enablers are weak, perhaps that's fine. He knows his cube better than anyone so perhaps there's room for it, or not!
Vengevine is actually already in the CCC for a few years. It has yet to do anything scary. It makes surprisingly few decks though, since I track everything (for 18 month now) it was only once in a deck and went 2-1. I suspect it's just bad luck why it doesn't get played more often. Things like this is why I'm considering seeding cards in draft pools as just talked about in CBS :p

Tldr: I run it and have no clue whether it's too strong.
I love Pteramander. It's a flying man for the U/x tempo decks, especially great as a ninjutsu enabler, yet it is also a card that is desireable in a U/x control deck. Now, I want stick with singleton, but still would like some blue evasive 1-drops that could appeal to control decks.

Choose up to two:

Between these, I would go for the Sailor. The Siren seems a bit overcosted (for the bestow part, obviously) while the Phantasm looks like a payoff for a mill deck, so it could be misleading (and I wouldn't play that in a Ux tempo deck). If you are open to suggestions:

I like the pirate out of the three options. Flash and mana sink is perfect.

I like disruptive threats too:

Does it have to be mono Blue?

Mono Blue but a trap with spirits?

Always avoid traps

There are enough cards to choose from in the game that we can afford to avoid traps

God, now the contrary part of my brain is imagining a Trap Cube where it's supposedly built around the trap cards from OG Zendikar... but the actual goal is to make the least satisfying draft experience possible. Nothing but false signposts as far as the eye can see!

EDIT: For added spice, there are actual archetypes you can aim for if you know about them... but they're all designed for playstyles that most people find to be absolutely miserable. You work your way through all of the weird non-synergies and realize, to your mounting horror, that the only remotely coherent deck you'll be able to build is Four Horsemen.
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