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  1. Enki

    Peasant Budget 360 Cube (old vs. new)

    Thanks for your helpful advice. Especially your statements about the archetypes. All in all it should stay peasant, but there are a lot of interesting cards mentioned. Pingers seems pretty interesting. I could think of a few pingers especially in red. I will think of a few new archetypes. UW...
  2. Enki

    Peasant Budget 360 Cube (old vs. new)

    Peasant At first I´ve to say, that I am very grateful for your help so far with my first cube. I´m planning on a B-Cube (1 vs.1). The Cube should be peasant, because it is more budget-friendly ;) (At least for the moment) (the list) I want to...
  3. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    I also love conspiracy. Conspiracy inspired me to build a multiplayer cube. The problem is most of the cards don´t have the right power level. Others are too conditional. E.g. Aligned Hedron Network is not bad, but I want to interact with this card. Means I want to send it in exile with e.g...
  4. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Thanks for your response ;) I guess I´m a bit to deep in Cubemania. Most of the time we play in groups of 4-6. The last few drafts were in general pretty interesting. We always have 1-2 pure goodstuffdecks. They mostly end up 5-color or 3-color with a few splashes, but this is the style of one...
  5. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    No suggestions? Do you need more input?
  6. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    The next we finally will try out a few new things (like discard in MP). Two things I would ask your advice: 1) Counterspells I read the thread ( but wasn´t more clever after that. Which counterspells do you recommend for Multiplayer...
  7. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Now I have time to brainstorm a few ideas (finally :p) 1) A short explanation what the colors do/should do (P= Primary, S= Secondary) Blue: P = Cardadvantage, S= Copy/Clon, mill, evasion, combattricks, bounce, tap, artifactssynergy Black: P = Grave, Sac, S= token, removalbeast, Zombies or...
  8. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Cheerio guys I need your help. In the next few weeks I have to learn for exams but I want to change my cube with a big update. For this it would be great if you test my temporary cube (see signature) In general I want to increase the Aggro-Archetype and add a few more combo pieces. Besides this...
  9. Enki

    General Fight Club

    I run both at the moment. Depends on your environment. In a MP-Cube both should be run. If you have only room for one card Dictate all night long. If you play with counters I would also include the crusade, performed pretty good e.g. Bitterblossom or Secure the Wastes or Hero of Bladehold or...
  10. Enki

    General Fight Club

    Depends on your enviroment and cube. Singleplayercube with a lot of Aggropotential Far//Away > Silumgar'S Command Otherwise with just an inch Silumgar's Command. The command is versatile but often not played (even in our MP-enviroment). If I have to make a decision I would pick Far // Away...
  11. Enki

    Card/Deck Graveyard hate

    For the graveyardhatesection I currently play the following guys (note: Multiplayerenviroment), you could also synergy with the opponent's graveyard. Hello Puppeteer Clique or Body Double Mardu Woe-Reaper -> Performed well, Lifegain, aggressive, removes creatures only, but is most of the time...
  12. Enki

    General Fight Club

    Tough decision. I chose Obzedat, because he is the better card in vacuum and does not necessary need a deckbuild around.The better card to be blinked, haste after wrath-effects and so on. But I also love the second one (Flavour). In my opinion sacrifice is a more Rakdosmechanic Just my two...
  13. Enki

    General Fight Club

    I need a few preferences from you guys :) (for a multiplayerenviroment) First against second (.. Brawler vs. Archon, Zenith vs. Wastes and so on) Sightless Brawler Celestial Archon White Sun's Zenith Secure the Wastes Reveillark Angel of Serenity Wingmate Roc Sunscorch Regent -> also pick two...
  14. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    After a few days I made a real big update towards an aggroenviroment. Every basic archetype (Aggro, Midrange, Control (Combo/Synergy)) should hopefully be playable now. I have a bunch of cards leftover, that I also want to include. So if you have some advice (which cards to cut maybe, which...
  15. Enki

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    :(Another countertheme. If it didn´t work with lands, I would be very disappointed. Titania, Protector of Argoth likes this
  16. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Thanks for answering. We play with 20 life. Most of the Rattlesnakecards will be cutted but a few leftovers will be there. I will add a fore more pointremoval (especially for artefacts and enchantments). My purpose is not to generate a commander cube, although I played a lot commander. You...
  17. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Thanks both of you. I read a few articles and will gradually make a change in my cube. But first I will evaluate my cards in the following sections (I will upload the list, but at the moment I have a lot to do, so before next weekend will be no greater changes) A= Will probably be played in...
  18. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Thanks, for your comment. We play Free-For-All I know the Aggrotype is not existing. Later I will write with the absolute basic stuff, that I definitely want to stay in the cube. Basilica Guards and Grave Titan are for a different kind of deck. The guards performed pretty well. Of course Grave...
  19. Enki

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Dear community At first I´m from germany, so please don´t judge me to much for my grammar mistakes. If something is unclear just text me :) The List: Take a look here ->: The Idea: Have a nonconventional cube for multiplayer experiences. I play...