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  1. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I mean, yeah, if your cube has moxes and Sol Ring and Channel and shit, Skullclamp isn't going to look super impressive next to them. It's one of the more reasonable of Magic's egregiously broken mistakes, but it's still an egregiously broken mistake that will destroy any environment short of a...
  2. Peter LaCara

    Sets (ELD) Throne of Eldraine Testing and Includes thread.

    I... don't think they're weak? I don't know. Card evaluation is hard. Vantress Gargoyle - UG has a bit of a top of library manipulation thing going on (or it did at one point... I'm not sure any of the pieces survived). I'm also trying to find a spot for Nephalia Drownyard, and a nice...
  3. Peter LaCara

    Sets (ELD) Throne of Eldraine Testing and Includes thread.

    Also, ALL THE OTHER LANDS IN THE SET ARE NUTS, HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS. I'm not sure how I'm gonna fit all these mono-colored lands I want to run from this set.
  4. Peter LaCara

    Sets (ELD) Throne of Eldraine Testing and Includes thread.

    A 1/1 deathtouch you can cast over and over with Haakon, even. But yeah, Adventure is like a better Evoke, and I didn't even know Evoke could be better. It doesn't hurt that the art is some of the best Magic has had in 20 years.
  5. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    Oh my god, I didn't even notice All That Glitters. That's 100% a Shrek reference.
  6. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    I'm kinda into Elsa here. That's a nice tempo piece in the last dump.
  7. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Magister of Worth Have any of you ever seen this be anything other than a wrath + a 4/4 flier? I like the art, and I'm tempted by the card, but the wordiness puts me off.
  8. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I don't think so, but if someone does figure out a way to pull it off I'd be interested. The issue is that it does nothing until you've played your 7th land. That's a lot more reasonable in a deck with 28+ lands versus a deck with like 18 lands. You aren't going to get the density of non-basic...
  9. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    This is neat. Nice little side piece for the spells deck since it wants to be cantriping all the time.
  10. Peter LaCara

    General The Draft Exchange

    I don't know how to export a draft from CubeCobra yet. Here's a link to the deck: I started with Wooded Foothills into Nahiri because I love big Boros decks. Grabbed an Opportunistic Dragon, followed by a Butcher of the Horde to...
  11. Peter LaCara

    Pete's Cube Redesign Thread

    Well, I've made the jump to CubeCobra: I did a bit of tweaking in preparation for Eldraine. I appreciate that we can add cards to the cube from the new set before it's been released. That was the straw that finally got me to switch. The editing interface is...
  12. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Sheoldred, Whispering One I'm looking for a decent reanimation target in black that isn't Grizzlebees. I keep getting excited over the big legendary demons they keep printing, and they keep letting me down. It's been a while since I looked at the praetors. How does this one hold up? Too...
  13. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    What is that statline? 1/4 flying for 2 is puuuushed. I guess WotC decided that giving their cool weird effects decent bodies ensures that they see play. Clearly a plant for BO1, but cube will take it.
  14. Peter LaCara

    General Making broken cards fair

    Yeah, my initial response was a little glib, but these cards have a reputation for a reason. Like, if your cube is super aggro focused, Bribery isn't going to be that OP, but like, at what cost? Haha, look at you for being dumb enough to put a good creature in your deck. It only takes playing...
  15. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    The art is super tempting, and I like the modal nature of it. I've been very happy with Law-Rune Enforcer, but I might give this guy a shot for a while.
  16. Peter LaCara

    General Cultic Cube video series

    This is a really good video that covers a fundamental topic. I've learned each lesson that you go over in the video individually over time, but it's nice to have a refresher aggregated in one place. And actually, the point that aggressive decks don't favor multicolor cards as heavily has...
  17. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    It's not Dark Souls. It's something.... older.
  18. Peter LaCara

    Sets [ELD] Throne of Eldraine

    Now this is interesting. Probably too low powered, but if you support devotion and aristocrats this guy might be worth a look.