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  1. Peter LaCara

    Pete's Cube Redesign Thread

    Part 3 - The Mana Base I have been pretty satisfied with my current suite of dual lands. I have 5 cycles of duals, which I feel is the correct amount in a 450 cube that adheres to Riptide principles. We've got: Hallowed Fountain Shocks Drowned Catacomb Checks Graven Cairns Filters...
  2. Peter LaCara

    Pete's Cube Redesign Thread

    Current concerns: I feel like white doesn't have quite enough removal... half as much as black and red. I wonder if I should cut a couple black and red spells to make room for 4-5 more white spells.
  3. Peter LaCara

    Pete's Cube Redesign Thread

    Part 2 - Removal There was a lot of removal in my previous cube. Last time I counted the as-fan I was in the 2.9 range. I'm going to try to cut down to the 2.0-2.5 range to make the games not quite so grindy. With my cube size of 450, that gives me with 60-70 slots to play with for removal...
  4. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Nah, man. I haven't even been able to do more than a grid draft or two since this post. I need to put together a new cubing group somehow.
  5. Peter LaCara

    Pete's Cube Redesign Thread

    I've been threatening in a few other threads to rebuild my cube from the ground up with all the new toys GRN has presented to us, plus just a general shift in cube philosophy. Also I can't sleep because all these ideas keep running through my head, so I thought maybe getting them down will help...
  6. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    Future Sight is probably my favorite card of all time, so I'm on Frenzy.
  7. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    Yeah. I'm disappointed in it as a limited format so far. I feel the same way about it that I felt with Gatecrash. Maybe Boros just ruins limited formats? I still want to include like half the rares in my cube at least. That's where the meat of this set lies.
  8. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    Thousand-Year Storm Okay. I've been playing a janky UR control deck featuring this on Arena, and I think this card might be the Truth. I secretly suspect that with a bit of tuning, it could in fact be not janky at all. We always talk about how storm is so poisonous that it's not worth including...
  9. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    That last game makes me wish Disinformation Campaign wasn't so parasitic. That card is sweet, but I'm not sure you can run it outside this set.
  10. Peter LaCara

    General Current opinion on duplicates and other Riptidian/Waddellisms?

    This is the reason I don't run them. I try to reduce cards that have a lot of 'loading time.' Plus, I do think there is such a thing as mana being too good. I hate non-games of Magic as much as the next guy, but if I'm just casually throwing together four color decks because there's no downside...
  11. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    Part Two: That's 40 freaking cards. Obviously I'm not going to have room for all of them, but there are so many interesting designs in this set that it's like I'm a kid in a candy store. This is a far cry from where I was a year ago with Ixalan where I wanted to add like five cards. I think...
  12. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    This set is awesome. I feel like I want to add half of it. Here's what I'm looking at with a cursory first pass through the Card Image Gallery: Part One...
  13. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    That's... a freaking weird card. I think it's good? Kind of like a Seal of Doom that shuffles itself back in. I'm tempted to slot her in over Hostage Taker.
  14. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    I predict that in a month something like 60% of my gold cards are going to be from this set.
  15. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    I'm tempted to run Glowspore Shaman just because I love the artwork so much. Goth elves are my jam. And goth angels. Goths in general, really. But yes, both Satyr Wayfinder and Borderland Explorer do this card's job better in mono-green.
  16. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Y'know, I had considered her when I put together my very first iteration of my cube, but dismissed her for being too fragile. That was before I settled on tokens as a theme for RW. I ought to give her a second chance, considering that I am still running snoozers like Gore-House Chainwalker.
  17. Peter LaCara

    General Sunk Cost Fallacy and the impact on the evolution of cube design

    My issue is that I went from drafting my cube almost every week to once every three months if I'm lucky. As such, most of my design is purely theoretical (look, it's not my fault my group moved away or got married in a six month span). In that time, the other issue is that I stopped playing...
  18. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    Speaking of Invert, Forsythe said that there's errata incoming on it. Looks like it's going to be until EOT after all.