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  1. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    flutterfox Surprised not find any hits on this when I searched. A flying 2/2 seems pretty good if you have some equipment and enchantment based removal, is the floor just pretty poor?
  2. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Oreskos Explorer From an elegance stand point, how annoying is this to read in a two player game?
  3. Rasmus Källqvist

    General CBS

    I don't mind CIPT lands, and I still want to aim somewhat for peasant, so I'm probably going to stick to this combination. I'll just be mindful of double pip cards and keeping the average mana value low. Good to know 60 is an alright number. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Rasmus Källqvist

    General CBS

    Ok so I'm thinking of putting a cube together after not having drafted in a while, and started out at the lands end of it. Is running 60 lands at 360 too much? I'm thinking 10 lands for stuff like vivid lands and evolving wilds, and then the following for each guild section: gruul turf...
  5. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (VOW) Crimson Vow

    Honestly, I feel the same. A lot of cards from recent sets I've just completely glossed over because it's just paragraph after paragraph, sometimes even on both sides of the card.
  6. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (VOW) Crimson Vow

    This might be one of my favorite cards so far! Really elegant, and seems very fun to play.
  7. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (VOW) Crimson Vow

    Why did they make Sorin so hot??
  8. Rasmus Källqvist

    General CBS

    I've been sorting by color and then by power/toughness, which makes it super easy to find the token you're looking for.
  9. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Earthcraft/Cryptolith Rite Archetype

    I see a lot of cards here but are there any example 40 card decks to check that this is even viable?
  10. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Yeah just to be clear the idea was to flip your reanimation targets and shoot villain for a lot of damage.
  11. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    keen duelist Is this a little too much to run as an incentive for delve/reanimation decks?
  12. Rasmus Källqvist

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    draw card: defiant strike fist of flame guided strike niveous wisps shelter scry: gods willing storm strike titan's strength inordinate rage stand firm samut's sprint
  13. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fair

    Isn't "fair" and "unfair" distinctions mostly used in legacy and vintage? In that context there are certain decks that try to win by playing creatures and turning them sideways, and there are decks that try to win by some fantastical interaction between card mechanics (i.e. combo) that most...
  14. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    Seems like a pretty fine tempo play? Gets rid of 2 blockers if you cast it back to back over 2 turns right
  15. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    Isn't the value that you turn it sideways and deal 6 damage in the air?
  16. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    Omg there's something absolutely hilarious about the way Sorin is drawn here. It looks like he's in some old comic book?
  17. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    Oh man I was convinced that costed 3
  18. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    That's like, your opinion, man! I'm really happy about the amount of flashback cards we're getting. Non-zero amount of stuff that I'd put in a cube
  19. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    Running a slightly nerfed Reveilark is probably fine if you want slightly lower power
  20. Rasmus Källqvist

    Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

    Our boy is back, and looking goofier than ever! Seems like they've learned their history and made delver an uncommon this time around.