It’s like if you run a 360 card cube but 12 people turn up: pull out your second cube and split into 2 drafts of 6. If you have a 20,000 card cube and more than 444 people turn up, you’ll be glad you brought that second cube.
Thespian’s Stage
I used to do a lot of amateur acting when I was younger. At times of stress I have a recurring nightmare that I wake up, having slept through all the rehearsals, and have to go on stage not knowing my cues, lines or movements.
Has anyone played the Arena Cube? There seems to be a bug where if you target Sublime Epiphany in your graveyard with Torrential Gearhulk’s ETB abilit, your opponent is thrown out of the game before the ability resolves.
With powermax cube you risk only having powerful cards to put on the deck. I’d be more annoyed in a Riptide cube where I get three fetch lands put back because it’s okay to break singleton.
I’m waiting for Jeskai Ascendancy: the Movie. The card art looks like a poster of a ragtag band of misfits who learn to put aside their differences and defend their home from the evil Sultai horde.
Favourite to win with would be something like
Sign in Blood
but Foreboding Fruit or Fell Stinger would be just as good. It amuses me to give my opponent two cards but allow the life loss to finish them.
Worst to lose to would be
Scute Swarm
also Pack Rat or Sprout Swarm. Anything that...
From your cube description: “Very few planeswalkers and other easy engines”.
Whilst Bitterblossom can be used as a synergy card (for example with Smokestack, which is in your cube) it tends to warp games around it if unanswered. It is similar to Pack Rat which, though also a discard outlet and...
I agree with blacksmithy’s analysis. I don’t even think there’s a lot of agency on modes I and II - you can usually judge whether an opponent is likely to have mass removal, and by turning any creatures into mana dorks it is usually correct for your opponent not to hold removal back. I do think...
Thanks for the insight, Onder. The list you link is interesting. Startle was the only “real word” card name I could see that had a set-specific mechanism (Decayed).
But that one was ten days after the first, so Velrun is averaging once a week.
Anyway, I have a fondness for overcoats (my main one is 1938 vintage, and weighs about 3.5kg). A lot of pirates have nice coats, but I’d probably go for
as his coat is nicely understated.