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  1. Humpty_Dumpty

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I remember when Visara the Dreadful and Kokusho, the Evening Star were considered to be the optimal black 6-drops.
  2. Humpty_Dumpty

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    If you want a reanimation target that can also be used as a curve topper in a more controlling deck it is best to stick to mv 6. Grave Titan is a bit dull as it can be chumped indefinitely while producing tokens to gum up the board. I prefer Noxious Gearhulk which gives a solid two-for-one, a...
  3. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    I’ve not played the Regent, but enjoy having the Whale in my cube. It fits in both blue self-mill and spells matter decks, and being able to recast spells is more interesting than being big. I prefer the art for the whale.
  4. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    She has to attack with two other creatures, so you do need to curve out for this to work. Despite this, I also run Gallia as a card for Jund madness, as she also overlaps with Naya go-wide. Xenagos, the Reveller and Satyr Wayfinder negate the trinket text.
  5. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Trainmaster Mirror Project: Saving Old Cubes from Cubetutor

    Thanks Trainmaster! Does anyone have an older Cubetutor cube (lower ID)? :cool:
  6. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    Thanks for all the replies. I have played Hidden Stockpile and Maw of the Obzedat before with limited success: the former was efficient but unexciting; the latter powerful but overcosted. I will try Teysa and Finale out, but suspect that I will ultimately go back to stockpile: seeing the card...
  7. Humpty_Dumpty

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Crucible is only obnoxious with Fastbond effects to play multiple lands in a turn or Stripmine-type land destruction.
  8. Humpty_Dumpty

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    The order of benefits is off for me. I need the mana smoothing early and the grave hate later.
  9. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    Teysa Karlov vs dramatic finale I run both BWG tokens and BWR sacrifice as themes. Which of the above would you run as a bridging BW card?
  10. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Cultic Cube video series

    The flavour text produced by the bot is very plausible. I can only assume that this is because WotC have been using a bot of their own for the last few years.
  11. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Trainmaster Mirror Project: Saving Old Cubes from Cubetutor

    Is there an easy way to export the blog posts? My main cube there was number 74!
  12. Humpty_Dumpty

    General CBS

    We used to use beer bottle caps as tokens. The bottle opener would be referred to as “The Tokenator“. Some beers would even provide appropriate images. Brakspear Bitter was good for Hornet Queen and Brains would be good for Broodmate Dragon. Brakspear top Brains top
  13. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    I quite enjoy the Order of the Stick webcomic, but it is updated at a glacially slow pace. I never contributed to the forums, but the ones for the comic were a little odd: it felt as if the forum posters had to make up for the lack of story progress with wild speculation, pedantic analysis and...
  14. Humpty_Dumpty

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    It was good in retail draft. Mostly it would ensure your creatures outmatch those of your opponents, but haste could also create headaches in terms of what to leave for blocking. For it to have a place in my cube I’d want to be taking full advantage of the +1/+1 counters, but that is mostly a...
  15. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    Thanks for all the replies. I think I will go for two of each and a single flex slot for my 450ish cube. I do appreciate how, if you ask the members of this forum to pick between A or B, you’ll learn that C was really the answer you wanted.
  16. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Fight Club

    Two of each fetchland and one ABUR dual land vs one fetchland and two duals.
  17. Humpty_Dumpty

    General Jumpstart, Historic Horizons spoiler thread

    Even if online-only cards do create two separate games, won’t that mitigate the effect of formats being solved before they hit paper magic? I’ve been ignoring aspects of Magic for decades. I don’t see any reason to stop now. Also, the art for Davriel looks like it should be on a Netrunner card.
  18. Humpty_Dumpty

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I like Emmara in green/white tokens, but have convoke cards and Glare of Subdual as non-combat tap effects.
  19. Humpty_Dumpty

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Creakwood Liege Strictly speaking the tokens are 1/1 but function as 3/3, at least until the Liege is killed.
  20. Humpty_Dumpty

    Sets (AFR) Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Previews- Dripping with Flavor, and Excess Words!

    That is... kinda creepy. But I must say I’m honoured.