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  1. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

  2. FlowerSunRain

    The Board Game Thread

    I kicked off a Descent 2e campaign today (base game campaign). Does anyone else play? I played a lot of Descent 1e, but not much in 2e. In case you care, here's the situation:
  3. FlowerSunRain

    The Board Game Thread

    Umm, kind of?
  4. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Black Sheep

    Supports heroic, can be used out of the graveyard and has Guay art. That checks every box for me, but the effect is just isn't there. I remember one day we were talking about test of faith and someone said they didn't like it because it was kinda of a fuck you red card. Clearly its more broad...
  5. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Black Sheep

    Syndic of Tithes is good. When I suggest it, people tell me its too mana intensive, it needs a combat keyword, etc., but the card just keeps contributing and not just in the pridemate decks.
  6. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I totally know what you are talking about!
  7. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Black Sheep

    I ran submerge for a long time, the card is amazingly strong. I maindecked it basically 100% of the time I drafted it, although obviously it got sideboarded out pretty frequently. The problem is getting hit with it just feels ultra shitty for no real rhyme or reason. "I guess I'm an asshole for...
  8. FlowerSunRain

    General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

    As much as I support and will preach the merits of if asked, the merciless chopping of the mana curve, along with mana curve offenders isn't the only way to go with a cube. I have a friend and his cube takes that other approach: getting rid of the low end of the curve, loading up on signets and...
  9. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Kami of the Crescent Moon is begging for flash. I can't imagine how often casting it on 2 would end in a blowout. That said, flash on it would be pretty insane. Even going 0/3 Flash seems strong. While looking through my binder for a ghoulcaller's bell, I saw Horn of Greed. It seems to check...
  10. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Good ideas. Any good "incidental mill engines" out there? Jace Beleren, Mesmeric Orb, Dakra Mystic are all decent. Anything else that speeds up card drawing/milling for the opponent that isn't completely poisonous or terrible? I'm skeptical that my cube can effectively run howling mine, does...
  11. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Current version done, but I foresee some changes happening. Pretty sure custom Kris Mage's time has passed. I can probably also afford to drop a couple of the squadded cards that aren't really vital to any decks. I'm thinking Stromkirk Noble, Mortician Beetle, Grim Guardian, Custom...
  12. FlowerSunRain

    General Is this results oriented thinking? (I lost.)

    Our local store ran 2 weekly tournaments. They weren't sanctioned, but 16 players was a pretty regular turnout. They had a sanctioned event once. Amy Weber and Douglas Schuler were there signing cards. My dad won a T-Shirt for reasons I can't remember (We all scrubbed out of type 2 by the second...
  13. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Minor God Analysis! Totally Playable Athreos: See above Mostly Playable Ephara: Does well in a subset of decks, gives low curve decks long-term gas, benefits from flash creatures and moorland haunt in the ULD. Keranos: I think he's a little slow, but if you have a deck that can stall he...
  14. FlowerSunRain

    General Is this results oriented thinking? (I lost.)

    Ice Age was really bad limited. For the people who drafted it, it was the first time they ever drafted, so I think people gave it a pass based on the novelty of it, but everything about it was terrible. The difference between Ice Age x3 and any combination of three packs from the Mirage block is...
  15. FlowerSunRain

    General Is this results oriented thinking? (I lost.)

    I can confirm that as far back as Ice Age (1995), people were doing the same booster draft format they are doing today. I don't remember there being any other draft format before that. Seal deck existed since the very beginning and was the first limited variant. I remember people doing Solomon...
  16. FlowerSunRain

    General Is this results oriented thinking? (I lost.)

    I think the whole "being open" thing isn't nearly as useful in cube where we tend to avoid unplayable cards and end up in situations where people's needs are drastically different. In retail draft, basically everyone always need non-filler creatures and removal over everything else (with some...
  17. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Athreos is definitely good. I guess you can call it a punisher effect and that's accurate in a way. But, it stays on the table and happens repeatedly. If your deck can reliably trigger it, it just cumulatively adds to the point where no matter what combinations of options they pick, they get...
  18. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Managorger Hydra Interesting scaling threat or just an unfun removal check? Similar to Primordial Hydra, but at least managorger is a shitty topdeck.
  19. FlowerSunRain

    General Is this results oriented thinking? (I lost.)

    One of the most difficult things to do when drafting is to account for the opponents' decks. When you play with a large pool of cards, the available decks in each draft are going to vary wildly between games. A deck that might be a 3-0 against one set of competition might be a 1-2 against...
  20. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Someone sell me on Birthing Pod (but first, long backstory)

    Love that card. You can apply that comment to either of the above two posts.