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  1. FlowerSunRain

    General It's time to put your cube on a diet

    Let's compile a list of interesting cards that support aggro dudes as the game gets long! I'll try to contribute later.
  2. FlowerSunRain

    General It's time to put your cube on a diet

    I like this topic. There are a lot more tough creatures worth playing further down the mana curve and I think you are right that we need to critically question which ones we include and what decks that want to win off of 2/xs need to do to win. My cube, for example, has tons of ways to make...
  3. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I mean, how bad do you want that scry 1? You can get this card could be cheaper as unsummon or vapor snag You can get it more flexible as cyclonic rift or into the roil You can even get it for free as snap I wouldn't call voyage's end unplayable, but there are a LOT of comparable cards out...
  4. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Jamming extort on Faith Healer isn't bad, but as someone who actually runs Syndic of Tithes and sees him make plenty of decks, adding another ability to him might not be necessary? Or maybe I just overrate that guy and its fine, if you test it let me know. Yeah, Femeref Enchantress with...
  5. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    Yes! She's decent. Bad on most losing boards, but good on stalled ones.
  6. FlowerSunRain

    Thinking of deep cuts to 540 list

    One thing about cube is that each environment is unique and their isn't really a consensus on anything. When deciding how much non-creature removal to run, you've got to decide a couple of things: 1) How is the game impacted if enchantments and artifacts never get removed? 2) How are games...
  7. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Someone sell me on Birthing Pod (but first, long backstory)

    I don't like Birthing Pod. I don't like tutors in general. I mean, I run a few of them, but in general I don't like how they effect the game. Birthing Pod is a repeatable tutor. I'm running Fauna Shaman right now, because I was thinking I wanted a discard outlet, but its also a tutor and I...
  8. FlowerSunRain

    General CBS 4-1'd a 6 man round robin in December.
  9. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    Ok, I'm going to make a confession. I'm not sure what The Great Aurora actually does. I understand the actual mechanic of resolving the spell, but I have absolutely no idea what that means. Also, my one regret in life was selling my V:tES collection.
  10. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    This is a hyperbolic summation of my feelings on the issue. More succinctly, there are games other then Magic that are significantly better at multiplayer/politics/social/whatever, so when I'm in a situation where that's what I want, I play those instead of trying to hamfist Magic into the...
  11. FlowerSunRain

    Diakonov's Cube (450)

    I meant an auratog with the lifelink keyword. He's clearly good with Spirit Loop and I did consider the card, but the impact level wasn't there.
  12. FlowerSunRain

    Diakonov's Cube (450)

    Semi-related, I looked at both Faith healer and Auratog and decided neither of which were really good enough, and am now going to run try Auratog+Lifelink, which is good with both Demonic Pact and an enchantment theme. Constellation decks can outgrind almost anything, but are definitely...
  13. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Nighthowler seems somewhat comparable, which is definitely a playable card. This guy starts with 4 toughness, so you can run him out early and actually be useful, attacking into 3 power dudes or effectively blocking almost anything without evasion. He also hits for 1 more. He doesn't have...
  14. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Ug... What should I do with my Blue-Green section?

    I was thinking about 2/1@{1}{U}, probably trying it next update
  15. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    Here is my list of interesting cube cards from this set: Stuff that gets by on power level Kytheon, Hero of Akros Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy Liliana, Heretical Healer Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh Nissa, Vastwood Seer Archangel of Tithes Titan of Erebus Avaricous Dragon Woodland Bellower Demonic Pact...
  16. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    This set is so great. There are just so many cool cards. There are so many cards that people are getting hyped about that people are forgetting to get hyped about other cards that in any other set they would be super hyped about! How cool is that?
  17. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    Weren't we crying like two months ago about how Balancing Act and something else couldn't pull off being a second Cataclysm? I'm not sure how this card will play out in an environment where putting multiple dudes on the environment isn't a given, but it is certainly something.;
  18. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    I had initially dismissed it as some random shitty 5 mana limited only burn spell, but after seeing it in one of your lists of cards you were going to try, I reread it and I think I'm a believer. I'm not really a big fan of wildfire, but this is top end red spell I can get behind
  19. FlowerSunRain

    The Dandy Cube (Chris Taylor's Cube)

    What's with Shambling Ghoul? I'm not seeing the appeal. Is three toughness so good that players want it with a downside and an otherwise black text box?
  20. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers

    The card is nothing but a beater, so there isn't any other way to judge it. It has no ability to do anything other then attack or block. It has two triggers, one makes it harder to block profitable and thus more likely to do damage. The other makes it do more damage after if it does damage...