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  1. Rasmus Källqvist

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube

    I went through the cube and made a lot of changes, cutting some one-drops and aggro stuff as well as cards that were a little too good on their own (restoration angel), and gave room for some really big spells for the slower decks. Super happy about the change! We had a 4-man draft today...
  2. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Prison in Cube

    I would like to say that if you could achieve interactive prison style decks, it could maybe give a fun angle to drafting control decks. Breaking Zur's Weirding seems like a fun drafting minigame.
  3. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I think it's just an illegal action. Priority is passed after you pay the cost of exiling the card, so the opponent never gets the chance to target the embalmed card. Does look like a pretty nice techy card. I'm kind of intruiged by this idea of grave tutoring in selfmill decks (mill a large...
  4. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    Huntmaster is such an iconic card, too.
  5. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Unstable Spoiler Unthread

    One thing I've been wondering is the physical size of the augment cards? They look huge!
  6. Rasmus Källqvist

    Red / Blue / Green two player grid draft cube

    Sounds like some cool decks! How is urban evolution? Seems like a really good slower UG ramp value card if the format allows it. Sprout Swarn does look like a nuts card and I've heard others on this board complain about it. Might be worth the cut.
  7. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    Supernatural Stamina seems best when you want to have a combat trick and trade up. Undying Evil to abuse evoke-triggers.
  8. Rasmus Källqvist

    General The Draft Exchange I can also recommend a series of articles from the non-forum part of this website. That's where I started out!
  9. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    It would've been perfect if it was a red green hybrid card I feel. We've run cards like geralf's messenger and liked it before though right. Might have to try Seismic out.
  10. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    SHIT. What's up with cards being printed in ways that make me totally misread them. Is it worth the tripple red to play Seismic Assault though?
  11. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    Deadbridge goliath is a cool card. I've always been split about running it because I feel like it super signals a green graveyard theme, but at the same time it's just a sweet blastoderm body with upside. Land's Edge vs Seismic Assault Which is the better RG control card? I feel like Land's...
  12. Rasmus Källqvist

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    To me it seems like the ultimate protect the queen card. As long as you keep playing protection spells or counter spells you get to keep milking it for value. Depends on your removal suite, but I really really wanna try it.
  13. Rasmus Källqvist

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Wow wth never seen that card before! Like some weird kind of aggro control card? Looks kind of like a variant of firemane avenger that bolts instead of lightnong helixes, and does it without 3 other dudes as backup.
  14. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Low power removal that is fun to play

    One of the reasons I think is that it is sorcery speed, so you get less windows of opportunity to ping things that might've been blocked.
  15. Rasmus Källqvist

    The Dandy Cube (Chris Taylor's Cube)

    Filled out the form! I liked some of the custom planeswalkers, and am partial against the flip walkers (I haven't played that much with them, so it's a lot of complexity with both a walker and a flip card in the same package). Clever of you to use a google form.
  16. Rasmus Källqvist

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube

    Thanks people for helping out! I agree with you about the removal, and I'll probably look through my entire removal suite and look at what kind of threats I want and how to answer them and rebuild it from there. I'm not sure I agree with you on the graveyard pay off though! The suggestions...
  17. Rasmus Källqvist

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube

    Thanks for drafting! That's a pretty important question for me to answer. I think the way Grillo reasoned about this was that good stuff is always possible, so in order to make people draft synergy decks the meta has to favor a coherent plan (a deck) over a non-coherent goodstuff one (pile of...
  18. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Dromoka is probably the card that'd make me go from UW control to Bant
  19. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Dragonlord Dromoka Armada Wurm Torsten Von Ursus Dromoka is a guaranteed finisher, adds some additional control with it's silence ability and gets you a ton of life. Armada wurm is a bit dumber, but gives you two bodies so guaranteed card advantage (can be blinked, too). Torsten Von Ursus...
  20. Rasmus Källqvist

    Vince's Playable Collection of Shiny Cards[/url]"] Ones 1 Enclave Cryptologist 1 Mystical Tutor Twos 1 Grim Monolith 1 Everflowing Chalice 1 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 1 Magma Jet 1 Memory Lapse 1 Mogg War Marshal Threes 1 Arc Lightning 1 Champion of Wits 1 Eldrazi Skyspawner 1 Electrolyze 1 Goblin...