Search results

  1. Rasmus Källqvist

    Kaidan - Kamigawa Meets Innistrad[/url]"] Ones 1 Blazing Torch 1 Frostling 1 Pillar of Flame Twos 1 Blood-Chin Rager 1 Glacial Ray 1 Hearth Kami 1 Sickening Shoal Threes 1 Ghost-Lit Raider 1 Kami of the Waning Moon 1 Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho 1 Pain Kami 1 Ronin Houndmaster 1 Yamabushi's...
  2. Rasmus Källqvist

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube

    Update between last draft, a few online drafts and before next draft. IN Reckless Racer Stromkirk Occultist Sin Prodder Captivating Crew Shivan Dragon OUT Lightning Axe Acolyte of the inferno Splatter thug voldaren duelist Rage thrower I wanted my red section to have some more...
  3. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Trading Post Has this card actually ever done something? I know people like it, but it seems super slow and kind of durdly? Anyone wanna sell me on it?
  4. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    Battle screech doesn't look like a strictly low power card to me. It's four bodies in one card akin to lingering souls, albeit not as easy to cast to a degree (depends if you can afford to tap down your creatures a turn). Wish one of my stores had one.
  5. Rasmus Källqvist

    General The Draft Exchange

    I mean, that depends. You can probably play both. If it exiles itself it's because you've cast it and hopefully been able to unload a ton of spells. Doesn't have to be part of a recursion chain, Mastery helps in making it more castable since you can bin it and reanimate if you end up drawing it...
  6. Rasmus Källqvist

    General The Draft Exchange

    temporal mastery Inscho, you play this card. Do you think this could work with Mizzix's? It feels like it could also play well with Bloodwater entity by setting up miracle.
  7. Rasmus Källqvist

    General The Draft Exchange

    The ideal targets are probably the ones that are expensives, splashy, would be worth to ramp into and still fit in other decks (Like reanimator creature targets). I've tried to look for some of them, but it's kind of hard to meet all those criteria. The poster child I feel is: Cruel ultimatum...
  8. Rasmus Källqvist

    General The Draft Exchange[/url]"] Ones 1 Firebolt Twos 1 Abbot of Keral Keep 1 Baral, Chief of Compliance 1 Fire // Ice 1 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 1 Ratchet Bomb 1 Skyship Plunderer Threes 1 Bloodwater Entity 1 Farm // Market 1 Filigree Familiar 1 Goblinslide 1 Jaya Ballard, Task Mage 1...
  9. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck The Rakdos Cult (BR)

    Shambling remains is kinda cool in conjunction with both discard and sacrifice. I mean, it's pretty much an aggresive card seeing as it can't block, but it's a little bit more techy than other similar "vanilla" beat down cards.
  10. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck The Simic Combine (GU) Interestingly enough we had a previous thread with the same name.
  11. Rasmus Källqvist

    General The Draft Exchange[/url]"] Ones 1 Duress 1 Fatal Push 1 Inquisition of Kozilek 1 Land Tax 1 Thraben Inspector 1 Tithe Twos 1 Adorned Pouncer 1 Apprentice Necromancer 1 Declaration in Stone 1 Porcelain Legionnaire Threes 1 Bone Shredder 1 Eternal Scourge 1 Flickerwisp 1...
  12. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Ixlan Spoiler

    How cool wouldn't it have been if Lanerry Storm got +1/+0 whenever you sacrificed an artefact rather than a treasure token? :(
  13. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Goblin Trenches How is this card? I've been looking for RW token cards, and it's been praised (somewhat) over on other cubing boards. It feels like a grindy mid-to-late game card?
  14. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    What. It triggers on the END STEP? I played it wrong the entire last draft! Also, my vote would be for both Rampager and the dinosaur. Both look like good cards both for a midrange deck as well as curve toppers for aggro.
  15. Rasmus Källqvist

    [500] CCC - Casual Champions Cube[/url]"] Ones 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Sunlance 1 Sylvok Lifestaff Twos 1 Kor Skyfisher 1 Krenko's Command 1 Magma Jet 1 Pacifism 1 Sunhome Guildmage 1 Trueheart Duelist Threes 1 Arrest 1 Attended Knight 1 Aven Riftwatcher 1 Devouring Light 1 Dragon Egg 1 Exile 1...
  16. Rasmus Källqvist

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I feel like this is one of those kind of effects that should act as the glue that holds together an aggressive deck with many bodies (mostly tokens?), so making it an effect that doesn't function when your behind seems not great. Think I remember Jason talking about running it in tandem with...
  17. Rasmus Källqvist

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube

    Thanks for drafting! I would've maybe built the deck slightly more aggressive to help the treason-effects to be more impactful. I agree with you that there might be a couple of cards that run the risk of not being included in decks, so I'll keep a lookout for those cards when I do the 8-man draft.
  18. Rasmus Källqvist

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube The first version of the cube is now up! I got a 4-man draft down last friday, and got to see a BG reanimator deck, a WB discard/tapdown aggro deck, UW token/tempo deck (remand and lingering souls) and a RG aggro deck. Didn't manage to get any deck...
  19. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    I think you reasoned pretty well! I'm actually sold on the idea that it might be better to let the UR cards function as the glue for the deck rather than the main attraction. I would feel much more comfortable picking up Bloodwater entity in a shaky UR "spell pile" deck during draft than Fevered...
  20. Rasmus Källqvist

    General Fight Club

    Feveres visions is actually pretty good in my experience. If you are the aggressive deck, it sort of plays like a combination of Howling mine and Sulfuric Vortex. The trick is denying the opponent the chance of utilizing the cards they draw by pudding them with cheaper cards and denial (bounce...