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  1. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Those creatures in particular I feel got really short-changed by creature power creep. None of them are actually bad, but they look so terrible compared to most ETB equivalents.
  2. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    One of the things that made pre-mythic era magic, pre-mythic era magic, was that not every creature had to have an ETB in order to be competitive. giant solifuge rumbling slum burning-tree shaman keiga, the tide star yosei, the morning star kokusho, the evening star meloku the clouded...
  3. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    Ah, you're right, I just glanced over the cards. Standard bearer is the pauper sb card. Honor guard's CC is too high to see play.
  4. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Outside of balance issues, they are two different cards. Ichord is much more tempo friendly, but this is much less narrow, and can convert an entire graveyard of dead creatures into threats, rather than just the black creatures. It can do this while beating down for 2, or defending a board...
  5. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Given how strong marsh flitter has been for me, this fellow probably deserve some time in the sun: patagia viper Also, was wondering about this card: balduvian dead Just sort of sits there like an ichorid factory. Granted its a 4cc card without a --gasp-- etb, that you need to untap...
  6. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    Its an (expensive) sb hate card in pauper for aura based decks: pretty miserable to play against.
  7. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    This could potentially work. One of the major issues with metal craft in cube is when the metal craft cards don't enable themselves. It can be a real struggle to get and maintain three artifacts on board in a reasonable time frame, but it becomes much easier when the card is self enabling...
  8. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    How do you guys feel about ETBs? This project has kind of put me squarely looking down ETB spam strategies, as this seems to be the natural trending point for any sort of incremental advantage cube. Take a look at this partial list, which was supposed to be the baseline for a sort of modern...
  9. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Oh yeah, the lack of evasion really kills it. I think it would be good in lists that focused much less on ground pressure, as the presence of blockers basically neuters it.
  10. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    It came pretty close to making my list as bounceland hate, but was a bit too strong, and I ended up running petravark instead. I really like the card though, but it seems very awkward to slot in. Avalanche riders is probably the better designed card, with echo and haste to balance it out, as...
  11. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    Common nimble mongoose looks like it could be a lot of fun, and I like the new art. It will be neat to see the limited deck they have in mind for it. Daze reprint is really good for legacy, and conceptually good for pauper, but delver is already something like 20-25% of the meta at any given...
  12. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I thought it was a mana short effect that transfered the drained mana into your pool post combat?
  13. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets Spoilers Over Innistrad (Digest)

    Most of the clue cards fit kind of oddly into formats, though its a great mechanic. I'm always looking for ways to incidentally increase artifact density, and the only two that made it in for me were: thraben inspector weirding wood Though I also like bygone bishop confirm suspicions...
  14. Grillo_Parlante

    General Yet Another AEther Cube

    This is a great idea. This sounds like it would be a lot of fun as a multi-player format with a communal ghoulcaller's bell
  15. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Yeah, I'm not saying the argument isn't full of holes: its modern nexus after all. It just seemed like an interesting talking point as to different flavors of magic: incremental gain (fair magic) as opposed to haymaker focused magic. Do I really need to cut everything that can produce unfair...
  16. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    What I mean by that is that its a cantriping body, or value creature, which is already a very strong effect we probably run too much of. What you actually hit off of it is pretty immaterial as long as you are hitting something. I am sure its very good, all of those cards are very good, even...
  17. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Talking point: So, I was on modern nexus yesterday (which is yes a site of magic pundits, and iffy pundits at that), and came across this exert (bolding me): Which somewhat surprised me, as thats pretty much exactly how I've repetitively described low power magic. This is, at least on some...
  18. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Etherium-horn sorcerer looks like just another creature for the cube-wide ETB spam archetype, and I would probably pass. Bituminous blast looks much healthier for a cube in the abstract, but its probably not strong enough to justify a gold slot?
  19. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    I would try both to see if my players can surprise me; but what you're saying does make sense. What neat ways are there to abuse it? It seems like a potential broken effect, especially alongside eldrazi scions or spawns.