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  1. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    How do you feel about running both earthcraft and cryptolith rite? I kind of like that as a way to provide creature based fast mana. It seems like a more powerful way to ramp, but still somewhat balanced by the vulnerable nature of the ramp pieces.
  2. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    I think it would help to refine "pure combo" a bit more too. Its not so much that you are looking to get 20 tokens out with a sac outlet and blood artist. Its more like using the tokens you were going to run anyways to power unfair interactions.
  3. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Exactly, and the board states are really neat. You toss in something like goblin sharpshooter, and suddenly things just become hilarious. There is just a ton of depth, and it would be nice to enable some more space for drafters to explore.
  4. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Thats an interesting point about clones, as a way to create list redundancy. Sidisi and chord seems like really good calls too. Tutors are so tricky in cube, but I supposes just including a critical mass of comby engine pieces that manage to not feel too narrow works as well. Thats a bit part...
  5. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Its more taking the existing aggro strategy and providing the means to go deeper with it, whatever the context of that might be. Overrun or goblin bushwhacker are a bit pedestrian. The fallen angel interactions he is going for are more splinter twinish, but he is definitely trying more to...
  6. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    We've had a couple people specific individual try to go into a similar deck on a few occasions. In the older cubes, it would usually start with an early pick gravecrawler as a combo piece, which was terrible because gravecrawler can't block. In the penny cube, its typically something like a...
  7. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    I really don't think it requires too much work. Its going to be three colors, it just depends on the configuration and power level. We've had people attempt to draft decks like this over here, but the issue is consistancy. Combo decks want a lot of consistancy tools, and our formats tend to...
  8. Grillo_Parlante

    General Elegance in cube card selection

    Yeah, inelegant cards for me are cards that have trinket text, or text that suggests the existance of decks that aren't really there. Mardu woe reaper is an inelegant card for me, because while its independently fine, the warrior text on it suggests the existance of a tribal theme that dosen't...
  9. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Since this is moving glacially, the actual standard combo is eldrazi displacer brood monitor Which creates an infinite loop of ETB and death triggers. This can than be exploited by the aforementioned death trigger cards, or perhaps by something like smothering abomination
  10. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    Kind of more what I am looking for. I recently slotted in rage thrower to see if I can give this deck more legs. It feels very close, with the chief problem being that higher CC payoff cards tend to gel awkwardly with low CC token makers.
  11. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    house guard is nice too because it can transmute for noble. Forgot about goblin bombardment. How focused can the deck become though? Can it become pure combo, or is it best as a sort of pressure combo.
  12. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this as a combo deck for cube. The basic strategy is to run out a bunch of tokens, than sacrifice them to instant kill an opponent using death trigger creatures. zulaport cutthroat blood artist falkenrath noble hissing iguanar rage thrower I...
  13. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    Its pretty much just a space issue at this point, and I am open to other opinions. The problem with the wolves is that are not enough generically good lords that promote gathering a critical mass of wolves, in the same way that the splicer's worked. So while I could run a bunch of them, and...
  14. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    To build off of what FSR was saying: ink-eyes is generally a giant win-more if you are actually using the ninjutsu. There are so many conditions that need to be checked off, that generally you're going to have to be in a fairly commanding position when she hits. The ninjutsu is also quite bad...
  15. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I also don't think ink-eyes would be a good fit. Another option, if you are looking for something stronger than ink-eyes, but weaker than massacre wurm: skeletal vampire
  16. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    So, step one is in order. I went through and cut out the junk from green, and I have everything operating at around the same power level, while flowing towards the yard. Its so frustrating these new sets: most of the cards are absolute junk in terms of efficiency, and you're lucky if you can...
  17. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I don't know if I would say the powermax crowd holds him in high regard. I checked out the mtgsalvation thread, and it looks like wtwlf trying to hard sell him with little to no data outside "my playgroup likes it", while most of the rest of the posters bring expectations down to a more...
  18. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    My experiences with tog are exactly like jphans. The floor is so low that it really hurts the cards playability, though you can play to game states where it is very good. These are all in lower powered formats. I think the issue is that modern card design can generally give you much more...
  19. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    Loam is an awkward card to run. You don't actually need to recur lands that many times in these decks, and you rarely have time to do so. Prior to getting lands in your yard, its effectively an uncastable, making it like an a + b draw spell of limited value in a vacumn. In terms of list space...
  20. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    Ok, now that I have some time, lets fix this absolute mess of a green section. RG: Wolves/ aura buffs UG: P/T cards in hand buff, tempo GW: wide aggro, control, self mill control Here is our all over the place green decks. Looking over the section, we could divide it into a few messy piles...