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  1. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    So yesterday me and jason did a Grid-draft (wich happend because our local store has poor planning, and thus didn't announced the absence of the monthly modern tournament) This resulted in the following deck on my half: Ones 1 goblin guide 1 inquisition of kozilek 1 sensei's divining top...
  2. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    I think i still have the decks without the basics, so i might post the decklists and some quick recaps in a few.
  3. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    I have a visual spoiler in the top post now. enjoy !
  4. HannesVersmissen

    General The Constructed thread

    "tried it once" is key here. I feel like it's a card that either gets taken early, and gets a deck crafted around itself (a moment for it to shine) , or gets passed and ends up being someone's pick 13-15 meaning it will not make the starting 40.
  5. HannesVersmissen

    General The Constructed thread

    every porphyry nodes used makes me happy, i like that card.
  6. HannesVersmissen

    General The Constructed thread

    i'm insanely exited about the tezzeret deck. it's almost everything i want out of magic.
  7. HannesVersmissen

    General The Constructed thread

    Jason, care to explain what's going on ?
  8. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    The Etherium Astrolabe is alive ! 360 cards, and ready to rumble!
  9. HannesVersmissen

    Card/Deck Green Aggro

    In general, it doesn't really matter where you "file" it, because in the end it's just as much a green threedrop as a white threedrop as a selesnya threedrop (kitchen finks ofc.) even if your cube's color-distribution is "off" as to speak, it doesn't really matter if it doesn't have a direct...
  10. HannesVersmissen

    Card/Deck MCD -- Anthems

    I think the thing with path of bravery is that it actually only embraces aggro/token decks, since those are the only deck with enough attackers to make the enchantment worthwhile? hence giving them more game even after a control deck lands a bomb :) Most of the lifegaincards aren't...
  11. HannesVersmissen

    General Cube design and maintaining balance

    I'm not the most knowledgeable person around, but the general motion is to simply don't include Wurmcoil Engine. It's a colorless bomb, and one of the best 6-drops ever printed and It gets even better when it enters limited. Mimic vat is a key card in a certain type of deck, and if it feels too...
  12. HannesVersmissen

    anotak's cube (budget-ish)

    I wouldn't dislike a perfect without any elf support. it's a strong card even in a vacuüm. Heritage druid only favors those who picked up elf-tribal (and mana-dorks are already quite high picks as is, getting enough together for a decent elf deck might not even happen). the archdruid is a...
  13. HannesVersmissen

    General What did you buy for your cube today?

    I'll see. i'm feeling pretty confident. the set of the themes in my cube should hate aggro by default, so i don't think i can push aggro too hard, ever.
  14. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    horizon might make it in the 360, and i'll be sure to include Haunted fengraf in the utility land stack i'm preparing! (think buried ruin, lonely sandbar, contested war zone etc.) Loam + pack rate seems like one hell of a deck ! A mistake i made as well though: make sure you save the deck before...
  15. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    I've been getting a nice feel from the drafts so far. only about 40 cards left to add i think before i can start preparing tradelists and proxy's ;) GW ramp (about an artifact or two short. should be fixed after i added the next 40 cards)...
  16. HannesVersmissen

    anotak's cube (budget-ish)

    I like the feel of the draf, but some cards (for example deranged hermit) just feel like you don't actually want them in your booster because they fall out of the overal powerlevel that much. civic wayfinder veels very outclassed for example ;)
  17. HannesVersmissen

    General What did you buy for your cube today?

    i bought: Spellskite batterskull Tezzeret agent of Bolas garruck Xbox promo 2x Goblin guide 3x Bloodghast 2x Foil Master of etherium Foil student of warfare razorverge thicket Darkslick shores Foil MMA Arcbound ravager. atm all of them will be cubed, but we'll see ^^
  18. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    guess i should go themathic then. It feels like more fun for sure ! EDIT:leonin shikari. any takers ? Edit: allready quite happy with where tinker resides. the result of that draft isn't worth anything though ;) EDIT2:firewild borderpost wildfire...
  19. HannesVersmissen

    The Etherium Astrolabe

    Update ! 202 cards in the list i'm typing this down. 160 to go, of wich ~ 50 will be fixing-lands. from there I'll take it further, filling the black, red and white sections with theme's, and making sure green has enough beef to stand alone. I feel like I'll have to push "your average" Aggro...
  20. HannesVersmissen

    General The Constructed thread

    Jason takes home the gold. I should never post at 2 AM again.