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  1. Eric Chan

    Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

    A couple of people dropped out of our most recent session at the last minute and we ended up with only four players, so we tried out sealed deck, for probably the first and only time. As you might expect, the main difference between draft and sealed in a 'Riptide cube' is that your fixing goes...
  2. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    I like that attempt to categorize all of the walkers, Kirblinx - a much more daunting task nowadays than when this thread started two years ago! I think you're basically on the money, but I would probably tweak these upwards by a tier, or more: Ajani, Mentor of Heroes Jace, Architect of...
  3. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    Garruk Wildspeaker is arguably my favourite planeswalker of all time - he's well-designed, versatile, flavourful, and at a great power level without being oppressive. There's no way he's middling, though! Ashiok was pretty insane here against any big green deck, so they're swingier than most...
  4. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    So I (and I think others, as well) have been kinda down on planeswalkers lately, but I recently played a match against a player who ran a Grixis control deck featuring Jace Beleren, Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, and Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, that might have changed my mind on the subject. Thanks...
  5. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Gelectrode vs. Jori En, Ruin Diver
  6. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    As big a champion as I am of Champion (ahem... I'll see myself out), I don't really see Thalia's Lieutenant making the grade for cube, unless you're heavily all-in on human tribal. Champion was great because he benefited from all of the incidental humans in your deck, but this new guy screams...
  7. Eric Chan

    The Board Game Thread

    I've only played Cosmic Encounter twice, and it was a while ago, but I can vouch for it being an instant hit over here. I agree that there's about as much balance to the alien races as there is in a random, pick-up game of EDH, but at least the nature of the multiplayer politics helps level the...
  8. Eric Chan

    General CBS

    that was really painful to watch, i had to close the window about halfway through the video
  9. Eric Chan

    General CBS

    An old article, but it has some great stats about the size of the CCG market, both paper and online. We probably all knew that MTGO isn't close to being the #1...
  10. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    Yeah, my gut reaction about Descend upon the Sinful is that it's Way Too Good. Even if delirium is only online 50% of the time, wiping the whole board and getting a 4/4 flier while you're at it for six mana is a massive beating, and possibly enough of a board swing to make up for the times where...
  11. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    Yeah, Descend upon the Sinful is comparable to Phyrexian Rebirth, and that was pretty bonkers over here, when it made a 4/4 on average. Perhaps I'm overrating the delirium mechanic, but I don't think it would be that difficult for, say, a UW control deck with fetchlands to have four card types...
  12. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    Speaking of too powerful...
  13. Eric Chan

    General The Constructed thread

    None of the stores I've been to for FNM have given a 'booby prize' for coming in last place, so I don't think you're out of line in removing that long-standing tradition at your store. To be sure, removing it does change the 'culture' of the store a bit, especially if players had that...
  14. Eric Chan

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    That post from sigh is fantastic, and reminded me of why Conspiracy is among the most fun I've ever had playing multiplayer Magic - 1) all of the cards in that set push towards a game state that results in someone winning, rather than a board that stalls and then grounds to a complete halt, and...
  15. Eric Chan

    General [Grid League] Penny Cube Grid League

  16. Eric Chan

    [WIP] vennythekid's Powered Cube

    ^ i think i can really get behind that - low creature count, low planeswalker count, and high artifact count to approximate the 'feeling' of vintage while avoiding midrange mania, as much as you can with a draft environment
  17. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    Deathrite Shaman, that card is insane, and this keeps you somewhat open
  18. Eric Chan

    General What's the play?

    Start a new thread with a poll. I'll then see if I can merge your two threads together.