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  1. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Defensive cards

    This is a great topic, and something that I've been thinking about for months, but never really tried to articulate. An old episode of Limited Resources, in which Marshall and Brian discussed building control decks in limited, had also got the wheels spinning about the differences between...
  2. Eric Chan

    General CBS

    I may or may not have done my math correctly, but assuming we're talking about a large retail set, ignoring foils, and opening a single pack, then using a hypergeometric calculator, the chances of opening any specific card of a given rarity: Common (Assuming 101 commons / set, 10 commons /...
  3. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I'm just not sure it's up to snuff in a world where we now have the two below Vines of Vastwood Become Immense
  4. Eric Chan

    sharzad (safra's cube)

    ...holy crap, you're alive! :eek:
  5. Eric Chan

    Site News CFB Store Credit Contest: Design a Cube Card

    I tuned in for a little bit in the middle, and I have to say: Chris, you have a great speaking / podcasting / streaming voice! (Assuming that was Chris.) You need to do more of these!
  6. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Those are all fantastic suggestions - thank you to all of you! I like the idea of Prognostic Sphinx as a hard-to-kill finisher, but I'm also really enamoured with Sphinx of Lost Truths at the moment, and worry that they overlap too much, even though I realize the latter is more of a value body...
  7. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I think I like the idea of Madcap Skills more in theory than in practise. The idea is that it's a fun, combo-like way to Voltron together a giant, evasive attacker, but I suspect the way most games play out are that either a) the creature is answered, and you lose heavily in your investment, or...
  8. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Looking for another finisher for blue decks. Any of these worthwhile? Write-in suggestions also appreciated! Keiga, the Tide Star Pearl Lake Ancient Sphinx of Uthuun Scuttling Doom Engine (Already running Aetherling and Steel Hellkite, and not interested in Frost Titan or Consecrated Sphinx)
  9. Eric Chan

    General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

    Ones 1 Arbor Elf 2 Utopia Sprawl Twos 1 Wall of Roots 1 Abrupt Decay 1 Explore 1 Farseek 1 Ultimate Price Threes 1 Courser of Kruphix 1 Eternal Witness 1 Bow of Nylea 1 Read the Bones Fours 1 Nekrataal 1 Wickerbough Elder 1 Kiora, Master of the Depths Fives 1 Sagu Mauler 1 Thragtusk 1...
  10. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I did run Firefist Striker for a while, but was never sure if it was a real card - he seemed okay, but that Goblin Piker body is a little underwhelming in most cubes. Did anyone have success with that guy? I haven't run Frenzied Goblin in some time, but I remember him being a lot better than...
  11. Eric Chan

    General CBS

    is it weird that I'm super hyped about Conspiracy 2, and all of the little tidbits they're feeding us
  12. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    Blade Splicer - that gal has never failed me, aggro, midrange, or control, blink shenanigans or none!
  13. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    Speaking of assumptions. Who out there's saying Modern Masters 2 is "obviously cool and widely appreciated"? The most I've ever heard are that it's "okay", "fine", and "has some redeeming qualities". It's also not very deep when it comes to drafting, and has a lot less replay value than you'd...
  14. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    That may well be the case, but as we all know, regular retail sets serve many masters. They need to cater towards the casual crowd, and introduce fun Timmy rare with splashy effects, along with quirky, build-around Johnny rares. They need to throw in a few multi-colour legends for the EDH folks...
  15. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    Putting aside all price comparisons for a second, I think that there's a huge difference between a bulk rare that's good for the draft format, and a bulk rare that's simply completely useless. In normal retail products, I can put up with some amount of bulk rares in both categories, because...
  16. Eric Chan

    The Board Game Thread

    Dominion was one of our groups' board games of choice back in the day, and we like that games played out really quickly, which was a welcome change from its contemporaries, like Settlers of Catan, Power Grid, or Agricola, that could easily eat 2.5 hours at a time. I agree with Jonas that...
  17. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    I was just looking at that, and wondering if :1::r: prowess 1/3 might be cubeable. I know Jeskai Student isn't really a card, but the bar for red two-drops is a bit lower. Frostburn Weird has been a thing in red for a while, but this might be more exciting, even if it's not actually strictly better.
  18. Eric Chan

    The Board Game Thread

    From the description on boardgamegeek, it sounds like Telestrations? That one's also a hoot, and works really well once you have eight players or more. There's hardly any "game" to be had, but it's not unlike the Draw Something thread we participated in... if you had to base your drawings solely...
  19. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    I think what I like the most is the return of the Innistrad gothic horror art style. Most of us old geezers here are in the camp that All New Magic Art Is Bad, but some of that Innistrad stuff is dripping with style and flavour. It's a small detail, but I love how both the humans and vampires...