Grillo's not into
Enlightened Tutor over in the Astral Slide thread. I think the card is objectively cool, and strong, so what's the deal here? He's tutoring for Bitterblossom, which I don't even run, but in an environment without stronger (
Consultation or even
Vampiric) tutors the flexibility for mana investment just can't be beat imo. Mystical Tutor is similar but sets up sick, sick Miracle plays and its Legacy banning is a casualty of Reanimator getting to (disturbingly consistently) set up turn 2 protected kills. (you, uh, mystical for the duress, or the show and tell, or the sideboard card games 2 and 3, or you pitch it to Force)
So, if you had to add one of these to my Cube, which one would it be? Another tutor instead? I know RavebornMuse likes Rhystic Tutor but I emphatically do not.

Brief pros/cons:
E-Tutor: art is gorgeous, card's situationally sweet (sucks sometimes), but I don't actually have very much enchartifact-based combo outside of Ascendancy, Pod, and Whip. Quarantine Field makes up the card disadvantage late-game, which is when you're tutoring for it anyway.
Mystical Tutor: Better for supporting

Doomsday combo, which builds really spell-heavy and needs a little more love. Terminus gets better. Do I actually need Terminus to be better?
Worldy: no. I don't need
another instant to tutor creatures in green, and would prefer to bolster the Enchantment or Artifact dude-tors instead.
Rhystic: too much mana and too unreliable
Vampiric: finds Wasteland too early, too good too often.
Entomb: I could be convinced to run Entomb again. Card rules.
Ponder: I could go for another Ponder instead too
Brainstorm: 3 is plenty right now, I think
Imperial Seal: Sorcery doesn't make up for the extra t2 Wastelands. Also, boring.
bonus fight club:
Stern Proctor vs
Leonin Relic-Warder ALLEZ CUISINE