Search results

  1. Eric Chan

    General going further with computer-assisted drafting

    I'm with Jason on this one - if someone were to spend 15-20 hours, say, forking the excellent project from GitHub to use as a starting point, getting up to speed on ECMAScript 6 and React, figuring out the best PaaS platform to host a Node.js project on, and then setting up shop and...
  2. Eric Chan

    Iteration Synergy Cube

    That makes a lot of sense when you're talking about, say, the four guilds of original Ravnica, or the five guilds of Return to Ravnica. When trying to design for the full ten two-colour pairs, while maintaining the feel of a retail limited format, I'd worry that there wouldn't be enough space...
  3. Eric Chan

    General CBS

  4. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    I'm kind of okay with Sword of Light and Shadow from a power level perspective, and kept that one in for years after I cut the rest. Until one night, I noticed the game going on next to me, where the B/W drafter was totally getting hosed by the double protection... and then finally axed that one...
  5. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    I thought everyone might coalesce around the boring, safe pick of Mana Leak, and I'm thrilled no one has! I want to see packs from all five of you now, not kidding. (I'll concede that reddit is actually a better format for threads like this - there's an advantage to those nested threads, after...
  6. Eric Chan

    Iteration Synergy Cube

    Commenting on your actual themes: - I personally am not a huge fan of Venser, the Sojourner, but Brago, King Eternal is exactly the kind of build-around that would get me to dive head-first into blink. Is Momentary Blink also a possibility, or is that too narrow? - I might watch out for the...
  7. Eric Chan

    Iteration Synergy Cube

    Welcome to the forums! Card tags are done just using a tag, so creating a hover-over for Inkwell Leviathan would be: [c]Inkwell Leviathan For listing your entire cube, we recommend the excellent, which is a great tool for managing your cube overall. Then you can simply link...
  8. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    Thread necro, go! Languish FLooded Strand Breeding Pool Dread Return Sea Gate Oracle Stormblood Berserker Tarmogoyf Temple Garden Kird Ape Mana Leak Sphinx's Tutelage Oona's Prowler Baleful Strix Cultivate Crucible of Worlds Post more packs, people, no need to be shy - whether you've just done...
  9. Eric Chan


    i think you were really close, is it not (?<!\.full)\.jpg
  10. Eric Chan

    Sets [OGW] Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler Thread

    I'm not sure that even a strict colour restriction like that would get me to cube with it, because if you can resolve it on turn six, it's still just as game-breaking as it always was. It'd probably need to be at least one colour, and be 7 cmc...? Then it could at least be a valid reanimator...
  11. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    They were both uncommons in the same format, but I never saw Masked Admirers do anything, while Reach of Branches was both a solid blocker and a legit wincon for the slower green decks. Being an instant means you never have to commit, too! People have been trying to make Masked Admirers work...
  12. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Spell Snare is awesome - besides the fact that most people's cubes run more two-drops than cards at any other cmc, it gives the blue deck some action while on the draw, while the vast majority of counterspells are stronger on the play. More than that, it always kills the thing dead, and leaves...
  13. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I really enjoyed Reach of Branches in Modern Masters, and that's exactly the kind of card that makes me want to dial down both the power level and the speed of my format a notch to support fun engine cards like this. There was a lot to like about Modern Masters, actually, that I always want to...
  14. Eric Chan

    General Metapost- Post/Discussion Tags

    Signatures are actually already allowed to be up to three lines long, but if you're seeing otherwise, apparently the forum uses some weird calculation that counts 'long lines' as two lines, whatever that means. In any case, I've upped the max sig length from 200 to 255, so you can squeeze in a...
  15. Eric Chan

    General Metapost- Post/Discussion Tags

    Spoken like a true power maxer! ;)
  16. Eric Chan

    General When Is Fixing Too Good?

    Right, it might help to explain that my "regular" playgroup for cube features a rotating cast of characters, many of whom are fairly new to the game, and a handful of whom I've just taught to play Magic hours before their first cube session. Possibly one or two people in this rotating list of...
  17. Eric Chan

    Sets [OGW] Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler Thread

    Perhaps this is a little too inside baseball, but basically, what I remember is that all of the mana smilies come on a "sheet" (not unlike a Magic card sheet!) - all of those symbols actually come from one single .png file, and then I specify the coordinates and boundaries for each smiley and...
  18. Eric Chan

    General When Is Fixing Too Good?

    I understand where you're coming from, and I think I'm beginning to understand some of the philosophical differences in our approaches. But this argument doesn't hold water for me, for several reasons. 1) Even in the complete absence of any GRBS in a given cube, losing to the platonic ideal of...
  19. Eric Chan

    Sets [OGW] Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler Thread

    I've legitimately forgotten how I added the mana smilies all those years ago and am afraid of destroying everything if I touch it :( But I'll see if I have time over the holidays to take a crack at it!
  20. Eric Chan

    General When Is Fixing Too Good?

    Another vote for Camtasia, that was our go-to software at work for recording our product demos. We tried a bunch of others, but none were as good as Camtasia. Doesn't it cost like $200 or $300, though...? Uh, my buddy Rhetoric was never good at math. He's more of a word guy.