Search results

  1. Jovial

    Multiplayer (Choose your own archetype)- 540 Cards

    Since the firewall at work (where I'm currently typing this) won't let me view CT lists, I was wondering if anyone had suggested Fecundity or cards like Squallmonger or if these cards already made it in the first list. A friend of mine took his first swing at building a Cube and his was a...
  2. Jovial

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    The flavor of this card is insane. It's got this funky ninjitsu thing and I just love it!
  3. Jovial

    This is the only site my new job will allow me to visit. Prophetic.

    This is the only site my new job will allow me to visit. Prophetic.
  4. Jovial

    Hex FRVR

    High score of 31k. This game is dumb. And addicting. Adumbding? It's a fun time sink.
  5. Jovial

    That once the what Spanish begins then the

    This feels like the best beat poetry I've ever read. I might actually start writing these down and reading them to my local scene. Get all the snaps, yo. "My Most Lethal Ninja Weapon" will be the title of this piece.
  6. Jovial

    You've probably never heard of it: The 4-at-a-time Cube!

    I first-picked Riftwing Cloudskate because it's in my top 3 favorite cards and then the rest of this happened. I really like it, but I feel like I could do better. Thoughts?[/url]"] Ones 1 Deathgreeter 1 Life // Death 1 Vendetta Twos 1 Augury Owl 1 Cavern...
  7. Jovial

    General The Pro Tour Sucks

    Do I need to repost my music video again? BECAUSE I AM NOT AFRAID.
  8. Jovial

    General Modern Masters 2015

    I'll just leave this here...
  9. Jovial

    You've probably never heard of it: The 4-at-a-time Cube!

    Soul Strings #random card I thought of Spoils of War #more X spells for the Meanderer Fated Infatuation #blue scry spell! Veteran Explorer #Alluren fodder and a nice sac target Spoils has errata to be "artifacts and/or creatures", by the way. Eh?
  10. Jovial

    3 Cards at a Time Cube! (FINISHED!)

    I just started grabbing green cards and then this happened. The Entity is real, guys.[/url]"] Ones 1 Birds of Paradise 1 Elixir of Immortality 1 Joraga Treespeaker Twos 1 Dromoka's Command 1 Land Grant 1 Sprout Swarm Threes 1 Armadillo Cloak 1 Gwyllion...
  11. Jovial

    Graveyard-matters cube

    I just thought of this card: Pyrrhic Revival Sometimes I surprise myself!
  12. Jovial

    GP Utrecht?

    Even though I'm in California, can I come, too? Assuming I can acquire the funds and time off, I'd much rather play Magic with anyone but the people out here. Nothing but sub-par grinders and EDH players. Can't find a Cube group to save my life.
  13. Jovial

    3 Cards at a Time Cube! (FINISHED!)

    Riftmarked KnightKnight of MeadowgrainAkroma, Angel of Wrath Only because the white section seems a little light on attackables.
  14. Jovial

    3 Cards at a Time Cube! (FINISHED!)

    Executioner's Capsule Junk Diver Scarecrone Just to keep in the suggested theme of pairing up cards with the previously posted list. :)
  15. Jovial

    3 Cards at a Time Cube! (FINISHED!)

    Enchantress's Presence Enchanted Evening Patrician's Scorn I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore.
  16. Jovial

    3 Cards at a Time Cube! (FINISHED!)

    I love this thread. And this combo is an oldie, but a goodie. Or is it too broken?
  17. Jovial

    General Cube supplies (sleeves, storage etc.)

    New to posting on these forums, but a long-time lurker! I use Dragonshields (in yellow), but I don't use PerfectFits. I use the classic white shoebox for my Peasant Cube and a fatpack box for the lands and tokens. But as a word of caution, the yellow Dragonshields are more transparent than I'm...
  18. Jovial

