Search results

  1. Felipe Budinich

    Card/Deck The Boros Legion (RW)

    I recently stumbled upon two cards that work under the "doesn't get killed by Wildfire" clause and that happen to be good on their own. Archangel of Tithes Ojutai Exemplars The exemplars survive all of your boardwipes and turns all burn spells into way more interesting combat tricks. The...
  2. Felipe Budinich

    Card/Deck The Boros Legion (RW)

    A few days ago at the mtgcube reddit someone shared their approach to boros and it seemed interesting: Basically it's a bunch of cards that survive Wildfire, Storm's Wrath, Earthquake and the like; Silver Knight Knight of the...
  3. Felipe Budinich

    Card/Deck Topdeck Matters: The Heart of the Cards

    Time to plug one of my favorite cards Ancestral Knowledge
  4. Felipe Budinich

    General Life Gain as a Thing

    I'm going to necro this thread because today I found out about a fun lifegain card: Truce
  5. Felipe Budinich

    General How to execute a minimalist Artifact theme

    Hope of Ghirapur also has a relevant creature type for Retrofitter Foundry.
  6. Felipe Budinich

    General Companions, Yay or nay?

    The simplest way to fix the 8th card problem is having to replace a card drawn with the companion. "If you would draw a card you may put a companion from outside the game in your hand instead" or something along those lines.
  7. Felipe Budinich

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Some top of library tutoring works nice with miracles; Mystical Tutor, Vampiric Tutor and Scheming Symmetry. Also one of my favorite cards; Ancestral Knowledge.
  8. Felipe Budinich

    General Companions, Yay or nay?

    Agree. Lurrus plays pretty fairly, and it's quite a feat to draft a deck around its companion restriction (maybe it'll be easier on my cube than in Ikoria limited, but even then, it's something you can only do if you got very lucky or if it was your p1p1). Lutri is way more busted at it has no...
  9. Felipe Budinich

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    In multiplayer environments mystic remora is way better than ancestral recall, in 1vs1 it will usually draw you 2 to 3 cards for 2 mana spread over two turns. BUT it is a miserable topdeck in the late game.
  10. Felipe Budinich

    General Green four drop creatures

    Add Gilded Goose and Gingerbrute to your list BOOMSHAKALAKA!
  11. Felipe Budinich

    General CBS

    Targeted discard is the lamest topdeck. For me that's reason enough not to include it.
  12. Felipe Budinich

    General Green four drop creatures

    Wicked Wolf Don't get distracted by the food flavour text, it's a green Nekrataal (that can hit more creatures than Nekrataal in my cube).
  13. Felipe Budinich

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    We've been running balance since our first list update and it's been awesome. It's a busted card if you run too much artifact mana; we run zero Moxen, Talismans and Signets, only colorless stuff like Mindstone, and the rest of the ramp options are Mana Myrs or limited to green. It's also busted...
  14. Felipe Budinich

    Estoril Cube

    Wishlist: In order to better plan our acquisitions, and having actual tools to test drafts, we made a wishlist on Cube Cobra that contains our current understanding of the "ideal cube" within our preferencrs and the constrains we set up. This has helped tremendously to decide what to cut...
  15. Felipe Budinich

    General Current opinion on duplicates and other Riptidian/Waddellisms?

    In my field of work you can see how easy it is to convince someone when you say "We ran 1 bajillion simulations and it matches the field data we collected" versus "It's a normal distribution and it matches the field data we collected".
  16. Felipe Budinich

    General Fight Club

    I would run the creature if I ran Narural Order and other creature card cheating, selection or tutoring. It may come up once a year with a board full of tokens but it would be a fantastic story Natural Order
  17. Felipe Budinich

    General Good cards you don't run because they are ugly

    The only thing I try to avoid as much as possible is white bordered cards, but that is something I'll just have to deal with once I get a set of duals (I don't see myself getting alpha/beta ones due to the cost). But I'm seriously considering a beta Dark Ritual, Bolt and Llanowar Elves.
  18. Felipe Budinich

    MTGS is shutting down.

    I hope they migrate to Reddit: PS: NVM, from the link "For those of you who wish to continue on with our community here, the staff and I have begun building a new home. We'll announce and discuss the prospect when it is more...
  19. Felipe Budinich

    Estoril Cube

    Archetypes: I've been thinking a lot about the archetype support, specifically about how designing around two colour pairs may lead to the feeling of having 10 different decks that are shuffled together and must be unshuffled before being able to sit down and play. Within this forum's...
  20. Felipe Budinich

    General Modern Horizons

    I was about to define the archetypes to refine my pile to a cube, but now I want to see the full spoiler first.