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  1. Peter LaCara

    General (BRO) The Brother's War Testing/Includes Thread

    Alright. Invasion 2.0 was awesome for my cube. Let's see how Antiquities 2.0 does. I have traditionally been light on artifact themes, so I'm not hopeful, but I haven't gone through the full spoiler up until this point so I may be surprised. Keep in mind, I'm running an Arena cube, so I'm going...
  2. Peter LaCara

    General (BRO) The Brother's War Spoilers

    Why hello, Piloted Shredder. Nice to see you again.
  3. Peter LaCara

    General (BRO) The Brother's War Spoilers

    I feel like she's the kind of card that probably isn't going to make much of a constructed splash (but I'm generally bad at evaluating that kind of thing) but she's likely to be a cube darling because she does so many different things cubes are interested in.
  4. Peter LaCara

    General (BRO) The Brother's War Spoilers Ashnod! I love black value 1-drops, and I love me some Typhoid Rats and I love me some graveyard value and I love me some psychotic redheads.
  5. Peter LaCara

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    My body is ready to curve Search for Azcanta into Disinformation Campaign, and none of you can stop me.
  6. Peter LaCara

    General (DMU & DMC) Dominaria United Testing/Includes Thread

    First, I'm astonished to hear you denigrate a card that is so close to Siege Rhino. Second, the fact that you're saying it's overrated tells me that you haven't played with the card. Sheoldred plays much better than she reads. 5 toughness dodges a ton of removal, deathtouch is hugely relevant...
  7. Peter LaCara

    General (DMU & DMC) Dominaria United Testing/Includes Thread

    It's the only MtG podcast I've found that feels like it has any game design chops whatsoever. Every other cube podcast I've ever listened to I've dropped after a couple episodes because all they talk about are power level considerations. LPR really cares about crafting an interesting environment.
  8. Peter LaCara

    General (DMU & DMC) Dominaria United Testing/Includes Thread

    I mean, I'm still running Temur Battle Rage. While this doesn't grant trample (which is a huge part of what makes battle rage good) the Fork ability is nothing to sneeze at.
  9. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    I just hope Wylie Beckert stays cool. I can't take this again.
  10. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    Went to that big white supremacist/anti-vax rally in Canada and posted about how awesome it was on Instagram.
  11. Peter LaCara

    General (DMU & DMC) Dominaria United Testing/Includes Thread

    Part 3: Everything Else Like, seriously. I was not kidding. 48 cards I want to test. Even Neon Dynasty didn't have this many. Best set since the last Dominaria set, hands down.
  12. Peter LaCara

    General (DMU & DMC) Dominaria United Testing/Includes Thread

    Okay, but for real this time - interested in the following for my Arena Cube. Part 1: White/Blue/Black
  13. Peter LaCara

    General (DMU & DMC) Dominaria United Testing/Includes Thread

    Here's a list of every card in the set that I'm interested in testing.
  14. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    There's going to be some in the pipe from before he went full mask off evil. It's just like how I can still appreciate my Terese Neilsen card art but not endorse her views.
  15. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    Well shit.
  16. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    You figured it out!
  17. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    The best merfolk girl is back. Wizards! I don't even know. I suspect this is bad unless you can take advantage of the types.
  18. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    Man, this set is *stacked*. I went through the spoiler and I'm up to 40 cards that I'm interested in.
  19. Peter LaCara

    Sets [DMU] Dominaria United Spoilers

    A few more: Are they gonna print an off-color kicker card I DON'T want to run? What a weird card in Gruul. I'm sure someone here will be into this, though. This feels REALLY strong in an Aristocrats shell. Hell, any aggressive shell really.