180 cards, 3 colour cube.

Some grid drafting today, this deck was undefeated

hermit stomp

Scooze is close to being removal check good sometimes, but it's hard to rid the ooze alone to victory, so it stays in for a while longer. Spider spawning is a hoot and a half, quite enjoyable. Playing a self mill deck with a goyf on the other side is an interesting exercise as well. All in all a good experience.
I wanted to throw all of my cards in the graveyard and spider spawn, with some sort of backup half assed aggro plan. My opponent played something a little more haphazard with goyf, duskmantle and shardless agent, more of a 3cc goodstuff deck.
3 to 5 color goodstuffs

What makes a 2 color deck not a "good stuff" deck

Does one not put good cards into 2 color decks?
As the designer of the cube, it's more fun for me when people find some of the synergies I've put in, or discover some incidental synergies that I didn't think of, instead of jamming the cards that seems to be the most powerful together and playing with that.
Of course there are 1,2,3,4,5colour good stuff decks, but it that was all there was, everything would just end up as a mid-range fest with, imo, no fun.
4 player draft today, these were the decks:

zombie anthem

This was my deck. I thought I'd try charging along with zombie lords, but it couldn't go all the way. It needed a bloodghast or gravecrawler to be good, but didn't get it.

golgari gut-punch

The opening of mold adder into putrid leech into curse of predation was pretty harsh to face down as a dimir deck.


Lots of stuff going on here. Scooze doesn't really belong in this deck, but it racked up a lot of big threats. When I played my zombies against this deck, I lost the first two games soundly, and when we played afterwards I soundly thrashed him two times in a row. Life with rng.


To quote the pilot "I hate graveyard shenanigans." He did manage to use his mimeoplasm to empty his opponents graveyard and kill his splinterfright in the finals, and got that win today.

All in all, good games. I wonder if I should up the quality of my removal, or if I should just get better at drafting. Or have more luck.
I've been looking at making some changes, but nothing is set in stone yet. Such as taking discard away from green and leaving it to blue, while moving all of the self-mill to green and taking it away from blue.
I wonder if it's possible for me to run two 180 card cubes that can be put together to a 360 cube when I need it. I've wanted to make an esper cube for a while, just to get to play a lot of artifacts, and it seems like it could end up on a power level sort of similar to this one. That would mean a 360 cube with no red cards. Who needs lightning bolt, right?
Going to make some changes, and looking at a lot of weird cards at the moment.

Bluish aggro

devotion, hybrids, moving discard over to blue, threshold, counterpells, graveyardvalue, random shit

Any comments?
Best freaking deck.

I already have circular logic, and don't know why I would ever want to add rakshasa's disdain.
I wonder if it's possible for me to run two 180 card cubes that can be put together to a 360 cube when I need it. I've wanted to make an esper cube for a while, just to get to play a lot of artifacts, and it seems like it could end up on a power level sort of similar to this one. That would mean a 360 cube with no red cards. Who needs lightning bolt, right?

Who needs a good, honest RDW to 3-0 every now and then right? :p It feels like it could be done, but be hard to manage? Whenever you make a change in one of the 180s that will invariably make an impact on two environments, so what one format needs might not be the same as what the other needs but theyre still the same stack.
I wonder if it's possible for me to run two 180 card cubes that can be put together to a 360 cube when I need it. I've wanted to make an esper cube for a while, just to get to play a lot of artifacts, and it seems like it could end up on a power level sort of similar to this one. That would mean a 360 cube with no red cards. Who needs lightning bolt, right?

I really like this idea, but if your Esper and BUG cubes are color-balanced, the combination of them won't be. Here are some ideas for voltron-cubes that do preserve color balance:
  1. Two 180 card two-color cubes that don't share a color. I like the idea of U/R and B/G.
  2. One 180 card two-color cube and one 270 card cube of the remaining three colors. Note that dual lands and multicolored spells will mess things up a lot, here. Maybe not recommended?
  3. A 360 card five-color cube composed of 48 cards of each single color and 12 cards of each two-color combination. Then any three colors and the associated three two-color combinations will make a 180-card cube. That will make a pretty multicolor-heavy cube, so here are some ideas to mitigate that:
    1. Put lands and artifacts in the two-color sections. Obviously that's where you want your mana-fixing, but maybe Drifting Meadow gets counted as W/G because of the way it interacts with life from the loam, or Ashnod's Altar is B/R because you have a sacrifice theme in those colors.
    2. These numbers assume you associate each colorless artifact with a color or two-color combination. You could probably tweak things by including all the artifacts in each mini-cube.
    3. The easiest approach is probably just to allow the 3-color mini-cubes to have more than 180 cards. If you have 60 of each color and 6 of each two-color combination, you'll have a 5-color 360 that splits into 3-color cubes with 198 cards. You could also eschew multicolored cards and mana-fixing entirely, but this would require radically altering your cube's design.
There are probably other approaches that would work, as well. Any suggestions?
I've wondered if it isn't possible to make an interesting Boros 180 card cube. There are a few themes that easily could fit into a cube like that. Voltron equips, boros aggro, artifact themes without blue, possible to add some affinity cards and stuff like that, RW control, etc, etc. The interesting part would be to balance it to be at the same level as this cube.

I agree with your thoughts that multicolor cards will be unbalanced all to hell, and the hardest thing to do will be designing for overlap that doesn't subtract from the drafting experience when drafting one of the cubes.
I'd bet that it is possible to build a sweet Boros cube. Maybe you could have a third set of cards designed to glue the two cubes together. "This is my BUG cube, and that's my Boros cube, and joining both of them to those 60-100 cards over there makes a full 8-player cube." It solves the problem of multicolor combinations and lands that don't exist in either mini-cube while letting you sneak in some cards that might not fit in either cube, but do work well in the larger whole.
I'd bet that it is possible to build a sweet Boros cube. Maybe you could have a third set of cards designed to glue the two cubes together. "This is my BUG cube, and that's my Boros cube, and joining both of them to those 60-100 cards over there makes a full 8-player cube." It solves the problem of multicolor combinations and lands that don't exist in either mini-cube while letting you sneak in some cards that might not fit in either cube, but do work well in the larger whole.
It's a good plan, and maybe I should get over my fear of having a cube larger than 360 cards.

Chris Taylor

It's a good plan, and maybe I should get over my fear of having a cube larger than 360 cards.

Honestly mate even 540 is still totally fine.
Any larger than that and your designs tend to get kicked in the ass by first year statistics, but given the extra space even going up to 450 (my fav) would give you it works
Honestly mate even 540 is still totally fine.
Any larger than that and your designs tend to get kicked in the ass by first year statistics, but given the extra space even going up to 450 (my fav) would give you it works
I'm scared :(

Bringing this cube up to somewhere around 225 cards would let me try some odd designs that I've been looking at without compromising too much of the other stuff that is going on in here.