I agree, there's usually just way too much value added to discover/invoke/conjure/whatever. And it ruins having the ability to play around certain decks and having player knowledge of decks. I like the idea, I think Conjure a specific card is better. I don't like spellbooks and conjure "non-collectible better cards".
I mean Hearthstone for awhile had,
And it was so gross, that I just played two of those in my Reno deck for Standard. There was no reason to play 8 drops outside of Legendaries. It was a fun deck, but it was absolute suffering for my opponent. (I should know, I got a friend request only to get cursed at for awhile for playing a 'meta' deck. Then I told them that my list is different cuz I also played
Mind Control for the inevitable mirror

To be fair though, this is probably one of the best discover card that Hearthstone ever had outside of pre-nerf
Drakonoid Operative (which I also played in that deck, because steal a card on a THICK body is stupid)
But anyway, Alchemy looks fine, nothing this egregious, I just have a lot of negative opinions on conjure even though its fun for the player.