Article BGN Cube Review


I try pretty much everything and I will not be trying the Phoenix because

By the pistol-shaped pin, I'm guessing conservative politician? NRA? It's been a while since I was half-interested in what goes on in politics.

I'll run a phoenix if I come across one. I have a billion other 4-drops to try. I'm actually thinking of trying the common bestow creatures, like Leafcrown Dryad, Nimbus Naiad and the white 1/2. Has anyone tried them? They'll help make artifact/enchantment hate more maindeckable, but they might just be too slow.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Apparently he's a sheriff from Arizona who claims Barack Obama's birth certificate is forged and is investing it. I guess it's something to do with Phoenix, Arizona.
Brimaz + Sky Hussar anybody?

Also I kinda like that Brimaz absolutely fails the vindicate test in all areas besides costing as much as vindicate.
I'm also really jazzed on having attention on the 3 slot (looks like wizards finally started paying attention) but sadly blue and white were not the colours that needed help.
Here's what I'm playing!
Courser of Kruphix
That was exciting! See you all next set!

A friend opened a Brimaz at the prerelease, so he's in for now as well (and was played turn 1 off chrome mox diamond, where'd your hand go)
Brimax is clearly powerful, but it makes me feel a bit icky and I'm not sure I'm going to include it.

I like courser, but I don't have a compelling reason to add it other than it's good and I'd quite like enchantment creatures to be good to encourage more main deck enchantment removal.

Other than better art revoke existence and cooler name Into the Aether the card that's most likely to stick is Temple of Enlightenment.

* sad face *


By the pistol-shaped pin, I'm guessing conservative politician? NRA? It's been a while since I was half-interested in what goes on in politics.

I'll run a phoenix if I come across one. I have a billion other 4-drops to try. I'm actually thinking of trying the common bestow creatures, like Leafcrown Dryad, Nimbus Naiad and the white 1/2. Has anyone tried them? They'll help make artifact/enchantment hate more maindeckable, but they might just be too slow.

Leafcrown Dryad and my Observant Alseid (sharpied to the same cost) have been solid gridfillers for enchantress/heroic/replenish, but the more expensive ones or the weaker BNG ones are probably just too low value for the synergies to matter. I'm hoping Eidolon of Countless Battles and Spiteful Returned will be pretty good, though.
Courser of Kruphix and Brimaz are sweet, but I don't know if I'll be able to make room for the first and I'm definitely not willing to spend the 25€ on Brimaz, though I'd really love to try him.

Whelming Wave is an auto-include. Blue needs cc4 wrath without splashing another colour because I want.
Drown In Sorrow is another cheap mass removal, I really like it.

Chris Taylor

I'm not so sure about whelming wave. Not being an instant is kinda key here, so once you play it you'll still be on the back foot because they got to "go first" in the new "game"

Might I suggust Wash Out? Same (ish) cost, and usually leaves you with something.

Also, bonus for scuttles cube if it isn't already in there
I put Wash Out out for it because most of the time the decks are at least two-coloured. of course a draw-go-style deck is more desirable, but that's not going to happen that often in cube.

btw I forgot Fanatic of Xenagos. I just love it, and GR and BR are the two aggro colours which are giving more 3drops to the aggressive decks of my cube.
Fanatic of Xenagos does not beat out the following IMO:

Ram-gang always has haste when you want it, ghor-clan's trick is ABSURD, and shaman has the bigger butt + a unique ability. I realize people don't really play shaman but I like how it interacts with planeswalkers (as in keeps most from growing)

I don't think he's better than turbo bacon either, which is the card it effectively replaces in standard RG lists.
While Whelming Wave is a sorcery and you are going second in the "new game" it still won me every game I got to cast it in the prerelease. At least for lower powered cubes I think it's good. You just play it in the type of decks where you're going to have a mana advantage. My most memorable time casting it was when I had eightish mana and my opponent had like three and was trying to go super aggro. He replayed one or so guys without haste, I cast like four things. It's not a wrath, but in the right type of game it sure feels like one.
My cube doesn't have many artifacts; in fact there's not a single mana rock in it besides a single Mind Stone.

and btw I'm playing heavily multicoloured (60 out of 360 cards). Ram-Gang and Rampager are in there for sure, as for the Shaman, he got swapped out for the Fanatic.
I'm happy with it how it is now. Though he might be cut if I'm going to decrease size of the multicolour section.