I try pretty much everything and I will not be trying the Phoenix because a really big face
Here's what I'm playing!
Courser of Kruphix
That was exciting! See you all next set!
A friend opened a Brimaz at the prerelease, so he's in for now as well (and was played turn 1 off chrome mox diamond, where'd your hand go)
By the pistol-shaped pin, I'm guessing conservative politician? NRA? It's been a while since I was half-interested in what goes on in politics.
I'll run a phoenix if I come across one. I have a billion other 4-drops to try. I'm actually thinking of trying the common bestow creatures, like Leafcrown Dryad, Nimbus Naiad and the white 1/2. Has anyone tried them? They'll help make artifact/enchantment hate more maindeckable, but they might just be too slow.