Card/Deck Black Sheep


ITT we will post cards that nobody else runs but should. Bonus points for counterintuitively fun stuff like Humility, overlooked gems like Imperial Recruiter, and archetype enablers like Life // Death and Lightning Axe. Probably don't post stuff like Gravecrawler and Blood Artist because everyone here knows how fucking cool of an idea that is already.

Here is my submission (the CubeTutor 'compare cubes' feature was pretty useful here):



I run 4/11 of those ! And although I love some discard outlet, I'm not sold on Lightning Axe.

A lot of these I've shared in the past, but why not post them together!


Chris Taylor

Fire Covenent is 1RB: Plague Wind. There's a cost, but it's still insane
Ephara is an interesting tempo card. While it's no geist of st traft, a consistent source of cards and a large beater is something to at least test. Nobody's played it here, but thats 2 drafts.

Lightning Axe is a yard synergy card. Discarding Bloodghast, play a land, discard firebolt, discard arrogant wurm...

My list:

(Does this count?)


They're both good, but I run all of 4 artifact creatures (and 2 artifact tokens) and over 50 black creatures (and more then 2 black tokens), so Ashes to Ashes is definitely the right card for me.


Harm's way is so good and it seems so obvious that its good that I didn't even think to put it in my list (I do play it). In exchange for a slightly restrictive casting window you get a shock that also stops two damage, which is sometimes just a 4 life swing for {W}, but can also be huge card advantage if not played around. None of its variants are really great (I'm sure someone will defend Shining Shoal or Carom, but I don't like them), but this one is just pushed hard enough to be a really strong and interesting card.


Contagion is great. Any card that has a free mode mana cost is exceptionally good in cube. That is what makes Dread Return so good (another card people should run IMO).
Free spells are amazing. My cube can't support Snuff Out because its too much of a blowout and Contagion is almost as bad. Being unable to cast an aura even if the opponent is tapped out is too stiffling. It's certainly a great card, but watch consider your environment!
The ball is like... more fair and less time-consuming divining top. Scry 2 every turn feels like cheating when you double-bottom twice in a row or something.
One nice thing for this tread would be if guys added some commentary to some of these cards. I love hidden gems and I've found a lot of the ones I run from threads like this. But adding a little context around why the cards you listed are good and how they tend to be played (which decks or whatever is relevant). Sometimes it's obvious. Other times, you will point out really useful information that maybe isn't obvious to anyone that doesn't have experience with the card. I'll start with one.

Dread Return

This IMO is just as good as unburial rites (and maybe even better since it doesn't require WB to get both modes). In my experience, getting three dudes to sacrifice to his ability is very easy in a lot of decks. Tokens is the obvious place where you can abuse this, but even in something like a mana elf ramp style deck the flashback is surprisingly easy to trigger. Because the flashback comes at no mana cost, it is extremely powerful (like all effects of this nature in cube - snuff out, force of will, etc.) and allows for explosive plays. One of my favorite is with Living Death. You can sacrifice a bunch of ETB dudes to get something back (even something useless) and then follow-up with Living Death getting all three dudes you sacrificed back into play. This card is just so damn good.

It might be a little slow for really fast cubes. And it might not be consistent enough in removal heavy cubes where getting or keeping three guys in play is too difficult. So not all cubes will have the same success, but it really is very strong card in the right environment.

I know this thread is becoming a little like the card spotlight thread... but it's one of my favorite topics since threads like this always lead me to new cards I haven't seen or considered before.
The ball is like... more fair and less time-consuming divining top. Scry 2 every turn feels like cheating when you double-bottom twice in a row or something.

Scry is a great ability. I wish the ball only cost 2 mana though because 4 mana for Scry 2 is awful if that is all you get out of it. The game has to go long before that card really becomes a good value. My cube is certainly slow though, so I may toss this in and see how it does. I'm not married to my current artifact section.


Preacher such a strong card that I have happily run in the past and would certainly consider running again in the future. Most decks need to remove him or lose, though sometimes Kher Keep can come to the rescue. Very swingy, but very fun, the perfect kind of "guest star" card that drifts in and out of a list.

I've been playing Sylvan Safekeeper as "Heroic Support" and he has just been totally low impact. In theory, he seems like the perfect card, but the near useless body has been a relevant liability. Any good feedback on him to keep his slot?

Chris Taylor

Yeah I dunno about him either.
I even drafted him last night, and nobody ever actually tried to kill any of my dudes. Maybe that's a good sign?


I've been playing Sylvan Safekeeper as "Heroic Support" and he has just been totally low impact. In theory, he seems like the perfect card, but the near useless body has been a relevant liability. Any good feedback on him to keep his slot?

i'd love to say yes, but no :(

lightning axe is pretty worthless without stuff to pitch. fortunately, there is stuff to pitch

i'm gonna try preacher and contagion
That's actually the exact reason why I run it. We found that the effect is so powerful that it benefited from some "nerfing" through being a creature.

That should have been obvious. Duh. Lol

I've never run future sight long enough to get a feel for how broken it is. This card just seemed so fragile with the 3 toughness. I may try it though. Is this guy really solid in your meta or more fringe? The effect is stellar IMO if you get even two turns with it.