I can attest to this. Sometimes we forget just how huge a 4/4 flying for 4 is, and that ability is super dooper fun.Fun fact: Conundrum Sphinx is pretty playable already. Run it.
shuffling is great
Fun fact: Conundrum Sphinx is pretty playable already. Run it.
The Djinn is pretty sweet from a Johnny perspective. That said, it's a three-card combo that you still have to spend five mana on. Unless the entire cube is slowed down, most people are probably going to run more consistent five-drops instead.
I may have to steal that Djinn though... it's better than some of the jank I'm already running in my Johnny cube...
How much action is required for this p.o.s.?
Double Phoenix and flamespeaker[4:13:21 AM] Chris Taylor: they arew
[4:13:26 AM] Chris Taylor: but like
[4:13:34 AM] Chris Taylor: other than flamespeaker and chandra's phoenix
[4:13:38 AM] Lucas Childs: I like courser
[4:13:40 AM] Lucas Childs: it does a lot
[4:13:41 AM] Chris Taylor: both of which I'm doubling btw
Double Courser?
i've really come to hate brainstorm. it's just about the only blue instant that can get me to agree with wotc in condemning it as too good and bad for environments.
as has been talked about itt already it's primarily a card that will just make it easier to play "good stuff", easier to find your best cards, easier in general. i couldn't disagree more that it's "skill testing". i feel that the arguments that were wrongly leveled against damage on the stack are pretty applicable against it. it creates the illusion of options and challenge, but in reality it quickly becomes rote motions on extracting value from it with little effort or variance.
it helps if you don't hate fetches i'm sure, but like i can think of few plays more dull and repetitive than watching someone crack their fetches to shuffle away cards. i'd much rather play with cards that force better deckbuilding and card selection from the start and make people find paths to victory using what's available to them, not just always go digging for their best thing so it can carry them again.
i mean, the fact that probably it's best usage is to make miracles kinda bonkers is damning enough, as i think miracles are among the least interesting or fun cards to come out of the new game. and that's really saying something because there is a ton of lame shit being printed year after year.
Part of me identifies with this. I really hate goodstuff.dec (one reason I want to focus more and more on synergistic cards versus raw power cards to force deck buiding and not just power-grab drafting).
And yet there is another part of me that just hates building a deck and having my draw render it inept. Sometimes that is poor deckbuilding, yes. But a lot of times it's just misfortune. In all my years playing this game, one of the things I've really come to dislike about the game is the variance. I think we (long time players) have become somewhat numb to it honestly. But if you think back objectively on how many games of Magic you've played that really came down to each deck putting it's best foot forward... how often does that really happen? A lot more in Cube for sure (and that is why this is the best format ever). But again, that is WHY Cube is so appealing. Everyone thinks it's the raw power (and to some extent that is true), but I think power and consistency have a correlation. It boils down to this... when almost every single card in a cube draft pool is by itself a great card that can turn a game around, it is much harder to get a bad draw. So while you might not consistently land the nut draw, you almost always have a lot of good plays regardless of what you draw. No other format really creates that situation.
And this is where I start questioning whether more consistency isn't in some ways better. I definitely think there is such thing as too much consistency, so it's certainly not a black and white thing. And there are different levels of consistency too. Again, turn two reanimate Griselbrand is not something I want to be consistent. But having a solid play each turn and having answers for your opponents solid plays... that IS something I want consistent because it gives each player control of their destinies.
Hoofprints is not playable under any circumstances.
I fully approve of dubs Flamespeaker.