General Breaking Singleton

For the sake of discussion would like to tell us why?
More value overall, paying one more mana to draw a card is not that big of a draw back.
Maybe in a really hyper fast format paying 3 instead of 2 is crucial, but if you aim to make your cube synergy friendly thus probably allowing people to go durdly also instead of just aggro, then i don't see a competition between these cards.

Scry 2 is 0,5 cards, Augur of 0 cards or 1 cards and like i said before it mostly doesn't draw a card..
For more powerful riptide cubes (here I use the term to mean "low curve, good fixing, dense synergy" rather than "less powerful than MTGS cubes"), I really like the following cards for singleton breaking:
Imposing Sovereign - white aggro is in my mind at its best when it's disruptive first and wide or tall second. This effect provides a unique form of disruption that complements my next candidate nicely:
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - she pushes against white prowess decks, but I think most cubes have space for a "heavy creature" theme alongside a "heavy noncreatures" theme in white. She's both an incentive to go into a creature-heavy disruptive build, and a reward late in the draft for already being creature-heavy.
Monastery Mentor - this spot almost goes to Soulfire Grand Master but I want to hold out for some good shard tribrids before I start running multiples of gold-ish cards. Mentor is THE WOMAN WITH THE PLAN when it comes to prowess in Cube decks and having multiples of her in the draft will get your drafters to strongly consider grabbing those enchantments and combat tricks so they can make this amazing card even better.
Cataclysm - much like Balance and Upheaval in GRBS cubes (like my own), this is a single card that brings its own deck to the table just by being in the draft. You can do some subtle things with the rest of your cube to support that deck if needed but if you're a riptide architect you've probably already done them without trying.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy - has more lines of play (and more power) than any other looter in existence. If you like any of the following: spells, graveyards, modal cards, delve -- you'll like having multiple FlipJace.
Snapcaster Mage - the "business end" of the above's flip side, this bad bruh helps enable graveyard decks, flash decks, prowess decks, even blue beatdown decks. After all, flash is the blue haste! And if that's not enough to sway you, blow up the art for this card and check out those cathedral spires in the background. Drool.
Vendillion Clique -- do I even need to explain this one? Other people have already done so in better words on this very forum. I'll just say the Valley Girl Clique is the end of evolution for "smart aggro" creatures.
Condescend and Remand -- I group these together because they're both summed up the same way: stronk as bonk but in a way that encourages high-level thinking from both players.

Dark Confidant -- perhaps the world's most misunderstood cube card, and I don't claim to fully grasp His Bobness myself, but I will say he opens up a lot of things for a color that tends to be all about a couple fairly simple strategies (reanimation and recursive beats). Bob is the incentive card life gain decks are looking for, he's the reason to splash black in your Courser/Abbot deck, and oh did I mention he draws you a card every turn? Great in aggro obviously, but in the low-curve Riptide control decks that are easier to draft than you might think, he's also a bob-bomb.
Flesh Carver -- who says commander cards are fake? This guy keeps it real, going great in token-sac, ROCK, evasion, pod, and idk, probably some other decks too. And yes, it's because he's a high-value individual card, but it's also because he has so much synergy with things black decks want to do. And that's why you want more cannibals in your cube: fresh and free-range synergy.
Profane Command -- is it a finisher? Is it a value removal spell? It's both, and you can cast it for good beats at several points on the curve. X=1 is fine if you just need to push through one big mamma-jamma and get your Deathrite Shaman or whatever back. You know what else is fine? X=6 to get back Big Tree-Witness and do it all over again next turn. Tasty profane value.

Everyone knows about YP and the good Abbot already so I won't waste text on them. Just go multi on em.
Feldon of the Third Path - ever get tired of turning efficient red dudes sideways? Feel like there's something greater you can be doing with the color of art and romance? Why not run multiples of a romantic artificer who gives you artifact and graveyard synergy, plus a range of finite combo for your drafters to enjoy piecing together! (My favorite is Triskelion, but Precursor Golem and Pia/Kiran are swell too. And lots of other peeps!)
Tormenting Voice - say what you will about WOTC, but they did one thing right this year. They kept T-Voice in standard. This card is a fine little digger on its own, but it's got so many ways to become a value engine. For example, these new "soul" cards in SOI. It's everything Faithless Looting aspires to be.

Birthing Pod and CoCo -- another two I don't feel the need to argue for, since those arguments are public knowledge.
Lotus Cobra -- yeah yeah I'm a power maxer, but you tell me how dirty and delicious it is to have a legit 5-color enabler in your 5-color aggro deck... Twice! The Cobra enables a lot of cube deck brews (most of them involving 4+ colors) that are really hard to enable otherwise.
Nest Invader -- this little card that could is the kind of card no one respects in draft, but once you get to deckbuilding you realize "hot dang, the ramp, the token production, the ETB effect, the free death trigger... This guy synergies with everything at least a little bit!" And so he/she/it does. A great glue card that brings a lot of play in a nice, simple package.

Bonesplitter -- I heard you want to encourage aggro. How about encouraging aggro while also enabling Trinket Mage to become an aggro engine? Oh, and it gives Stoneforge Mystic something to fetch if anyone's still running her.
Phyrexian Revoker -- this one is very format-dependent but if you have the targets, this card is absolutely the zen maindeck that can give your opponent a different headache every game.
Precursor Golem -- Such a weird card! What does it do again? Well, it gives drafters who want a different kind of combo deck something really spicy to try, and if you run splicers too, the fun just gets funner. You don't even have to run Become Immense to make these guys silly. Try any cantripping combat trick for a build-your-own Ancestral, or for control players, target these guys with Mystic Confluence or Profane Command for ULTIMATE VALUE.


A few thoughts, first, oh my god please use card tags.

Second, I'm as singleton-breaky as the next guy (probably more), but I definitely looked at these ones a bit sideways:
Monastery Mentor - isn't two just broken as hell? This card is reaaaal good.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy - see comments on MM

Flesh Carver - this is probably fine, but two feels a little boring to me given the large amount of really excellent black three drops
Profane Command - I like the spell, but two feels heavy. Maybe your cube has more room for expensive/resizable black spells than mine does? My curves have been super low since the wasteland changes I made some time back.

Feldon of the Third Path - I really love this dude, but isn't two kinda awkward given the legendary clause? As with black, red three drops are really stacked atm. I think this is the one you could argue me off of most easily as he is a definite archetype pusher for red.

Those are my gripes, but I'm definitely willing to be convinced. I'll also second your suggestions on all of:
Cataclysm, Snapcaster Mage, Vendilion Clique, Dark Confidant, Young Pyromancer, Abbot of Keral Keep, Birthing Pod, Collected Company, Bonesplitter

I'm interested by the ones not in my "no" and "yes" lists. May give some a shot soon! :)
Yeah, sorry, that was a glib 3am rant from my cell phone, hence the terrible formatting. I'll concede that a lot of my suggestions are hella pushed, and also that my tone is dangerously close to imperative. Which is not the tone I meant to take! Actually a lot of my faves for multiplying are predicated on the notion that there's a certain thing you want to push, and they push it really well. But I didn't quite get there in my hastily-posted rough draft lol.

MM and Jace VP - yeah, they're pretty much best-in-slot choices. My thinking on breaking singleton for broken cards is this: one of the traditional problems with traditional cubes is the wide, wide power disparity between the best card in the cube and the 360th-best card in the cube. If you want a high-power environment, including multiples of your best cards (especially of the interesting ones) is one way you can narrow that power band and stay riptidey in your design principles. Obviously such a move will still push a lot of archetypes out of the viable power range, so it really depends on your preferences as a player.

Flesh Carver - you make a good point about the density of good options at B3. I feel like the deathrattle and activated ability make Carver one of the more complex options, but, I mean, I'm not breaking singleton on him right now. He does bring a push to several specific archetypes as well, so it depends on what you want your BX decks to do.
Profane Command - yeah, this would be bad in a cube with multiple wasteland. I'm a real sucker for modal cards, and this one I truly feel is both modal in the sense it's a command and modal across the mana curve. I mean obviously the dream is to always cast it for X=lethal, but think about how many strong 1-drop creatures and X/1 creatures we run. Casting this for X=1 in a low-curve cube really isn't a feelbad IMO.
Feldon- yeah, he's legendary. However, I personally wouldn't ever run both out anyway, as if you're playing a red Reanimator deck, you'll want to save the second copy in case they kill the first one. And red threes are definitely stacked. In my current cube, I've deliberately moved red away from the aggro/burn color, as I want the focus to be on big ol' bombs, and in such an environment Feldon will really shine and have more interest than one of the many strong aggro threes.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
That's really interesting about doubling up on Tormenting Voice. My plan for my next cube update was to double up on Faithless Looting - but maybe going with one of each is the better plan? I was never too impressed with Voice in the Khans nor Dragons limited formats, but it's clearly seeing Standard play, so maybe there's something there I didn't notice.
Voice is pretty darn low power - in a vacuum. Its power level scales almost 1:1 with what you discard to pay the cost. Examples in spoiler:

EDIT: in my current IRL cube you're probably fine if you played Wilds, pass or bluffed a counterspell turn 2, but my cube is all about big dumb plays right now so it's not indicative of pretty much anyone else on here's format.
I honestly wouldn't consider Voice a "real" 2-drop outside Big Red decks digging for land drops, RBx Reanimator, or decks built around Feldon/Alesha/Daretti. And that's okay! Not every card with CMC2 needs to be an awesome t2 play.
Double Bonesplitter? Seems a bit on the weak side next to the other cards in the list, such as Lotus Cobra and Precursor Golem and such.

Here's one I'm really proud of that I think does the trick much better:

Double Grafted Wargear.

Eh? EH? Loves tokens, loves aggro, loves recursion, sorcery-speed sac outlet, creates counter-play, turns any 2-power evasion into a four-turn clock... definitely the singleton break I've made that I feel most confident in reccomending.
am I mad for wanting to double on:

GDD has been absolutely stellar in the last few drafts I've held. I'm not sure about doubling, but I have been meaning to cut Inferno Titan for a while, and that might be a solid replacement.

Recruiter sounds interesting too.... I might try that out as well
am I mad for wanting to double on:

I've never tried recruiter (but maybe I should). I've been running a 3/2 flier for 3(U/R)(U/R) that does the same thing as dark dwellers and its always a blast, so I could definitely see doubling up on that effect. In general, I love the prowess/spells matter decks. Like the sacrifice aggro decks, they let aggro exist without forcing it to be linear. Bonus points for getting blue involved and producing white cards that aren't just piles of stats (aka Brimaz). Goblin darkwellers is even better because it can just be a value creature, but it plays well in the prowess decks too.
How do we feel about breaking singleton on the following cards?

I really enjoy stick-it-and-stack-it aggro, because all of these cards can really run away with the game in an aggressive deck without being as painful to lose to a board wipe (i.e., overplaying your hand into one), while conversely being desirable 1-drops to target with premium removal (e.g., Hero's Downfall).

On the other hand, does breaking singleton on these cards put the rest of aggro in jeopardy? They certainly sit high on the list of "good flex picks", shy of "goodstuff" but certainly pushing the limit (I'm looking especially at Figure of Destiny in this valuation).

Even considering that, though, I was really looking to push aggro a notch more, while still providing low-drops a control or midrange player might like. All of these remain fair compromises to that endeavor, I think.

But has anyone actually tried these? And if so, what's your opinion on them today?

Dom Harvey

have 2,2,1 of those atm and I'm happy with it (only reservation is I have so many GW cards that 2 Wardens seems excessive, but it even helps GB!). The quality of 1-drops especially in red drops off sharply if you don't want to load up on 2/1s and these are a lot more powerful/interesting


Ecstatic Orb
I run two Figures, can recommend! It's a really nice card for Boros Aggro, a deck that loves, and needs, its one drops. Two Figures sends a clear signal that the deck is a thing, and gives the deck a mana sink for the late game, should it get there. All three are marvelous targets for Ranger of Eos, by the way.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

Now that I've both lowered the power level of my own cube, and seen the mythical lands deck come together (...kind of), I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Loam, being one of the key engines of this deck, is a card that's probably worth doubling up on, since it's an altogether unique effect that can't easily be replaced, a la Birthing Pod or Gravecrawler. Crucible of Worlds is obviously a close cousin, but there are advantages to having a hand full of lands, whether that's to fuel a Molten Vortex or to provide fodder for a Merfolk Looter.

Anyone had any luck with double Loam? The downside I see is that, when the lands deck doesn't come together - which is admittedly more often than not - I'll be clogging up with my cube with more 15th picks.
The thing about Loam is it is pretty good in a regular deck. The other thing about Loam is very few drafters believe this.

This is spot on. LFTL always felt very narrow, but especially when I ran double fetches, I found I was more than happy to play this to get even two land cards back (sometimes even one), and then dredging it even if I didn't want to play it because it fueled graveyard and/or delve (plus got me more land cards indirectly).

I'm not sure I want two of them, but it's a cool effect and can be a supporting engine type of card in a lot of decks. So I can see it.

Dom Harvey

Loam requires a level of understanding and effort that most of my drafters, and most drafters in general, aren't willing/able to put in. I run it anyway but it rarely performs at its ceiling.